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He once again walked to the cupboard.

"What's in this cupboard?"

"Lady stuff."


"That's no question to ask a lady."

"Your lying to me. I can tell."

"And why would I lie to you?"

"Because you don't want me to open the cupboard. I'm guessing it's because you don't really wanna go out tonight. But guess what no matter what's in this cupboard your still going with me."

He opened the cupboard and saw the clothes hanging there.

"I knew you had something somewhere."

"Just make this quick so that I can die and get it over with."

"When you're with me you won't die I'll make sure to keep you safe."

"That's the exact reason why I'm gonna die. Because I'm placing my life in your hands."

"Well that's mean."

"No I'm just being honest."

He took out an outfit, I gave it one look.

"There's no way I'm wearing that."

"Why not?"

"It shows way to much."

"You wanna know what I think."

He stepped closer and put his hands beside my legs. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"I think it's sexy, you should wear it. Trust me."

I pushed him away and got up. The way he said that made me feel so hot. What was it with this boy?

"I'm not wearing that."

"Look this covers up more than the rest of those outfits in there."

Once again he was right. But why couldn't I just go with some jeans and a nice shirt? Why'd I have to wear a clubbing outfit?

"I'm not wearing that."

"Well your not going in jeans and a shirt. That's to casual. So get dressed or I'll help you as easy as that."

"You will not help me dress because that means you'll have to undress me and I'm not giving you that satisfaction."

"Come on Claire I'm begging you. I really wanna take you out so that you can have a really good time. Just let me treat you for once."


He gave me a puppy dog face and got on his knees. How was I supposed to say no now?

"Fine whatever."

So I grabbed the outfit and examined it once more. It was a one piece. The top was maroon and showed off a lot of cleavage. The top was accompanied by a chain that tied together between my breast. The bottom was white and I wore grey boots that came up to my knees.

I did minimal makeup and curled my hair in. When I stepped out of the room Xavier's jaw dropped to the ground.

"Could you please stop staring at me like that?"

"Who me? I'm not staring at you."

"I can see you staring at me."

"Whatever, you ready?"


So we left for the club. I don't know what to expect. I've never been to a club before. Hell before I met Xavier I didn't do anything but study.

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