First meeting - Tweek

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It was a bright and sunny Colorado morning and I just so happen to be moving. I was moving due to my work as a police officer I was assigned to a new town, which was rare but apparently many of the former officers were corrupt and used drugs or something wild like that so I was sent as chief to help rebuild and I wasn't complaining due to the sudden promotion.But one thing I wasn't told was I needed to be there by 6 am leaving me with little to no sleep.  Which only made me even nervous than I was already was moving to a new town with nobody I know there but now I was on the verge of falling asleep while driving my pickup. But now I'm trying my best to calm down and I have to admit the scenery is very beautiful the snow seemed to shine and gave off a almost calming aura. It made me almost forgot about why I was worrying in the first place.  But I quickly remembered when I saw the trees coming to a stop. My anxiety flared up as the rest of the town came in view. I didn't know how the people of the town would react to having a new and younger police chief, as I was only in my early twenties. I hoped to have good relationships with the people in the town but I guess I should stop worrying and make sure I can actually make it to my house and move my stuff. On they way I spotted a gas station and pulled in to refill my truck and grab a energy drink to keep me from passing out. I walked in after filling my truck and saw four people that looked to be around my age if not s little younger. One was wearing a red and blue cap, the second was a short red head with a green hat, the third was a chubby guy with a light blue hat, the last was a lanky looking guy in a orange parka with most of his face covered by his hood. They seemed to not have noticed me enter most likely because of there on going argument between the red head and Chubby. I snubs my way past to the drink section and grabbed a energy drink and made my way back to the counter. To my surprise the four were still standing there with red head and chubby still going all out. They didn't seem to be moving anytime soon so I decided I might as well make my presence know.

(Y/N)- *ahem*

The one on the orange parka looked up in surprise and then turned to his friends.

Parka- Mmmm Mmmm! Mhmhm Mh Mmm Mhmh!

I had absolutely no idea what the hell he said but if seemed to get the one on the blue hats attention.

Blue hat- what was that Kenny? Oh! Sorry sir. Kyle! Cartman! Shut up and pay there's someone waiting

The red head I now knew as Kyle and chubby or cartman both turned and looked up at me. I must of looked either insanely tired or pissed off, which mind you I was both right now. Because both seemed surprised and a little frightened by my appearance.

Kyle- I'm so sorry we will pay and get out of the way as soon as fat ass pays for his shit!

Cartman- fuck you Kyle! I payed for your shit last time you could at least pay me back with this!

Kyle- I did pay you back! I bought you snacks earlier this week!

I was already tired and needed this drink so I decided I might as well end this and maybe get some info out of them as well

(Y/N)- Hey. Hey!

Kyle and cartman- What!

I'll pay for your shit if you both stop fighting and you can tell me we're I can get some breakfast around here.

Kyle- oh uh sure umm I can't really think of anything, Stan do you know anywhere.

The blue hat guy or Stan as I now know him looked to be thinking before something seemed to pop into his head.

Stan- oh yeah you could go up town and there's a cafe named tweet bros coffee, it's more about coffee but it does serve pretty good food.

(Y/N)- thanks, I'll check it out later and here pay with this.

I handed him a fifty dollar bill and they paid and moved on. I also paid and quickly chugged half the energy drink and moved on to my new house. I opened the door to see my furniture there already thanks to the movers. I then started the process of emptying the back of my pickup and moved the boxes inside before opening them up and sorting the contents into there proper places.

(Y/N)- god damn how the fuck did that take nearly an hour. * growling * fuck I'm hungry. I think I'll check out that place the kid was talking about.

I grabbed my comfy clothes a pair of sweatpants, a shirt sporting my favorite sports team, and a baggy Sweatshirt with my old high schools name on it and slipped on my shoes and drove off to find the cafe. I spotted the location after a small drive around town. The place looked a little small but cozy. I parked out front and walked in. Taking in my surroundings and looking around I looked for a place to sit, as I was walking I feel a bump and was suddenly hit with a burning sensation on my chest. I quickly looked down and saw a short blonde male on the floor with a cup of spilled coffee. His face was bright red but lucky for us the cafe was nearly empty. The only other people I saw where two other blondes behind the counter who seemed concerned. I looked back down and helped the blonde up.

Blonde- o-oh my gosh I-I'm s-sorry I-i didn't even hear someone come in!

He then looked up and his eyes widen and he backed away while rambling

Blonde- a-ack I'm s-so sorry I ruined your h-hoodie! Oh god! Now your going to hate me and beat me up for spilling coffee on you! Please don't hurt me!

He flinched and curled his hands around his head. I let out a hearty chuckle and moved closer to the shaking blonde and patted his head

(Y/N)- don't worry about it. I'm all good it's just coffee it will come out. And I should be the one saying sorry I didn't even see you. Plus you fell down. Are you ok?

The blonde almost seem surprised by my calm response and seemed to calm down a big but he was still shaking. I felt like I needed to make it up to him. Plus he was kind of cute to be honest.

(Y/N)- hey how about I buy you a coffee and we sit and chat for s bit.

Blonde- O-oh! You don't need to do that! I work here, the coffee was free, my parents own the shop so I get free coffee.

(Y/N) oh, well how about we get some coffee and just chat? I'm new here anyway so having someone to talk to would be nice.

His face seemed to flare up at this. Making me smirk at him, which only increased his blush.

Blonde- w-what about you sweatshirt!?

(Y/N)- I'm fine i didn't soak through anyways and I'll just wash it when I get home, plus I'm starving and kind of bored.

Blonde- O-oh ok, how about I get us some drinks and food on the house and we can eat and talk?

(Y/N)- sounds like a plan, but we might want to clean that up first.

The blonde looked down following the eyes of the taller male to the puddle of coffee and the cup on the floor. The blonde jumped and quickly grabbed some napkins to try and clean up but the taller of the two made it there first and cleaned up the spilled coffee and threw away the trash. He then gave the short blonde a smirk which sent his face on fire. They blonde then quickly sat him down and brought out drinks and food. Both ate and shared a conversation. With (Y/N) learning the blondes name to be Tweek. Which even for how odd it was he found himself smiling and thinking about how cute it was. This continued until they had finished.  (Y/N) then suggested they swap numbers which made Tweek squeak at the though of the handsome male wanting his number. And in the end they traded numbers on his way out  (Y/N) turn to Tweek.

(Y/N)- hey thanks for the food and your number wanna talk later?

Tweek- Yes! I-I mean sure.

(Y/N)- heh heh your so cute

(Y/N) then planted a kiss on Tweeks check. Leaving said male in a state of shock and embarrassment but also happy.

(Y/N)- I'll text you later cutie.

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