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I couldn't stop thinking about that date. He did he's very best to make it special.

After we left the hill I asked him to drop me off. It was like one in the morning and I had to be up early.

My mother finally agreed for me to get my own place. So I had to be ready very early.

But of course when he dropped me he didn't wanna go home.

"Xavier you should enjoy the rest of your night."

"I was thinking I could stay over."

"Are you crazy. My mother home if she sees you she would flip on my ass."

"I'll sneak in and be out early very very early, two hours max."

"Come on Xavier. What if we make a noise."

"Love we won't. Don't fight me you won't win."


"Sounds like more excuses just hush."

He placed his index finger on my lips and whispered shhh.

"Now if I remove my finger please don't make up more excuses."

I nodded and he removed his finger. That set fire to my body. I got over and straddled him. He put his one hand on my cheek.

I had to do it. I leaned in and I kissed him but quickly broke the kiss. Why you may be asking? Simple because I thought I was being out off line.

He gave me a puzzled look and and kissed me right back. I couldn't help it. I had to, after all this was part of my plan.

"Okay so I can come in for two hours for cuddles."

"Fine but only two hours though."

So I went inside quietly and sneaked him in. We had to literally be so quiet because if my mother woke up she would ask me why I was up so late and why I had a boy with me.

So we managed to make it up to my room with no trouble. I closed the door. I wanted to put on my PJs but he was in the room.

Then I remembered that he had seen me in my underwear before so it's not that bad right.

I started undressing and put on my PJ's. He missed it all because he was lying on the bed with his back to me.

I set an alarm just for incase and went and laid on the bed and he turned around motioning for me to lie on his chest.

I didn't hesitate. I mean why would I it's part of my plan after all. We must of fallen asleep because the alarm went off two hours later.

I put the alarm of and jumped up trying to wake him up. He was sound asleep. Shit I knew this was a bad idea now my mother's gonna find out and I'll be in big trouble.

He eventually woke up and I told him that he had to leave.

"Claire love what's wrong?"

"We fell asleep. If my mother finds out you slept over we'll be in so much shit."

"Okay just chill."

So I sneaked him out and said my goodbyes. I had to sleep for a bit so that I could make sure that I'm not tired when we go and look at the flat later.

So I fell asleep. I had one weird dream before my mother woke me up. Don't ask me what the dream was about because I really can't remember.

All I remember is waking up and apologising.

"I'm so sorry mom I'll never do it again."

"Claire, hon what's up? Did you do something wrong?"

"Oh morning mom. No I just had a very weird dream that's all."

"Okay hon get ready so that we can go. 30 minutes tops okay."

So I got up showered and finished up before heading downstairs. I wanted to grab breakfast but my mom said we'd get some on our way back home.

We atleast stopped for coffee so I can't complain. Once we reached the complex the agent showed us around and I told my mom that I liked the place.

So we went and signed the paper and I got my keys. The rent wasn't to bad and it was a fairly save area. I couldn't wait to move in.

My first rent was paid so I could move in immediately. I decided to do just that.

We started off by packing all my lose things in boxes and putting them in the car. My mother went and dropped that while I waited for the furniture movers.

Soon my room was empty and I could leave to go to my flat. The drive was quiet and I got excited when I reached the door.

I went inside and started packing out all my clothes into the cupboard. After doing that I moved the furniture in place.

All I had to do now was wait for my television, the table in the middle of the room, lounge set and some of the kitchenware.

The rest was pretty much there. My mother said her goodbyes and left. It felt strange being all alone now. Don't get me wrong I like it a lot but it's gonna take some getting used to.

I messaged Xavier to let him know not to go to my house anymore since I wouldn't be there.

"Oh I moved into my own flat so please don't show up at my house."

"That means I'll get to see you more. And we don't have to worry about getting caught for it."

"You don't even know where I live how will you come and visit?"

"I have my ways love."

"Please all I'm asking for is some peace and quiet just for a while."

"I'll give you time and space to settle in before I come and visit."

"We should stop spending so much time together."

"Why? Don't you like my company?"

"I do like your company but it's not about that."

"Then what's it about?"

"We were never supposed to hang out in the first place."

"Sounds like someones scared they'll catch feeling unless you already have them. I mean who couldn't like me."

"I'm not scared of catching feeling and I don't have any romantic feeling towards you what so ever."

"Then why should I stop seeing you then?"

"Just because Xavier you ask way to many questions. Do you know that?"

"I do tend to do that. Look text me your address. I wanna come over."


"Come on I have some wine and pizza. You can't say no to pizza. Maybe to the wine but not to the pizza. I mean who doesn't like pizza. And besides I'm sure you're hungry."

"Did you say you had pizza?"


"Fine I'll send you the address but only because I want pizza."

So he showed up with the pizza and the wine. And before we knew it we were making out. After watching several movies we fell asleep.

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