Hotline: Hitoshi Shinso (bnha)

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Warnings : extreme violence and gore, mentions of rape. Don't read if sensitive to these topics. 

Based on Hotline Miami's chapter 3

(Y/N)'s POV
I rolled out of bed feeling my body ache at my sudden action. My body was still trying its best to get used to my sudden "hobby " I had acquired but it's not like I could stop the messages and they clearly made a point that I'm not the one in control here. I pondered about the random messages I had been getting. They filled my head with questions such as "who is sending them?", "why do they want these people dead?" "Why me?". I shook my head to clear my thoughts and got out of bed noticing that I had slept through the day as it was dark outside. I checked my clock to make sure and it was just about 9 at night. I grabbed some clothes and took a shower, afterwards I checked my phones messages praying to god there wasn't another but it looks like my luck had run dry as I saw one message from a random number I clicked on it.

" Hi, it's Kate from hotline Miami's dating service. We have set up a date for you this evening. They'll be waiting for you at southwest 53rd place. As usual, make sure to wear something fancy."

I sighed and grabbed my keys before leaving the apartment knowing damn well that this could be the last time I do so. I got into my car and made my way to the destination the messages told me. I stopped our front taking a large drag from the cigarette I had lit to cool my nerves a little before grabbing my mask as well as a small pen knife out of the glove box. I stared at the mask knowing what was about to happen. I got out and popped the trunk grabbing a crowbar I had stored for obvious reasons and pulled on my mask before heading inside.

I checked the first hallway no one there but could hear movement in the room straight ahead I moved quickly I kicked in the door. The guy inside had been hit by it and now was on the ground. I immediately jumped on him, slamming the crowbar onto his head. Blood pooled as he bled to death. I grabbed his gun, a small handgun and looked around the corner at another guy standing in front of two large metal doors. I threw the crowbar around the corner, grabbing the males attention when he walked over and I made my move. I slammed my shoulder into him knocking him down then grabbed his head slamming it into the hard floor watching as he stopped squirming and lay dead on the floor. Ok only what looks like three more rooms.

I opened a door on my right to see three men, one was sitting on a couch the other two moving around the room. I took a deep breath before bursting in firing my handgun at the two standing men, both were hit and fell to the floor, the one on the couch got up trying to run for a gun but I caught him and beat him to death with the crowbar before beating the other twos heads in to make sure they had died. Ok two more rooms.

I headed to the room to the left of the hallway and noticed the men inside were moving quickly to the door, most likely because of the very obvious gunshots I ducked behind the door as it opened three men walked out. I stood back up watching the first two walk into the room I was just in. I took the opportunity to grab the third and stab him with my pen knife. His blood splatter against my hands but I couldn't worry about that now. I throw his body on the floor before moving to the door and grabbing a conveniently placed assault rifle. I aimed at the two others and watched as they turned around, I pulled the trigger emptied about half the mag. They both fell to the floor dead riddled with bullet holes.

A sigh passed my lips, alright one-
The metal doors slammed open and a large, burly man with heavy amounts of body armor stepped out, he immediately rushed me. I pulled the trigger of the rifle emptying the rest of the mag but it did nothing to him. This gave me no time to react to his attack. He threw me back into the room on the left, the rifle being thrown to the side. I looked around looking for something to pierce his armor. I spotted a shotgun at the other end of the room. I got up and waited for him to come at me again this time dodging his attack, immediately bolting for the shotgun afterwards. I grabbed it praying to the lord above that there was ammo in it, guess there no better way to find out. I turned around to see him charging at full speed, I aimed and pulled the trigger. Hearing the loud blasts of the gun I walked up to the man who was now staggered on the floor, I pumped the shotgun and put two more shells in his chest before grabbing his head and putting my thumbs in his eyes popping them. I got up and watched as the blood poured from his eye sockets.

