Recovery: Morisuke Yaku (Haikyuu)

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Requested by -guess_monster-

Continuation of Runaway so I recommend you read it first.
(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)! Get up we have school!". I shot up knowing I definitely overslept but can you blame me having busted ribs, a few gashes on my face, a sprained wrist, busted nose, and to top it all off a broken leg. Honestly I'm surprised I lived through all this but I definitely won't have if it wasn't for my beautiful boyfriend. Yaku has done way more for me then anyone human should, he's really been my at home nurse taking care of me for the past week or so now since the incident. Luckily my recovery has been going great so far, I'm able to actually move slightly now without pain and can actually feed myself properly. So since I've finally started to gain back some of my movements the doctors said I should continue with school but I would need personal aid. Of course Yaku signed up immediately and now he was basically a babysitter.

But on the bright side of things I'll finally be able to get out of the house, plus Yaku said he wanted to introduce me to his teammates. But I must actually get out of bed before anything else. I sat up and wiggled my way to the side of the bed. From there I grabbed my crutches and slowly stood on my good leg. I hobbled my way to the bathroom, almost tripping a few times because I'm still not used to these damn things. I finally got to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I checked the bandages on my head and replaced them with new ones. Afterwards I made my way to the stairs, my worst enemy.

"Finally, Alright come here." Yaku was standing next to the stairs waiting for me. He grabbed my bad side and led me down the stairs and into the kitchen. We had a short uneventful breakfast before we were driven off to school by Yaku's father. Once we arrived Yaku said he needed to check in with the volleyball club so I would need to come along. It wasn't a long walk thank god but I definitely felt awkward with all the people staring at me.

We made it to the little club house and I waited outside against the wall as he grabbed some stuff. "U-Uh s-sir do you need any help?" I looked over and spotted a woman a bit younger than me, maybe a first year, she looked very timid but had a kind smile that mixed well with her dark blue haired and lavender eyes. "Oh I'm fine! I'm just waiting for a friend." I chuckled out. She seemed to grow embarrassed. "O-oh I'm so s-sorry it's just I've never seen you here a-and though you may need some help." I laughed to myself a little bit. "Oh it's perfectly fine, I'm new here anyway I'm just having a friend show me around, but thank you for asking!"

She seemed to brighten up after my statement. "Ah Lady Hinata I found you, we must head to the club room now." A random guy who came out of nowhere said, he looked very similar to this Hinata, same hair just different color and those lavender eyes. "Oh Neji I'll be right there" she bowed in front of me. "Hope to see you again soon!" She waved as she jogged away.

"What was that all about?" Yaku asked, now standing next to me. "Not really sure, she just asked if I needed help" I answered. "Why would she do that, you clearly had help getting here." Yaku said, puffing out his cheeks. This would be the last thing I'd expect him to be jealous about but I wasn't gonna waste an opportunity.

"Awww your jealous~" he quickly looked away and pouted. I just wrapped a single arm around him and pulled him close. We shared a quiet hug and I planted a small kiss on his forehead. "Your lucky you're cute." Yaku said, letting his walls down. "But your cuter~" I said as I pecked him on the cheek. He pushed my face away. "Alright enough for now let's get to class!" He said while chuckling. I joined him in his laughter as we made our way to class.

The day went by quickly enough, school was boring but not horrible. It was better because I had Yaku around me constantly so I always seemed to be manageable. That led us to meeting his team. He walked me into the gym and I was immediately greeted by a silvered haired male. "Yaku-senpai! Is this your boyfriend! Isn't this the guy we saved? Is that why you're so close now?" The silver haired guy bombarded Yaku with questions, plenty of them being pretty sensitive topics but it was nice to meet the guy who helped me I guess. After the guy I now know as Lev got yelled at by Yaku which required me to pull him off of Lev with only one arm, we finally met the rest of the team. Kuroo was interesting, he immediately flirted with me which I stone walled because I'd rather not be ripped in half by Yaku, Kuroo on the other hand continued to temp fate and was quickly punished as Yaku straight up kicked me off me.

"He never learns" my attention was pulled away from my boyfriend murdering Kuroo to a short black with blonde highlights male. He was sitting on the bench next to me so I sat down. I saw he had what looked to be a Ds in his hands. That grabbed my interest immediately so I decided to start some conversation. "I assume this happens often?" I asked. He turned and nodded. "Yeah they've always been at each other's throughs about everything." I chuckled. That definitely sounds like Yaku. "Well the names (Y/N) (L/N) nice to meet you" I stuck out my hand and he took it, we shaked. "Kenma Kozume, I'm the setter and that idiotic roosters boyfriend." He said flatly like it was just normal. I laughed but decided to do the same. "Well what a coincidence, I happen to be the boyfriend of the guy currently killing yours". That got a small chuckle out of him and we talked about our weird boyfriends for a while until I was dragged out by Yaku. I luckily got Kenma's number and just texted him on our way home.

Once we got back I noticed Yaku pouting every time I was texting Kenma. I knew exactly why he was doing this so I hobbled my crippled ass to the kitchen, made some hot coco, grabbed some extra blankets from the living room, and hobbled all the way to the den mind you with all the shit in a awkward balancing act as to not spill but also still have grip on my crutches. I placed coco in front of him. He looked up confused but I didn't give him time to say anything as I threw a blanket at his face. That got a muffled "what the hell" as I sat down. "I can tell your jealous again so I decided to make it up to you." His head popped out of the blanket as he puffed up his cheeks. "I wasn't jealous!" I laughed at him. Damn he's adorable when he's like this. "Yeah totally now just shut up and let me love you." He just went with it and cuddled up with me. We sat there for a while just sipping coco and watching anime. "Alright time for bed" Yaku said as he yawned and stretched. I got an idea as he did so.

"(Y/N)? wait w-what the hell!" He yelled as I picked him up and put him on my shoulder. "I'll take you to bed my prince~" I said in a dramatic voice as I hobbled my way until I was stopped by the stairs. "Uh but first could you help me up these?"

"Hell of a Knight in shining armor." Yaku taunted. "Oh quiet, you love me." He chuckled and kissed my cheek as he started helping me up the stairs. "That I definitely do."

Fluff for everyone because we could all use a little more in our lives. So hopefully I will find some time to do the kill la kill chapter soon most likely in the next three or so days hopefully. But other than that I hope you all enjoyed this and hope to see you all again soon

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