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I woke up before Xavier and all I could think was that we almost kissed. I was still lying on his chest. He looked so peaceful when he slept, so perfect. I finally understood why girls liked him so much. I mean who wouldn't, with a face like that he could probably rob a bank and get away with it.

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I had finished rinsing my mouth I heard a slight knock followed by the door opening a little.

"Look who finally got up."

"I'm sorry for the way I behaved last night."

"Why would you be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong?"

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that nothing happened between us."

"Nothing, you wanted to kiss me but I pushed you away, then I got into bed and you asked me if you could lay down and I said yes. So I ended up falling asleep on your chest that's it."

"Wow, for once in my life I'm proud of myself."

"Can we make coffee or go home so that I can have coffee?"

"I'll take you home, the place is a total mess."

When I finished dressing we left. As soon as I stepped outside the room I saw people passed out in the hall and tons of red cups lying everywhere.

The drive was quiet not that I'm complaining I prefer it that way. When we approached my house I saw my mom's car outside. She can't see me with Xavier then she would know that I wasn't home.

"You can drop me on the corner its fine."

"Why not just drop you off at your house?"

"My mother is home and she doesn't exactly know that I went out last night. She probably just got home."

"Won't she ask why you're up so early?"

"She would yes but I'll tell her I went to have coffee with Emma."

"Okay if you say so."

So he dropped me at the corner and we exchanged goodbyes. Thank goodness that was the last time he would ever bother me. I still can't believe that I actually went out. I opened the door and my mother greeted with a smile.

"Morning honey, where were you?"

"Morning mom, I went and had some coffee with Emma, she needed help with something for science."

"Funny she usually comes in to greet."

"Oh about that she told me to say hi, she wanted to come in and chat but she's on her way to the old age home to go and visit Aunt Rose, a friend of her grandmothers."

"Since when does her grandmother have a friend named Rose?"

"Not quite sure. Maybe it's a friend from school."

"Anyway as long as you're safe I'm happy. Get some breakfast won't you. By the way I'm gonna shower and head to town. We need groceries."

"I'll go with you."

"Well the we better finish up."

When my mother went to shower I jumped in the shower as well. I couldn't tell her I wanted to shower then she would ask me why I didn't shower before I went and had coffee. I mean what would I say "Oh hi mom, I went to a party." She would flip.

So we got ready and left. Grocery shopping was boring really. I asked my mother if I could go to the shop next door to go and get some clothes. I was in the jeans department when I bumped into no other than Xavier. What was he doing here?

I tried to turn around and go some place else but he saw me. Oh life why did you always have to punish me?

"Claire, where you off to?"

"I meant it when I said we weren't gonna talk again."

"Well you can atleast say hi."

"Were stranger again okay so I never wanna see you again."

"A date and I promise you'll never hear from me again."

"Bye Xavier."

"Come on Claire."


I turned around and just left. I didn't have time to do this right now. I meant it when I said I didn't wanna see him again. The rest of my weekend was okay, mostly spent my time watching movies.

Emma also come to visit and we had dinner at my grandmother's house.

I was getting ready for bed when I heard something hitting my window. At first I didn't wanna check but curiosity got the best of me.

So I got up out of bed and cursed when I felt the cold. Keep in mind that I'm dressed in a crop top and some sport shorts.

Don't ask me why because it was during winter. But if I had to give a reason it's because I can't seem to sleep in long clothes. It's just so uncomfortable.

When I reached my window I saw Xavier there. I'm mentally busy losing it with this guy.

What did I have to so to get him to stop following me? I opened the window and told him to wait five more minutes.

I ran downstairs and went outside. He looked so happy to see me but I wasn't having it.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I missed you and felt like I had to see you."

"Xavier this has to stop."

"Do you hate me that much."

"I don't hate you. Geez let's go out back. There's a place for us to sit. Because my mother is sleeping. And if she has to wake up and sees you. Well let's just say trouble will follow."


I walked infront of him and he intertwined our fingers. When we reached the backyard I motioned to the hammock.

He went and sat down and motioned for me to join him. I decided to straddle him. It was part of my plan after all.

He seemed amazed by my actions. But didn't seem to give it much thought.

"So Claire Bennett don't you ever get tired?"

"Tired of what?"

"Of running around in my thoughts all the time."


He grabbed hold of my ass and I kissed his neck. I could feel what I was doing was working. Why might you ask? Because I felt his hardness.

"That feels good doesn't it Xavier?"

"I'll never tell you."

"You don't have to. You're hard that says it all."

He just kept quiet. I started shivering and he gave me his jacket.

It had his nickname and position he played on it. I felt good wearing it. I almost felt like his girlfriend. I went and laid down, still straddling him. He rubbed my back and I fell asleep.

I could feel him carrying me and putting me in my bed.

"Goodnight Claire."

That's all I heard before he left.I was not prepared for what was gonna hit me Monday morning when I got to school.

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