I was about to leave until I heard sobbing from the room the large man had come out of. I walked into a dark room with a multitude of cameras surrounding a bed with a pale purple haired male laying on it, he was only in his underwear and looked to be crying. Next to him lay a pair of handcuffs and a larger empty syringe. He looked at me with his eyes a odd purple color much like his hair

."Just get it over with, I knew it would end like this"

His voice was raspy and strained. I knew it would be best to just end him here and now just take the gun in my hands and splatter the walls with his blood but I couldn't, I mean he's innocent and was clearly being used by these scumbags. I grabbed him bridal style and took him back to the car, driving off.

We made it back to my apartment. I immediately patched up his and my injuries before letting him rest on the couch. He still hasn't woken up from when I got him out of there but I wasn't worried he was still breathing and looked peaceful in his sleep. I made some dinner large enough for both of us, hoping he might wake up in time to eat but my hopes were squashed as it had been well over an hour since I had eaten and he still lay motionless. I save the rest just Incase and put it in the fridge. I checked on him once more before heading to bed, wondering if I had made the right decision.

———Time skip————

I woke up and looked at the clock on my nightstand and it was surprisingly early. I had woken up at 8 in the morning, not bad for staying up half the night. I got out of bed and went to check on the mystery man. He was surprisingly up and looked over at me the second I walked out of my room. He curled into a ball while covering himself in the blankets I had put on him. I walked up and sat down next to him putting my hand out, "hey don't be afraid, I got you out of that place so don't worry you're safe with me".
He looked unsure about what I had just said, I mean could you blame him I'm just some random dude who savagely murdered his kidnappers and now he's in a random apartment with that same guy. I got up and went to the frigid to grab some food from inside and brought it back to the couch, offering it to him. He seemed hesitant but then his stomach growled quite lowly resulting in me chuckling and him blushed while taking the food and quickly scarfing it down. " Alright so my name is (Y/N) and this is my apartment. You're allowed to stay here as long as you want. I just ask for one thing, what's your name?" I asked " o-oh uh Shinso my name is Shinso. He started while looking at me.
"Alright Shinso let's get you fixed up."

——-time skip 3 months later———-
Me and Shinso had grown close over the last few months. He was my only friend, he knew about the calls and what I did but didn't seem to care at all, only caring about the real me. To say that I hadn't grown attached to him would be a lie, I loved him and he loved me back. We never truthfully confessed our feelings but we both started cuddling and eventually we both started sleeping together after we both had nightmares about what I did or what happened to him. We became reliant on each other's love and now feels like the right time to make it official. I walked into the apartment hiding a special something behind my back. He was laying on the couch but jumped up and walked over to greet me. "I have a gift for you" I said as he looked up with interest visible in his eyes. " and what would that be?" He questioned me. I shushed him with my finger before telling him to close his eyes. I put a silver necklace on him before grabbing his hands, he tensed at the action but relaxed quickly. I gave him a quick peck on the lips, his eyes shot open staring at me as if I had gone mad. I pulled Him close and said "Shinso will you be my boyfriend?". His eyes widened and a blushed spread across his face before a smirk appeared on his lips. "What's so funny?" I questioned hoping not to get rejected. " you did all this just to ask me out, you really are just a big soft hearted nerd". He said while chuckling. " I'm assuming that's a yes" I said sarcastically, kind of disappointed that this didn't go down how I thought it would but hey he's sorta said yes.
" you're damn right it is now kiss me you tall idiot"

I'm kinda tempted to make a book based off Hotline Miami to be honest but I don't know what I'd do exactly for it but enough of that I hope you enjoy this it's my longest by far I know the actual romance part is a bit cheesy and rushed but I still liked it enough To post it so we will see I guess I'm thinking about doing Deidara from Naruto next but it's not a for sure thing so if you guys have suggestions please request on the request page it would be very much appreciated. Also thank you all for 18k views and I think around 600 votes it's truthfully incredible to see how much this book has grown and it's all thanks to you readers. Alright enough of that stay safe, have a fun Forth of July if I don't post before that and all that good stuff.

Seme male reader - one shots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن