Early Mornings: Draken (Tokyo Revengers)

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Warnings: slight spoiler but nothing to crazy.

Somewhat suggested by @xYxkKeiko
Authors POV

It was just another normal day in Tokyo or that's what Draken would've wished for. He was currently on his way home from a meeting with the gang, he was not only stressed out from everything happening with the gang but now he had to deal with the still relatively new stab wound. Now obviously he was grateful to even be alive but the wound and its stitches were bothering him to the nth degree. Not only could he not fight but he could barely move causing irritation, that mixed with the bumpy nature of riding his motorcycle meant that he couldn't even do that. And so Draken found himself walking home from the meeting.

Draken let out a small sigh as he pulled his coat tighter.

'Of fucking course it had to rain the one day I'm outside walking!'

Draken grumbled feeling the stress of everything hitting him at once, but whilst Draken was caught up with his thoughts he didn't even notice that he had wandered a little off his usual path and now was walking straight into a closed off ally were a group of thugs his age trapped him in. Draken only noticed his mistake once it was too late as six gang members closed in on him, three on either side.

"The hell do you wannabes want?!"

Draken yelled out whilst raising his fist

"Heh thought you'd still be in the hospital, but I suppose the great Draken can't be kept down that easily, I suppose we'll just have to fix that won't we?"

One of the thugs spit out his voice dripping with venom. Now usually this type of fight didn't bother Draken but he currently has fresh stitches and it hurts to even stand up much less fight. But fight he did, even with the searing pain burning a hole in his stomach he clenched his teeth as he fought the crowd around him. He managed to knock a few of the goons around but his world came to a stop as a solid object slammed harshly into his stitches. Draken's vision went white as the world spun and tumbled, air evaded his lungs as he fell to the hard concrete. He gasped as he curled up, feeling another blow from the baseball bat land down on his back. Draken fought to stay conscious desperately trying to fill his lungs with air but his vision faded into splotches of black and white, he began to lose all feeling as the pain overtook his body, his hearing overcome by a loud ringing and the sounds of yelling as he faded into unconsciousness.


Draken's POV

I opened my eyes and shot up with a gasp. A bolt of pain shot through my body as I tried to gather my surroundings.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down Draken! It's just me, (Y/N), you're at my place!"

I turned to see (Y/N) in what looked to be water soaked clothes, his eyes had dark rings underneath them as well as having a few bandages strewn about his face.

"Your okay dude, I just so happened to catch those assholes beating on you, don't worry I roughed them up good for you"

(Y/N) spoke with a prideful smirk. He's always been like this, (Y/N) whilst not being the best fighter in toman was good, he's always been proud of his fighting skills for as long as I could remember. (Y/N) had joined toman in the early days but always stayed in the background, he never really fought for a division leader spot or really anything now that I think about it.

"You good?"

(Y/N) words broke me out of my thoughts.

"Ah uh yeah- um thanks"

Seme male reader - one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें