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I redid my hair and fixed my clothes so that nothing would look suspicious.

"No one could ever know of this. Do you understand me Xavier. If Donovan has to find out it will ruin everything."

"Do you really think I'll say anything. You must clearly not know me well enough."

"I never said you'd say something so don't get all defensive."

I finished up and left. I had to get back to Donovan. I made my way through the crowd. I couldn't find Donovan anywhere.

I asked around for him and someone told me he was in the kitchen. That's where I went. There he was talking to the guys and looking great doing it.

"(Claire) There you are."

"Hey babe."

"Ah what you up to?"

"Just talking to the boys."

I stepped closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. Finally I could be with someone that wanted me and that appreciated me.

"He didn't give you any trouble right?"

"No not at all. We had a friendly conversation."

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to say sorry that's all. Oh and he wanted to set things straight you know so that all drama could be avoided."

"I see. You want a drink?"

"Sure why not."

The party was great fun. Donovan and I almost went to far with things but luckily we realized that being stupid wasn't worth it.

So its a week later. We've been so busy, rehearsal time has doubled. The play was two day away. Xavier and I haven't really talked since that night at the party.

We've agreed to keep things professional. At least I'll only have to tolerate him until the plays over. After rehearsal I made my way outside, Donovan was gonna pick me up.

"Claire wait up."

"Xavier you just don't seem to get the message I thought I told you to leave me alone!"

"We have to talk about what happened at the party."

"No we don't!"

"Don't raise your voice at me I don't appreciate it."

"I'll do whatever I want to and there's nothing you can do about it!"


"Do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone!"

"So you're just going to pretend that nothing happened?"

"If that's what it takes to be happy then yes."

"Okay so we didn't talk, we didn't fight and me most certainly didn't sleep together, is that what you're trying to say?"

Donovan showed up so I had to leave.

"I have to go."

"Fine pretend that nothing happened. Pretend that we didn't do what we did. Fuck this I don't even know why I tried talking to you."

"I don't know either."

I turned around and left. He just makes me so angry. I was gonna forget that we ever did anything together, I was gonna forget him because I deserve better.

Anyway so it's a few days later and we're getting ready to do the play. My nerves are shot. I want this to happen but I don't want this to happen. All those people. Their eyes are gonna be on us.

We were about to go on. I looked in the mirror one last time and took a deep breath. The curtains were down and we stood on stage. Xavier took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I know were not really talking but you're gonna ace this. You're a born natural believe me."

"Doesn't feel like it."

"Just relax."

The curtains lift and the lights hit us. My eyes searched the crowd for Donovan and my mom. I flet relieved when I saw them in the front row.

We completed the first scene. I was stressed out beyond repair. I changed my outfit and heard a knock on the door. It was Xavier.

"Can I help you?"

"Can we do a stress relief exercise?"

"Xavier can we not?"

"Please Claire. I really need it."

"Fine. Come in."

So we did some exercise. We went back on stage. The second scene went well and before we knew it we got to the end scene. Xavier finished the dance off by dipping me and placing a kiss on my lips.

"I love you Claire. Whether you believe it or not."

We bowed done and I ran off the stage. Tears were streaming down my face how dare he? Why did he have to do that?

I went to the bathroom to clean off my face. I heard Emma crying. I opened the door.

"Emma, what's going on?"

"Oh as if you care. Do me a favor and leave me alone!"

She threw up.

"What's going on?"

She started crying.

"I might have done something so terrible."

"What did you do?"

"I slept with someone. I'm always lucky, I always dodge a bullet but this time I wasn't that lucky. I did a test I'm pregnant Claire."


"Shocked? We both knew you didn't know me as well as you thought."

"Is it Xaviers?"

She kept quiet. I stormed out with tears in my eyes and went to find Xavier. Once I found him I shoved him.

"You asshole! How could you?"

"What did I do?"

"She was my best friend. Why'd you knock her up! She doesn't need that!"

"What are you saying? She's pregnant."

"Yes Xavier, fuck you really have a way of screwing things up!"

"Hey I didn't force her to do anything! So don't you fucking come at me! She made that choice, did you know she drinks?"

"She used to be my best friend. She never went to no party and she never drank a single sip of alcohol!"

"Oh Claire, sweet sweet Claire that's where you're wrong. You don't know her. She told me she never wanted to tell you because you're a stuck up bitch. She was afraid you'd judge her."

"I would never do that! I always supported her with everything she did!"

"That's not what I heard."

"So if I'm a stuck up bitch why'd you hang around?"

"Because Claire me and you aren't that different. You might think so but we're the same."

"We're far from the same."

"Not only are you stuck up but stubborn."

I had enough of his crap. I was gonna lay it on him.

"Fuck you. I'm so tired of your bullshit. And I'm tired of your little games!"

"You can end all of this if you just stop being so stubborn."

He stepped closer.

"Back away from me right now."

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