Scars: Toru Oikawa (Haikyuu)

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Requested by AthenaAthes

Demon Oikawa AU

I grunted as I blocked the incoming blade of my opponent, I pushed his blade back and swung at his chest which he quickly blocked. Now circling each other ready for the other to make their move, my opponent lunged forwards going for an overhead strike. I side stepped his blade but got caught when he swung the hilt of his blade nailing me on the chin knocking my helmet off. I crumbled to one knee holding myself up with my sword, I watched my helmet roll off into the distance as my vision blurred. I shook my head and stood up taking my stance again determined to win this duel. He yet again charged with an overhead slash that I easily dodged but this time I didn't give him time to follow up as I rammed my shoulder into him sending him backwards before slashing across his chest. I stood over his now bleeding from giving him one last look as I pushed my blade through his heart. I watched as a glowing orb emerged from his lifeless corpse as it floated upwards spinning around my sword before stopping at the blood red gem encrusted into the hilt. It seemed to be absorbed by the gem as the gem flowed for a short period of time then returned to its normal state. I sigh feeling relief wash over me knowing the fight is over, these damn mercenaries are getting better.

I walked over and grabbed my now chipped helmet inspecting it to see if there was any further damage afterwards I began my trek back to my hideout. My peaceful walk was suddenly halted when my sword's gem glowed yet again but this time a form jumped out of it. Oh god not now.

"(Y/N)-Chan! I'm ba- WHAT HAPPENED!" I flinched as the demon now standing beside me screamed into my ears. "Calm down you idiotic incubus" Oikawa gasped as he placed a hand over his chest. "How dare you! I am not an incubus for you information I am way above to sex charged fiends!" "Could've fooled me"

Instead of his usual retort he instead just pouted and mumbled something among the lines of me being a stupid dummy head. I swear for being a damn near unkillable demon he has the mind set of a seven year old. He eventually got over it and started asking questions again.

"So are you actually going to tell me what happened?" he said. "Got into a fight with another mercenary" I retorted flatly. I watched as his tail perked up, he clearly was worried. "You're ok right?! No cuts or scraps I need to heal?!" I shushed him with my hand. "Your rambling again and I'm fine just some bruises and took a hit to the head but I'm good" he nodded. "Ok but I'm checking you for a concussion and want to at least look at the rest of your scars to make sure nothings wrong." He insisted. I agreed as we came in view of my small wooden hut that I built into the side of a mountain. We made it inside and I began taking off my armor as oikawa just messed around with my stuff, that was until he noticed the blade. "(Y/N)! What the hell happened to my sword! You know I'm bound to this right!"

"Like I said it was a fight plus swords are bound to chip. I'll just fix it up when I get the time so just get over here and do the check ups you wanted to. He grumbled but walked over and inspected my eyes, telling me to follow his finger and stuff like that. "Ok so your head is good just be careful now for your body". I nodded and took off my shirt allowing him to see my chest, he clearly had a blush on his face and his tail was whipping around but I ignored it.

"J-Just sit down and let me look at you" He said shakily. I followed his orders and watched as he inspected my newly acquired bruises. "None of them look bad and luckily it looks like you just have a few small scraps so I'll disinfect those". Oikawa grabbed a small bottle of disinfectant and a cloth then started rubbing them on the scraps. It stung but I've been through worse, he soon finished putting away the medical supplies. I laid back on the bed exhausted from the fight. Oikawa walked over and laid right on my chest as if it was normal which at this point it might be.

"So I know this may be insensitive but how did you get your scars if you don't mind me asking?" I sighed but sat up with Oikawa's head in my lap, his horns poking my thighs. "It's fine but you got to be more specific than scars" I retorted. He hummed but then poked my chest before tracing a scar running across it. "How about this one?". I laughed as I remembered it. "Well I got that at a place called the red dragon inn when I got into a scrap with a psychotic bunny, a werewolf, and an elf lady who was great with a bow." "Sounds like a night," Oikawa said as he chuckled. "Yeah back when I was a bar hopping mess who couldn't earn a livable income if I tried, Hell it's why I was there because I was trying to gamble".

"Sounds like a rough time," Oikawa said as he looked up at me. "It was but then I met you, or well got stuck with you." He pouted and rolled to the side, his head now resting on my left thigh. "But I guess it was a blessing in disguise because since then I've really cleaned my life up and even if I'm still having to fight for my life at points I definitely don't regret stumbling into that cave and grabbing the spooky looking blade." Oikawa jumped up and hugged me. "And none of it would've happened without me!" I laughed as I ruffled his hair. "Would it be weird to date you?" I asked. He froze but managed to mutter out a "w-why?". "Well you're connected to my soul right so technically we're soulmates and because in all honesty for being a demon you are really sweet and caring even if you act like a crazy child sometimes but hey who said being a little crazy's a bad thing? I mean I'm the one basically asking a demon to be my boyfriend". Before I could get another word out, he wrapped himself around me "Yes! I do! I swear I'll be a great husband!" I laughed as he relentlessly kissed my face. "Going a little too far there honey but we'll see where this goes"

We kissed one last time before he pushed me back. "Okay as your new demon boyfriend I now order you to take a bath, you stink and it will help your wounds. And who knows if you get cleaned up maybe we could go out~". I laughed getting up and kissing his head. "Sorry honey but I'm exhausted so how about just a post bath cuddled session to make it up to you?" He nodded frantically as he pushed me off to the bathroom. I've definitely gotten myself into something alright but it might not be a bad thing after all.

So apparently the male version of a succubus is a incubus and yes I googled that specificity for this oneshot but other than that I have one more request for a heavyset reader I'm working on so expect that maybe tomorrow or the day after. Alright so hope you all enjoy this oneshot anfd hope to see you all again soon.

Seme male reader - one shots Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat