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I got up and decided that I was gonna take this day one step at a time. I was gonna avoid him and I do hope he does the same. I showered and put on some sissy boy jeans, a white crop top and some Adidas shoes.

I was ready and feeling positive about today. When I got downstairs I grabbed myself some French toast. My mother wasn't up yet. As I walked passed the window I saw someone outside. I stopped to check and saw Xavier.

Why won't he just leave me alone? I just can't take this anymore. Why can't he just leave me alone? So I put down my plate and went outside.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick you up."

"No you're not. I'm not driving with you anywhere."

"Come on I won't get you killed. You've driven with me before and look you're still alive."

"Look like I said plenty times before I want you to leave me alone. We had a deal I did my part and you did yours end of the story."

"But that was then, you see I can't keep to that deal anymore."

"And why is that?"

"I found a liking in you and I'd like to keep you around for a while."

"(Laughing) I'm sorry but I'm not gonna be another girl on your list."

"You see the others never get to stay longer than a day. Unlike you. You've been around for a few days now and believe it or not I actually enjoy your company."

"You're just saying that to soft soap me, well I got news for you mister it's not gonna work. Unlike those other girls I don't fall for your charm."

I turned around and started walking inside. But he slightly pulled me by my wrist.

"Claire come on."

"What Xavier?"

"You can't deny it, you too felt it."

"Felt what?"

"That spark between us."

"There was nothing."

"You're just denying it, you just won't accept it yet."

"Look Xavier I don't know what you felt but I didn't feel it."

"Well the way your body reacted to everything we did proves otherwise."

"That was just me being nice. I didn't wanna bruise your little ego."

"That's bullshit and you know it as well as I do."

He stared me dead in the eyes. He took a step forward and I took one back. This went on until my back hit the wall. His hands instantly reached for my waist and he picked me up. I wanted to resist but I couldn't, it all just felt so damn good.

He moved my hair away and placed soft kisses on my neck.

"Tell me you don't feel that. Tell me doesn't feel good. Tell me you don't want this. You know I'm right Claire. You crave my touch as much as I crave yours. It makes us both feel alive, it ignites that dormant fire inside us. Tell me you don't feel that burning fire somewhere."

I couldn't talk because as much as I hated it, it did feel good. A part of me always wanted this. If you didn't know I did have a crush on Xavier a long time ago but lost interest when he asked out Veronica Hills, the schools biggest bitch, excuse my language. She always hated me, funny because we used to be friends a very long time ago.

Anyway because of that it made my plan better. I had a motive to want to destroy him. And that made my revenge all too sweet. I had to stop this right now because the plan was to destroy him not like him.

"Please let go of me."

"On one condition."

"And what might that be?"

"You drive with me today."

"If it makes you put me down and leave me alone then fine."

"You ready?"

"Yeah I guess. I haven't had breakfast though."

"I could join you we have time."

"No matter what my answer is you'll do it anyway."

So I went inside and finished up my breakfast. After that we left. He put the music on and it almost blasted my ears right off my head. Seriously who listens to music that loud?

"Could you please turn that down?"

"No, why should I?"

"I'm never driving with you ever again."

"You will, believe me they always come back for more."

"I'm glad you think that."

I turned the other way and I heard him putting the music softer. He listens after all, who knew. As soon as I got to school I tried to get rid of him but he's like a leach.

"Can't seem to leave me alone, can you?"

Silence he just kept quiet not saying anything. Everybody was staring at me and whispering among one another. I even got a few girls calling me a slut. How is it that even though you do nothing you still manage to do something?

It puzzles me really it does. Xavier just glared at everybody yelling out things. I couldn't do this anymore. I missed being the quiet girl that nobody knew. I turned to Xavier and he gave me a puzzled look.

"You know what this is your fault. If it wasn't for you then nobody would know who I was."

"You know life would be so much nicer for you if you just stopped being so uptight."

"I'm not uptight."

"You are Claire because you care what others think and say. So what if they make up rumours of us sleeping together, we know what the truth is."

"You don't get it Xavier, hearing a rumour about yourself isn't so bad for you because you live up to your reputation. For me it's bad because I know I'm innocent I'm not that type of person. I have a good reputation to live up to. I only have one name and I can't have it ruined by some idiotic boy!"

"Geez idiotic that's nice. Thank you now I know what you really think of me."

"Xavier, I didn't..."

"Safe it I don't wanna hear it. If I bother you that much I'll leave you alone."

He left and I felt bad. Why was I so mean? Was it because I knew deep down that I still felt something for him? Or was there some other reason. What am I kidding there is no other reason.

We sat in history when I heard the intercom go off. It frustrated me because I was busy with a question and lost what I was trying to say.

"Could I please have everyone's attention? I am gonna get a detention for this but I needs to be heard. Claire and I never slept together. Yeah she spent some time with me but she slept on the bed and I took the couch. So if I hear anyone spreading another rumour or adding to one I will find you and things won't end well for you. She's innocent, a miss goody toe shoes, top of her class."

You heard the principal's voice before the intercom went off. Why if I was nasty to him would he do that? Did he maybe care? No Claire stop being silly, Xavier caring whatever. The day he starts caring there will be a huge storm.

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