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I woke up but he wasn't there. So I got up, went to the bathroom, fixed my hair and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs.

Now I know what you're thinking. I didn't do all that because I didn't want him to see me as a mess or because I didn't want him to smell my breath.

I always do that when I get up. So that I know I'm half way done. So I went downstairs and saw him cooking whilst talking to my mother.

Oh shit, I'm gonna be in so much trouble. I quickly ran  upstairs and messed up her bed. She couldn't see that we slept in the same room. She would flip and don't even get me started on how she would react if she knew we shared a bed.

Once I finished up there I went back downstairs. My mom was laughing so I'm guessing she likes him. I'm not really sure because she could also just fake liking him, I mean.

As soon as I entered the room I saw his eyes on me. So much has happened between us it's unreal.

"Morning mom, did you enjoy your night?"

"Yes honey. I'm glad you got Xavier to stay over. It's saver that way."

Wait for it.

"You didn't share a room or a bed right?"

And there it is.

"No mom, I would never. He slept in my room and I slept in yours. If you want to make sure I'm not lying go and see for yourself."

She got up and went upstairs. He gave mean a cheeky look.

"Nice one. I mean if it was my mother I would just straight up tell her that I slept next to you and in he same room."

"Yeah well I'm guessing that doesn't surprise your mother because it's kinda a usual for you. Me on the other hand I don't so shit like that."

I heard my mother coming downstairs. Oh Lord please let it fool her. I can't get into trouble.

"Seems like you were right all along."

"You know you can trust me mom."

"Of course honey. So are still gonna do those auditions for the lead role."

"Lead role mom?"

"The drama the schools preforming two week from now."

"Oh yeah right. I was thinking about it yes."

"Actually Claire, can we run some lines together?"

"Wait. Are you gonna audition?"

"Yeah why not?"

"You don't strike me as someone for the stage."

"Careful Claire I might teach you a thing or two."

"Honey how could you say something like that? I'm shocked."

"I didn't mean it in a nasty way."

"It's alright ma'am I'm not offended. People mostly think because I'm a jock that I don't do anything other than sport."

"Oh please Xavier call me Lucia. Ma'am just sounds to formal."

"I couldn't call you by your name."

"Oh please Xavier. I insist it will make me feel better."

"Okay then Lucia. So what do you do for a living if I may ask."

"I work as a nurse at the local old age home."

"A nurse. Well Lucia you didn't strike me as the nurse type. If you hadn't told me I would of thought that you're a receptionist."

"Oh no I could never be a receptionist."

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