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I wasn't feeling all to well today. So I asked my mother if I could stay home.

Nothing important was gonna happen today. So I grabbed breakfast and coffee before getting back in bed.

I heard my mother yelling a goodbye. I got a text from an unknown number. 

"Guess who."

"Xavier what do you want?"

"You're very clever Claire Bennett. Anyway you ready can I come and pick you up?"

"Actually that won't be needed."

"And why not?"

"I'm staying home. And before you get any ideas, I don't feel well so I want to be left alone."

"Come on Claire you know you want attention. I mean it will make you feel better."

"Xavier, if you show up to my house I swear I'm not opening for you."

"You don't have to. I'll just climb through your window or something."

I put my phone down, got under the covers and put my laptop on. I was planning on catching up on some series.

He was being silly, a side of him I'd not seen before. I really hope he doesn't show up. I'm really not in the mood for people today.

I fell asleep and was woken up by my phone ringing. Of course he was phoning me.

"Xavier seriously."

"Please open up. I've got something that'll make you feel better, I promise."

"Go home."

"I won't, I'll just do the opposite."

"Xavier please."

"Claire. Come on love. I could really use the company. Because just like you I'm not feeling all to well."

I left the phone and went to open up. I had to do this because it was part of my plan.

Once I opened the door he gave me the tightest hug.

"Xavier what's wrong."

"Oh nothing really."

"I can see somethings wrong."

"My mother... She's very sick Claire."

"That's awful. I'm so sorry to hear that. What's wrong?"

"She was diagnosed with lung cancer."

"Oh Xavier that's terrible."

I could see his heart was aching.

"Can they do anything for her?"

"Their gonna try but their not promising anything. It's 50/50."

I let him step inside,I gave him another tight hug before we head upstairs.

I honestly didn't even wanna watch a movie anymore. I laid down on my bed and he came and lied on my chest.

He was sobbing. So I decided to give him something that will calm his nerves so that he could sleep a while.

To be honest I also fell asleep. When we woke up I asked him if he was serious about the play.

"Do you really wanna rehearse lines with me."

"Yes Claire I couldn't pick anyone better than you."

"Are you sure you're ready for this I mean a lot is going on right now."

"Claire I could really do with a distraction right now. So please can we do this I'm begging you."

So we rehearsed some lines. The play we were rehearsing was about two people that found one another through dancing.

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