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I looked for Emma and when I found her she said she was gonna stay over. I told her that I'd collect her the next morning and left.

I walked home in the middle of the night. I've never been this scared in my life before. I mean I'm in a nurses costume and it's the sexy kind so it shows off a lot of skin.

I passed a house filled with college kids and the one guy stopped me. At first I wanted to be mean to him but then I realised I knew the guy.

"Claire, hey is that you?"

"Umm who the hell are you and why are you talking to me?"

"You don't remember me?"

"Wait Donovan is that you?"

"Yeah, damn how have you been?"

"I'm good I guess. I mean I just came from a party where the one guy I spent time with sent me packing because I played him."

"You did what?"

"Forget it I'll tell you some other time. Anyway give me your number and we can meet up sometime."

"Yeah sure."

He gave me his number and I said my goodbyes.

"Wait where are you going and why are you walking?"

"I'm on my way home and I'm walking because no one wanted to drop me."

"Why don't you join us. It's not safe for you to be walking alone this time of night, ecspecially not dressed like that."

"I don't wanna intrude."

"Claire please I insist. I'll look after you and keep you safe I promise."

So I went with Donovan and joined their frat party. The place was jam packed.

"Want something to drink?"

"Sure I'll walk with you."

So we walked to the booze table and fixed me a drink. We spent most of our time talking and laughing. I haven't seen him in ages since he started college.

The party died down a bit and we all ended up sitting in the kitchen. I was situated on the counter and Donovan stood across from me.

He kept staring at me and I just smiled each time. They offered everyone something to smoke but I refused. I wasn't one for smoking. Everyone wanted to go and swim but I said I'd sit this one out since I had no clothes to swim in. Donovan was nice enough to sit with me.

"I do hope you don't blame me for what I'm about to do."

"What do you...."

He kissed me. And I couldn't resist. Damn this guy was a great kisser.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that."

"What do you mean?"

"I've wanted to kiss you from the moment I saw you."

"You're a great kisser let me tell you that."

"What happend to your lip?"

"It's a long story really and it doesn't matter. I don't wanna talk about it."

"Okay I fully understand. We should probably get you home."

"Yeah it's late."

"Just wait here I'm gonna get my keys and then I'll drop you off."

So he grabbed his keys and motioned for me to follow him. We got in his car and he drove me home. It was two in the morning and I found myself thinking of what Xavier said.

He didn't even care if I walked home. I could of died and he wouldn't be faced. All of that just because he's angry. Donovan noticed this and gave me a frown.

We pulled up in my driveway and I got this crazy idea to ask him to spent the night with me.

"Hey ummm do you mind spending the night."

"No whatever makes you feel comfortable."

We went inside and I put in comfy clothes before getting into bed.

"Could I have a pillow and blanket?"


"I mean I suppose I need it to sleep."

"Why don't you just sleep next to me it's not like we're gonna do something stupid."

"Okay if that's what you want."

I turned my back on him and he traced all the spots where Xavier bit me.

"Is someone abusing you?"

"No. Those are bit marks. And before you ask I'm not talking about it."


So we went to sleep and I woke up to someone knocking on my door. So got out of bed and opened the door. It was Xavier standing there with his ruffled hair.

He looked so tired but better yet the question was why he was here standing in front of my door when he told me last night that I should leave?

"Xavier what are you doing here?"

"I need you to stay in my life even though you plan on breaking me."

"What? Last night you told me to leave and you made me walk home because you refused to drop me off and now your here why?"

"I was angry because you said what you said but I want you to explain."

"Can we talk outside please?"

"Why? Can't we just talk inside?"

I was about to say something when Donovan came out of the room. For crying out loud why'd he have to do this right now.

"Who's that?"

"It's family of mine. Our family is visiting and our house is full so my mother asked if he could stay here."

"Don't bullshit me Claire."

"I'm not. I swear. Can we just talk without fighting for once?"

"I don't know Claire you tell me? You clearly didn't come home after leaving my place. You went to another party and picked up someone."

"Xavier please, let's just talk."

"(Donovan) Morning Claire. Did you sleep well? Who's your friend?"

"I'm Xavier and you are?"

"Donovan a friend of Claire."

"I knew it, you know I'm sick of your bullshit Claire. I'm sick of you using me and lying to me."

"Xavier please."

"You know what fuck this and fuck you. I'm done this was the biggest mistake. I should of never come here in the first place!"


He turned around and left. I closed the door and slide down onto the floor. Tears were streaming down my face.

"Claire I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't know that was the guy you talked about."

"It's okay Donovan I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at him for making me feel this way. I'm angry at him for everything his done."

"He was the reason for those bit marks and the bruise on your lip. It all makes sense now."

"Before you make any assumptions he never abused me."

"Oh no. He doesn't seem like the abusive type. But those marks only indicated on things. Those are bit marks caused by passion."

"I'm a..."

"No stop. I'll never think that of you. You're amazing, I'm just shocked that someone as great as you will fall for him."

"It's a long story. Coffee?"

"Yeah sure."

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