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I got ready,but what the hell was I doing? My mother sent a message to let me know that she was working a double shift.

That meant she wouldn't be coming home. At five I heard someone knock and when I opened the door Xavier was outside.

"(Claire)You remembered."

"(Xavier)What did you think? I was gonna forget about you.

"I was hoping so."

"Why would I forget? It's your first ever party."

"Anything is possible I mean your Xavier. It's not that big of a deal."

"Are you ready?"

"Born ready."

"I like this side of you, you should show it more."

"What are you talking about? I'm always like this . We're just not friends that's why you don't get to see it."

"Come let's go."

So we left, I was ready or so I thought. When we pulled up in the driveway I saw teens spread over the lawn with red cups in there hands.

There were a few people making out as well.

"Guys please go inside or to the back. We can't have the cops come over here."

"Sure thing I'll clear out the lawn for you Xavier."

"Thanks Drew."

Drew was part of Xavier's group. Talk about tall, dark and handsome. He had deep green eyes, dark brown hair, a golden brown skin and one amazingly built body.

It should be illegal to look so good. We went inside and immediately I got handed a red cup. The liquid inside smelt strong.

"What's this?"

"Alcohol love."

"Xavier, I don't drink."

"Come on you can't come to a party and not drink."

"I can and I will not drink this, can I have something else?"

"Well there's nothing else, I didn't get any juice."

"Of course you didn't get anything else."

I smelt the liquid again. How could people drink this?

"Come one Claire just take a sip."

"You're a bad influence Xavier. I'm not drinking that."

"Come on live a little."

Why'd taking a sip of the alcohol not seem so bad? No Claire, you're not doing this. You're not giving in to Xavier's charm.

"Take your cup, I'm not drinking that."

I pushed the cup to him, turned around and left. He wasn't gonna force me to do anything I didn't wanna do.

He just stood there puzzled. Did he really think I was gonna do it? Later that night I saw them sitting in the study.

Him and some random chick had been making out. Drew called me over and told me to join them in a game of beer pong.

Now can you imagine me trying to say no because I don't drink and the only they only hear what they want to hear.

So what did I end up doing?  I ended up playing the game. But things got complicated when I had to drink the beer in the cup how on earth was I gonna drink the cup if I didn't even drink to begin with?

Where was Xavier and why wasn't he telling them that I don't drink? Drew missed his second glass and they told me to drink up.

"I don't drink, that's why I didn't want to play."

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