Drinking problem - yamaguchi and tsukishima

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Author POV
Our story starts with the town drunk or as he is also called (Y/N). (Y/N) himself was not a bad person but was actually liked by many in the small town. This lead many to question why he relied on drinking and what had happened to the man to cause the problem. This lead many to ask the man who seemed to have no proper reason to lean on drinking. He makes a decent living, owning the towns car repair shop and doing metal working for extra money when needed. He had a decent childhood growing up with both parents as the first of five children. Having three brother and a sister, all of which are still alive although they had all moved away for college. Growing up he was the perfect student. He was quiet and never had a outburst, he had good grades and worked hard in school. He was also athletically gifted, being the captain of both the football and wrestling teams and the best player for both. But the trouble started right after high school. Instead of accepting one of the multiple offers he got from colleges he stayed in town and started working in the shop his dad originally owned. He would then take over the shop only a year later. This confused many knowing he could have easily gotten a better education and even had gotten athletic scholarships but he denied them all. The theory's about something being wrong would be reinforced by his constant appearance at the town bar. And his time there would only increase over time leading people to try and get him to explain what's wrong. But he never budged and would always reply with a " there's nothing wrong, just happen to to like it here". This would make two people in particular worried. Tsukishima and yamaguchi. Both were friends of the male and high school and noticed his slight changes after school. The two one night decided that they would try to get the answer out of the taller male.  They would find (Y/N) siting in the same bar at the same stool, drinking the same drink as he always did.

Yamaguchi- (Y/N) we need to talk.

(Y/N)- sure, what's up?

Tuski- you know what it's about

(Y/N)- *sigh* fine, I needed something to entertain me anyway.

Yamaguchi- this isn't a comedy show! The stuff your drinking can kill you and this habit needs to stop.

(Y/N)- you think I don't know that? I fully understand what it can do, but I really don't care.

Tsuki- listen. We both know that something happened. You suddenly stop doing everything after high school, you quit playing football and wrestling even though you had scholarships to colleges to play them, and we both know how much you loved those sports. You stop talking to your friends and family! It's not right (Y/N) and you know it. So please tell us what's wrong we're worried and we care about you.

This made (Y/N)'s eyes widen due to the sudden outburst from the usually stoic male. He looked in tsuki's eyes and it finally sent him over the edge. He broke down and finally looked away from the two shorter males. He finally let tears fall from his eyes.

(Y/N)- I'm s-so s-sorry. I didn't known that's how you guys felt. *sigh* ok well it all started when I met this beautiful lady back when I was a junior in high school. Me and her hit it off and meshed immediately. We loved each other a lot and spent as much time as possible together but her parents we super strict and were against her dating before she was older. Our senior year we planned on finally making official because then we would be able to go to the same college. But she died when her house was robbed. Her family moved away afterwards and I never even got to see her burial or go to her grave.

Yamaguchi- h-how did we never hear about this?

(Y/N)- she lived a few towns over, we met at one of my football games when I was getting food after the gane.

Yamaguchi- I'm so sorry but we just had to know

Tsuki- if I would have known how serious it was I would have left it alone.

(Y/N)- it's fine, it probably best I start moving on anyway. But hey before you guys go thanks I really needed that.

Yamaguchi then moved over to tsuki and whispered into his ear. This intrigued (Y/N) as after it tsuki's face was a bright red color.

Yamaguchi- well since you told use your secret and helped us understand we wanted to thank you in a different way.

They then nodded to each other and both drew close and kissed both of (Y/N)'s cheeks. This made everyone involved blush.

(Y/N)- w-what why?

Yamaguchi- like Tsuki said we both really care about you and well to be honest we've be meaning to confess for a while.

Yamaguchi said while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. On the other had tsuki was still trying to recover from the fact that he had just kissed his long time crush and they were fine with it.

(Y/N)- how long have you guys been keeping this a secret?

Yamaguchi- truthfully we've been crushing on you since maybe senior year but we thought there was no way you didn't have a girlfriend. Which I guess was true so maybe it was a good thing to wait.

(Y/N) nearly fell out of his seat once he heard that these two had been crushing on him god that long and he hadn't noticed.

(Y/N)- alright well I'd be happy to call you both my boyfriend.

(Y/N) would then place a soft kiss on both of there foreheads. Both of them blushing and showing excitement at his acceptance of there confession.

(Y/N)- well one last round then we'll head back to my place.

Yamaguchi and tsuki- NO! We're leaving now!

(Y/N)- ok ok I surrender, let's head home.

Ok so I kind of went in a odd direct with this one but I hope it was ok. It wasn't as fluffy as the last one but I hope it wasn't cringey. Please tell me if I need to change it in anyway and or if you have advice for future oneshots

Thanks for reading

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