Tequila: Shion Madarame (Tokyo Revengers)

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Author POV

Another brisk night spent sitting at some random bar. Wasting time and money on drinks that tasted horrible for no good reason, or at least that's what Shion thought to himself. It was the third night in a row his "friends" dragged him out of the house to go anywhere and do anything. Shion however wasn't in the mood, he never really was anymore, and so he sat at the bar tapping the small sliver ring on his finger against his empty glass as he started down at the dance floor.

Shion looked down at the ring for a moment. He never left the house without it on, it was a habit by now, one he never seemed able to break. Maybe if he was willing to take it off he'd have better luck finding someone at places like this. Maybe.

"Need another?"

The sudden voice nearly made Shion jump, but he calmed down noticing it was just the bartender. Sighing Shion slid his glass forward

"Do you have Jose Cuervo...?"

The bartender chuckled as Shion said the name.

"Bottom shelf stuff? You sure?"

Shion just sent him a glare

"Well, do you?"

He asked a bit aggressively, causing the bartender to just chuckle again and raise his hands in a joking surrender as he walked away to grab the bottle. Shion just mumbled a few insults as he fished out a few dollars, messily pressing them to the bar top as his shot was poured in front of him. He hurriedly snatched it and turned away, still a little ticked off at the bartender.

'Never happened when he was here'

Was all Shion thought as he went back to staring at the dance floor. He pressed the glass to his lips and tilted his head back, letting the burning liquid flow down his throat. He nearly choked as he tasted it, immediately shivering at the horrid taste and burning in his throat. He now remembers why he never used to drink this garbage. But the taste, the taste made him remember. He remembers it like it was yesterday.

Seeing that idiot, dancing like he had no cares in the world. That bright and stupid smile that was only matched by the equally bright and arguably more stupid Hawaiian shirt he was wearing. The way he stuck out like a sore thumb as he approached the bar. Shion couldn't help but laugh at the time, even now he found it funny. That same guy, was the one who sat down next to him at the bar, willingly, and bought him a round. Bottom shelf, it tasted horrible, just like now, but the memory was oh so sweet.

Shion shook his head, setting the glass down and standing up. He didn't want to be here anymore, his friends could deal with it. So he ditched them, walking out of the club in a hurry. The brisk breeze of the night flowing through his hair as he walked down the street, to bust in his thoughts to care about anything else. He couldn't help but smile to himself, thinking of that dumbass shirt, the same one he wore on their honeymoon. He knew how much Shion despised it. He begged they take a trip to Hawaii, Shion couldn't say no even if he actually wanted to.

The sound of waves rolling softly against the shore, the smooth sand under his feet, the cold breeze that pushed against his face. It was cold at night but it didn't matter, his hand was always enough to warm him up when they walked the beach at night.

Of course the two could never afford to go in the summer, so they went in winter. It rained most of the time, and was nearly cold enough at night that you needed to wear a jacket to just walk the beach. No like it mattered, they'd play in the rain like kids cut loose during a storm, they'd dry off in time to stroll the shore and go eat wherever they could manage to get in without a reservation. It was a dream, one not many would share but a dream nonetheless.

Shion just smiled as he walked, remembering every little dumb thing they did, from bothering locals, to making an ass of themselves in the middle of a thunderstorm. He couldn't imagine doing that, even now.

Shion stopped by a small convenience store. Immediately walking to the alcohol section. He found a small bottle of tequila and bought it without a second's hesitation as he left the store and started down a path he'd grown accustomed to by now.

Shion looked down at the bottle in his hands. Reading the label, he couldn't help but laugh. It was the same type they had at the wedding.
(Y/N) had insisted since it was cheap and that they could always keep the leftovers. Shion never once forgot the taste of it, not because of the arms full of bottles they brought home afterwards, oh no. He remembers its taste because it was the only thing he could taste when they kissed to complete the ceremony. Apparently (Y/N) had snuck a shot in to calm his nerves before the ceremony, not realizing Shion would taste it on his lips. He never heard the end of it that night.

Shion could only roll his eyes as he finally stopped at his destination. He gently sat down in the grass. His eyes drifted down to a small granite square in the ground. His fingers instinctively ran over the name carved out.

'(Y/N) (L/N)'

Shion brushed off a bit of built up dirt and pushed a few weeds out of the way of the stone before resting the new bottle gently to the stone.

He pulled back and curled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them as he sat in a ball and stared at the stone.

Sometimes he wished these memories didn't make him feel this way. Feel so happy, make him smile, make him laugh. Remember every little detail like they were yesterday.

He wonders what he'd be like if they didn't. Would he be able to move on? Would he finally be able to take off this ring and not feel like he was missing something? To go to a bar and talk to someone new and not feel like he was doing something wrong? To not feel so desperately cold in bed no matter how many sheets he pulled over himself in the middle of the night? To not have to cling to that stupid shirt like his life depended on it to be able to fall asleep?

To be able to drink Tequila again and not remember everything he was missing?

The taste on his lips, the warmth of his hands, the smell of his colon, the brightness of his smile, the sound of his laugh.

The warm sensation of tears rolling down his face made him realize he was crying. No matter how long it had been, he'd never forget how bad he needed him.

Shion felt the warmth of another person's hand touch his shoulder and for the moment he prayed to any and all things above that by some miracle it'd be (Y/N), that same dopey smile, telling him he'd be alright and he'd never leave. It wasn't.

"Come on, let's get you home Shion."

It was Ran and Rindou, they had found him curled up next to (Y/N)'s grave, again. They pulled him up and helped him to the car.

"It... it's isn't fair"

Shion managed to sob out as he sat in the backseat. Rindou did his best to console him as they drove off. Shion watched as the shining bottle of tequila and the dark granite headstone faded away into the dark empty night.

He knew the night would be cold, it always was without him.

Hoo boy- might be one of the sadder things I've written in a while. Hopefully it hits y'all like it was hitting me when writing it and I'm not just a softy- anyways hopefully this one isn't to bad for y'all. Decided to do another song inspired one since I feel like you guys enjoy those ones, a bit shorter than my more recent stuff so I hope you don't mind, just kinda hard to fill out some of these ideas without making them feel bloated. Let me know how you like this one, definitely a little different than my norm so I hope y'all like it even if it is angst. Hopefully I'll be back very soon with another oneshot but that's a real roll of the dice apparently since college is kicking my ass. Anyhow, hope y'all are staying safe, staying hydrated, getting good grades, and hopefully I will see you all again very soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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