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I woke up on top of him once again. I was more than happy. I felt like a whole different woman.

I noticed that he twitches when he sleeps, it's really so cute. He woke up and damn those eyes for being so magnificiant.

"(Xavier)Morning gorgeous."

"Hey, did I?"

"No you didn't wake me. See you found a new favourite spot to lie in."

"Yeah it's quiet comfortable."

"Let's do something tonight, you know you and me."

"Like what?"

"I don't know anything, we can do whatever you want."

"I don't know, I mean I don't really social well with people."

"Seriously Claire come on. Your a natural. Please babe I really wanna do something with you."

"Xavier, no I don't feel like it."

He pushed me off and got up.



I went and took a shower. Why'd he push me off? I mean that kinda hurt not gonna lie considering what happend yesterday.

I pushed the thought aside and washed my hair. Once I finished up and got out he was sitting in the bathroom with his face in his hands.

I walked closer and placed my hands on his, this instantly made him look up.

"(Xavier) I'm sorry."

"No don't be. You did nothing wrong."

"It's just so damn hard with you."

"Well I'm sorry if you feel that way."

I turned around and walked away. This caused him to get up and stop me.

"Wait, let me explain. It's hard because I wanna kiss you infront of everyone, I wanna hold your hand in public, I wanna wake up next to you and brag about you when my friends ask who my girl is. I want to see you get jealous when another girl just looks at me. I wanna do everything with you Claire and you just keep pushing me away. What is wrong with you? Can't you see that I'm trying so damn hard. I don't wanna mess things up with you. I want you to set the pace to this relationship. And yes you heard me right I'm planning on asking you to be my girl someday."

"Xavier, it's just..."

I looked down at the ground.

"Hey look at me. I'm sorry if I made you feel like just another girl. What we have Claire is so damn special. I want to share that with the world. You're not just another girl you're my girl. And yesterday meant the world to me believe it or not because it wasn't just a hit and run, our souls actually had a connection and I know you felt it to no matter how much you deny it."

I was speechless here I wanted to break this boy so badly but he tried he really did.

"Are you gonna let me go so that I can dress or what?"

"Yeah sure."

I got dressed and did my makeup. While I was in the bathroom he stood still in the door frame in nothing but sweats.

I'm assuming he had been working out because the water droplets were sliding down his very chizzled body.

"You can stop staring now. I know you're obsessed with me."

"Keep dreaming Xavier."

He showered and dressed. I was still busy because I got distracted by my phone. Emma was texting me asking when we'd be hanging out since we haven't had much time lately.

He towered over me and took my phone placing it next to me.

"Don't you think that's enough screen time?"

"No not actually, why?"

"There's so many different things to do."

"Such as?"

"I can name a few."

He didn't even need to say anything because I knew what he was talking about.

"You have a very dirty mind."

He leaned down and whispered.

"Only when it comes to you."

"Xavier stop that."

"What you don't like it?"

"Just stop it."

He placed a small kiss on my neck. I don't know why but seeing his body and feeling that kiss was enough to make my legs feel like jelly.

He obviously realised this because his grip around my waist tightened. Oh honey do you even know what that does to me.

"You wanna know what I wanna do right now?"

"Don't even say it."

"I wanna pick you up, carry you to the bed and lay you down. Then..."

I stopped him by kissing him. I knew what he was gonna say that's why I stopped him. He just gave me a look. I turned around and finished up.

"Okay so I'll see you in the kitchen for coffee."

"Sounds good."

He slapped my ass before walking away.

"Hey don't touch what you can't afford."


After making the bed I went to drink my coffee. I saw he was on his phone.

"What are you up to?"

"How do you know I'm up to something."

"Seriously Xavier your asking me that question."

"What it's a valid question."

"What are you planning and don't say nothing because I know you're planning something."

"Fine I want us to have a movie night."

"Xavier, I don't feel like hanging out with a bunch of people."

"It's only a few friends. Come on I want you to join me not as a friend this time but as my girl. So what do you say?"

"I don't have a choice do I? Because if I refuse you'll just pick me up and put make me join you guys."

"Wow you just get smarter and smarter."

"No, you're just predictable that's all."

So we got everything ready for the movie. People started showing up at five. I was in the bathroom when I could swear I heard Veronica's voice.

I walked downstairs and saw her standing flirting with Xavier. I just went and sat in the lounge. Once the rest joined us we stared the movie. Xavier motioned for me to lie by him but I had second guesses. I mean what if he still likes her?

He didn't like my rejection so he pulled me closer, he basically made me cuddle with him. Not that I minded though.

I could feel her eyes on me that whole night. It started making me uncomfortable. So I got up and went to the bathroom. I was busy in there when she just came in.

"It won't last, we both know he loves me more than you."

"Whatever Veronica. Just do me a favour and get over yourself."

I finished up and went back to the lounge. The rest of the night was very nice we all enjoyed ourselves except Veronica. So I decided to be a bitch. I straddled Xavier and kissed him so hard.

There after I asked her to please keep her eyes of my man and I. She didn't like that much but honestly I didn't care.

"Veronica can you please do me a favour and stop staring at Xavier and I, it's not polite to stare. And it's kinda stalkerish you know."

She just kept quiet. Everyone eventually went home and we fell asleep. The night was a success if I have to say so myself.

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