Memories: Denki Kaminari (Bnha)

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Narrator's POV
We start our story fallowing a certain male who was wondering his way around a forest. The male walks into a small clearing where a finds a tall aged tree and next to it a disheveled looking trunk that looks as though it has been through years of decay from passing by storms and animals. The male seems to recognize the area and walks over to the tall tree looking closely at the tree looking at a engraving in the tree's bark and although it was worn the male could still read the two names in a heart. The male let's out a sigh and rest his backpack on the ground and pulled out a small hardback book. The male sat down on the stump and leaned back just enough so that he was leaning on the bigger tree. He opens the book and starts looking at the many illustrations. The male we have been fallowing is you, (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV
I had just sat down and open my book letting my mind get lost in the illustrations and writes that my lover had made years ago. It sent me down a lane of memories that I wouldn't trade for the world. I remember how I first met the blonde haired perv that is my husband.

I was out at a club currently getting absolutely shit faced with a couple of friends. We were all having a bit of fun and we end up meeting some other guys from a near by college. I was by far the most drunk of my friends and wasn't really keeping up with the conversation they were having but while looking at the group in front of us I noticed a incredibly cute blonde and my dick start to do the thinking. I walked straight up to him and leaned on his shoulder which was quite awkward due to the difference in height I had to lean quite a bit down to even reach him and nearly fell doing so. I gained my balance but by then he was staring at me and my mind went blank so I let out the only thing my wasted brain could come up with.

(Y/N): Y-your r-really *hic* p-pretty.

Denki: and your hot.

(Y/N): w-wait what?

Denki: someone should get you a cheeseburger.

He then proceeded to wave down a waiter and get you some food. God knows you needed it. Only a week later you you two were dating.
*flashback end*

Denki was only 19 at the time and was just starting off his second year in art school. You on the other hand were quite different you were a 20 year old mechanic who was at the time in a bit of trouble finding a place to work as there weren't many places that needed a mechanic in the city you lived. To be honest you never knew why he stuck with you because you were way below him at the time. You flipped through a couple of pages and found yet abound odd but interesting story that was capped off with quite a reveling illustrations of yours truly.

You walk into your boyfriends college apartment and see him on his bed in shorts and a larger T-shirt which with a closer inspection was actually one of yours. Odd but you found it cute. He sprang up out of bed and grabbed a note pad and pencil along with a assortment of other fine detail pens and pencils.

(Y/N): so what did you need me for?

Denki: so about that uhh don't freak out but what do you think about modeling for me?

(Y/N): why would I freak out about that? I've modeled for you before.

Denki: well I left out a small bit of info but it's a project for a class of mine and my teacher wants me to have a model and do multiple different portraits.

(Y/N): ok but I feel like that's not all.

Denki: well you see you need to be nude.

(Y/N): oh.

Denki: *blushes* yeah I know you don't have to I'll find someone else.

(Y/N): I'll do it.

Denki: yeah sorry WAIT What?

(Y/N):I said I'll do it. Plus I'm guessing that you wanted to do it with me sense I'm you boyfriend and you've already seen me naked.

Denki: thank you sooo much! I love you babe.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I gave he one in return before I started to strip and let him do his thing. He then stated that he wanted me to make a pose and I decided to a flex like a bodybuilder and widened my legs to give a clear view of everything. He blushed and quickly grabbed a different book and drew me and he seem very concentrated on drawing every little detail. He finished a bit latter and after a few more less exposing poses later I noticed how he was drawing all of the other poses in that same book. I then picked the book in question and looked at the drawing. It looked real and let's say he was very precise.

(Y/N): why'd you only draw this one in here

Denki: w-well uhh I'm gonna keep that one.

(Y/N): well if you wanted to see my body you could of just asked.

We then started making out and ended up just rolling around in bed all day having what he called "cuddle wars".

*Flashback End*

I looked up when I heard the sound of leaves crunching to see my beautiful blonde husband.

Denki: I thought I might find you out here.

(Y/N): Remember this *shows books*

Denki: oh god that drawing

(Y/N): brings back some good memories.

Denki: you know for being such a big guy you are a big of a softy.

(Y/N): and your the one who married this big softy

Denki: oh just shut up a kiss me you big nerd

(Y/N): love you too, you adorable idiot.

Hey so sorry about not posting for like a month I had ideas but just couldn't figure out how I wanted to write them out but hey I'll try a post a least once every other weekend. But hope you enjoy this and for those who may recognize this it was based off of fire watches opening. I recommend you watch Markipliers play through if you haven't seen it. Alright see you later and stay strong.

Seme male reader - one shots Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin