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Its been weeks since I heard from Xavier. He hasn't been around that much. And when he is, he's hanging out with Veronica and them.

Guess he still likes her after all. Him not talking to me much felt strange. I guess I got used to him always being around.

At lunch I walked past him and Veronica. She sat on his lap. Of course she did, why wouldn't she? As soon as he saw me he pushed her off and got up.

I just continued walking and he caught up to me.

"Claire wait."

"What do you want Xavier?"

"I'm having a party, you should come."

"Why? So that I can watch you and Veronica doing whatever you'll be doing."

"Veronica and I? We aren't together."

"Doesn't look like it. It seems as though you're together."

"Come on Claire were just friends."

"Well friends don't sit on friends laps and pretend that everything's good."

"Are you jealous. I told you I like you Claire. But yet it seems like you don't believe me. To spite every effort you still see only what you want."

"I'm not having this conversation with you."

"Claire wait, come with me. I wanna show you something."

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I have school and I plan on attending it and staying far away from you."

"Still denying what we have I see."

"Look Xavier I don't know what you think we have but it's surely gonna fade and you'll go running back to her and forget all about this us you're seeing."

He pulled me away from Veronica's view.

"That's better. Please join me at the party."

"No, I'm done going to parties and clubs."

"I need you to be there. So that she'll stay away."

"Of course that's the only reason why you asked me to come is to send her a message well my answers still no."

He put hands and my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Look I'm only gonna say this once so listen up. I not inviting you to make her jealous, I'm Inviting you as my girl Claire. You'll get to be with me the whole time. And after that were taking that date and in the future I'll make sure to make you mine."

"I'll think about it."

"At a girl."

I couldn't resist his touch it felt so damn good. So I went against my own word. But I didn't say yes so that means if I decide not to go I won't let anyone down.

He let go of me and I left. Once again he lied to me I could see they were together I wasn't dumb.

No Claire wait before you assume stuff. I tried thinking if he gave me a reasons for what was going on but realised I never asked for one because I never gave him chance to explain himself.

Trust me to fuck shit up because I'm stubborn and because I think I know better.

The rest of the day was okay. I was at home doing absolutely nothing. No one was here and that's when I thought of it.

I remembered Xavier invited me to a party. So I got dressed and left. There was a not in my stomach and I didn't know why?

I've gone to so many parties before I should be used to it by now. I pulled up to the house. Maybe I had this not in my stomach because I feared for what I would see.

I went inside and started looking for Xavier. I eventually found him in a lounge with no other than Veronica on his lap.

Seriously, he wanted me to come over but yet he was with her again. After telling me that they weren't together.

As soon as he saw me he got up. When he got closer I could see he was upset. He intertwined our fingers and walked outside. 

He motioned for us to go and sit on the swing. As soon as we sat down I turned towards him putting my hands on his legs.

He tensed, removed them and turned away from me. I wasn't gonna sit there if he wasn't gonna talk to me.

I got up but he pulled me by my waist from behind. Causing me to tumble down on his lap.

"Xavier if your not gonna tell me what's up, I'm leaving."

"Veronica isn't getting the message love. She still thinks we're together."

"I got a plan."

"And that is?"

"You'll see just trust me."

We got up and went inside. I spot Veronica and stopped walking once we were in her sight.

I cupped his face and kissed him. At first he was shocked but quickly recovered. Our lips moved in sync. Once we broke the kiss I saw she got up.

"Seriously Xavier, you're gonna pick the goody toe shoes over me. She's to innocent for you. You need to get your act together and realise that I'm the one for you and that you need me."

"You know what Veronica the biggest mistake I ever made was dating you. I should of dated Claire rather than you. Because you never think of me, it's all about you all the time. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself. I never want to see you ever again in my life."

"Seriously, your gonna leave me!"

"Oh honey he did that a while ago. You're just to thick to get the message."

"Claire shut up, because no one asked you to say anything."

"Veronica do us a favour and just leave. Your company is no longer needed."

She turned around and slapped me in my face. Oh bitch you didn't. I pulled her by her shoulder until she turned around and then I punched her in her face.

She went tumbling to the ground. Fuck my fist hurt. Xavier picked me up and kissed me.

"Wow love that was badass."

"My fist hurts."

"Come with me we'll take a look at it."

We went to the bathroom an he took out the first aid kit and bandaged my hand. What was I gonna tell my mother if she saw my hand?

After fixing up my hand we went and sat in a room by the window. He still looked sad. Drew came in and gave him something to smoke.

"Want a pull."

"What's that Drew?"


"I've never heard of that before so I'm gonna pass."

"Give me a pull. Okay Claire I'm gonna pass the smoke to you by kissing you. Do remember to inhale some of it."

So Xavier took a pull, cupped my face and passed me the smoke. I lost track of time.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm floating."

"That's because your high love."

"We must do this again some time."

He placed a kiss on my head and I fell asleep on his chest.

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