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We got up and got ready. He made coffee while I finished my makeup.

"I was thinking of going to visit my mother today."

"I could go with if you want."

"I'd like that. Say at three."

"No problem."

So we left to go and get his mother some flowers. It took a while because he wanted to get her an extra special bunch.

After we found the perfect bunch he insisted that we'd have lunch.

"Let's have lunch."

"I'm really not that hungry."

"Seriously Claire let's just grab a bite doesn't have to be something big."

"Okay fine if you insist."

So we had lunch and went to my place after that.

"(Claire) So what shall we do to kill time. I mean it's one and we only see your mom at three?"

He moved me hair out of the way and kissed my neck softly.

"I have an idea."

"Oh hell no. We don't have time for that darling."

"Two hours, I think that's more than enough don't you?"


"You'll ruin the moment. Come on just go with it. You won't regret it I promise you."

"Darling we can't make this a usual thing."

"I don't see why not."

"It's just we have been spending so much time together. Doesn't it scare you?"

"No should it?"

"Yes, aren't you afraid of getting so attached and losing everything?"

"Babe, we are going to be together for a long time."

"How sure are you?"

"I'm just sure. Claire there's something special about you. Something so rare that you'd be stupid to let it go."


"Shhh and go with it."

So he kissed me again and I tried to resist so hard but I couldn't. We found ourselves walking backwards to the room. I pushed him down on the bed and straddled him.

I bit my lip and he cubbed my face before kissing me. Things were about to get out of hand when my phone rang. My mother was phoning.

"I'm sorry I have to take this."

"Hi honey how are you?"

"I'm good and you mom. Why did you phone is something wrong?"

"Oh yes I'm on my way."

"To do what?"

"I was thinking we could go and have some coffee."

"Okay I'll join you downstairs."

"Xavier, will you be fine here? I'll be back soon."

"Yeah sure."

"Help yourself. I'll see you soon."

"Wait don't I get a kiss goodbye?"

"Seriously. You're gonna stop me to ask that."

"Why not?"

So I gave him a quick kiss but he pulled me onto him.

"You're gonna make my mother come up and look for me. And when she does she's not gonna be happy to see you here."

"Fine, hurry up though."

"I'll try my best."

So I grabbed my things and ran downstairs. The coffee with my mother wasn't to bad. I haven't spent much time with her recently.

We spent an hour just talking and enjoying our coffee. When she dropped me at home I saw Xavier was laying on the couch sleeping.

The television was loud, how he didn't wake up only he would know. I would of woken up long time ago. He moved up and I went and laid by him. This made him wake up.

"How late is it?"

"It two o'clock."

"Damn we have to leave if we wanna get there in time."

"Hey calm down we can lie down for a few more minutes before we leave we'll still be on time."

"You sure?"

"Xavier darling, the hospital is 15 minutes away. So we won't be late."

"That means we got time..."


"Ah come on Claire won't it be fun?"

"Xavier if we do this we'll definitely be late."


So we spent some time cuddling, it was qauter to three. I grabbed the flowers on our way out. The drive was way to quiet for anyone's good. We soon pulled up to the hospital and I've never seen someone so happy to see their loved ones.

"Claire honey you came. I was asking Xavier when he'd bring you along again."

"I'm so glad I came along. You look a lot better to spite the way you must feel."

"I'm feeling a bit better thank you for asking. I'm just glad I could see all of you."

"We brought you flowers mom."

"Oh Xavier there so beautiful. Thank you so much."

The visit went well. There was lots of laughter and his mom seemed so happy, like she had forgotten about her pain for a slight moment. She seemed to have forgotten that the world was resting on her shoulders.

I envy someone like Xavier's mother. She's such a strong woman. She had all the opportunities to give up but he never did, she kept on fighting. It's like she felt she couldn't leave the ones she loved behind. If she had to leave they'd understand right?

They'd know that she gave it her all and that her strength just wasn't enough. You could gather from the look on her face that she was in so much pain. We all said our goodbyes before leaving.

"(Claire) We'll see you soon ma'am. You should have a good nights rest."

"And whatever you do Claire please look after my baby. He might be a hand full but if he finds the right one he'll love her with all of his heart. You've had such a big impact on his life. Don't leave now. I feel that he's gonna need you a lot more than he'll ever admit."

"I'll look after him ma'am. Someone has to keep him in control when you're not around to help."

"Thank you darling, Xavier honey can your mother have a hug or is that to much to ask?"

"Sure thing mom."

He gave her a quick hug but she didn't seem to let go. She kept on holding on to him.

"Can we hug just a little longer. I do miss these hugs."

"Sure mom, why not?"

After he said his goodbyes we left. His father and them stayed a little longer. Something about her long hug just gave me a bad feeling. What if that was her way of finally saying goodbye?

What if she knew she wasn't gonna see us again? What if she just said her last goodbyes, could they live with that? All these thought were filling my head.

They shouldn't have but they did. And that gut feeling you get is never wrong. She told me that she felt he was gonna need me a lot more than he'll admit. What did she mean by that?

"Claire babe what's wrong?"

"Nothing just thinking. Don't worry about it."

"You sure?"


Oh lord I don't hope that was her final goodbye because that ladies and gentleman would truly be sad.

It's complicatedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin