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"Stop that. You're amazing and if he can't see that then fuck him and his cheap ass slut."


"No Claire. I'm done seeing people that don't deserve you, break you down. Fuck all of them. If they don't see the light I see in you. Then they deserve your darkness not your light."

"You should have a great night. And thanks again for everything."

I got out and walked up to my front door. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding in. He left and I was stuck with a cheater. Serves me right.

As I was about to open the door. Donovan opened it and forcefully grabbed me by my arm.

"Where the fuck were you?"

"Let you of me you're hurting me."

"Of please Claire. Don't act like a victim. I'm barely holding onto you."

"Your grip is much stronger than mine. Please let me go."

"Not until you tell me where you were?"

"I was out walking. I needed some fresh air."

"Now Claire we know your pretty but you're not stupid. Don't fucking lie to me. I know you weren't out walking!"

"I was out walking Donovan why would I lie to you?"

"I don't know to cover up where you went."

"I was out walking Donovan!"

"Don't raise your voice at me. You were with him weren't you?"

"I wasn't with anyone."

"Do I look stupid to you?"

"No you don't."

"Then why are you lyimg to me Claire?"

"I'm not. He isn't here. He's out of town anyway. So why would I go there?"

"Were you guys fucking? Is that why you won't tell me where you were. You're trying to cover up for him aren't you?"

"That is not fair. You know I'm loyal to you. You know I won't ever cheat on you unlike you of course."

"This isn't about me. It's about you and about what you've been doing. I know you did something because you weren't at the frat house. Someone saw you leaving with him!"

His grip got tighter and he moved closer to me.

"So I'm asking you once more. Where were you? And don't think of lying!"

"I was out walking!"

"You're a liar. And I don't like liars!"

"I'm not! "

"So since you won't tell me the truth. We'll go to him and we'll see what he has to say! "

"Donovan, babe you're hurting me."

"No I'm not!"

I managed to get free from his grip but that didn't seem to calm him down. When he came closer I cupped his face and tried kissing him but he pushed me away and grabbed my arms again.

"Nice try princess but we have to go and see someone remember!"

"Look at me. I'll never ever lie to you. You trust me don't you?"

He stopped dead in his tracks. Not due to what I said but due to the knock on the door. He dragged me to the room but I managed to free myself and run to the door.

"Must be him if your practically running to the door."

I opened it and saw the girl from earlier.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened earlier."

"It doesn't matter anyway. You can have him I can't be with someone that doesn't trust me."

"Grace please excuse her. I'll be with you now."

He gently motioned for me to enter the house.

"Room now."

I walked over to the room and he closed the door behind him.

"You call me out on trust when you're the acting like a slut!"

I slapped him and he threw me down on the bed. He was sitting over me holding down my wrists beside my head.

"You will never speak to me the way you just did and you won't hit me either. Do you understand me?"

I shoved him off packed a bag and left. I don't care where I'm going but as long as it's far away from him. I just wanted to sleep and forget about everything. Tonight was horrible.

I got in my car and drove to Xavier's house. I didn't wanna bother my mother and them with my teenage drama.

I knocked on Xavier's door. He must of been asleep. He was rubbing his eyes and yanwing.

"Did I...did I wake you?"

"Yeah but it's okay. Why do you have a bag in your hand?"

"I need a place to stay until Donovan cools down. Can I stay here?"


I put my things down in the room and took a shower. I must have been in there for a long time because Xavier came in to check on me. I got out and saw him standing by the basin.

"You've been crying why?"

"It's nothing. I'm just tired."

My towel slipped and exposed my arms.

"Why are your arms bruised?"

"I don't know."

"He did that didn't he?"

"No he would never hurt me."

"I saw how he grabbed you by your arms Claire. If I find him, I'm gonna kill him. How dare he hurt you?"

"Just leave it. I'm tired, I've had enough of this day. I would like to go to sleep. And besides doesn't matter we broke up anyway."

"You got to be kidding me. Your wrists as well. What's wrong with him?"

"Can we not talk about him please."

I put my stuff in my bag and laid on the bed.

"(Xavier)You're not sleeping in here."

"Well where am I sleeping then?"

"You can have my bed."

"I'm fine sleeping here."

"I insist."

"I'll be fine sleeping in here."

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure I could use a good distraction."

"Well lucky for you I'm good at being a distraction."

"I see what you're trying to do. Nice try romeo but not happening."

"How sure are you? All I have to do is kiss your neck and you're all mine."

"That's what you think."

So we ended up watching the movie. He pulled me closer and placed a small kiss on my neck.

"Stop that."

"Told you."

He couldn't help himself. He had to turn my face and kiss me.

"Damn I nearly forgot how soft these lips of yours are."

"You either kiss me or you don't."

He kissed me once more before I fell asleep.

"Goodnight Claire."

It's complicatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora