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I rolled around in my bed. I couldn't sleep because all I could think about was how Xavier told me he can't stay away.

The thought of him actually wanting to stay scared me. I got ready and left for school. I had a math test today, was I mentally prepared? No.

I got a note on my locker from someone. I'm not sure who it was but I'm sure it must be from Xavier.

This was getting out of control. I mean I did wanna execute my plan and break him but that meant I had to spent time with me and I didn't really wanna do that.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. When I got to class I saw he was sitting in the seat next to mine. Oh Lord why?

"Morning Claire, might I say you look gorgeous today."

"What do you want Xavier. And why did you leave a note on my locker?"

"I didn't leave a note on your locker what are you talking about?"

"Come on Xavier. We both know you did it."

"Do you have the note with you?"


"Can I see it?"

"Sure I guess."

I took out the note from my coat and gave it to him. He took a quick look at it and gave it back.

"That's not my hand writing. Seems like you have a secret admirer."

"Are you sure it's not your handwriting?"

"Positive. Look."

He showed me his handwriting and he was right. It wasn't his.

"Well who's is it then?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Never mind."

The test wasn't all that bad and I didn't struggle at all. Xavier had a few puzzled look here and there but quickly recovered.

The rest of the day was pretty good. He didn't bother me so I didn't have to pretend that I wanted to talk to him.

It was time to go home. As soon as that bell rang I darted for my car. I didn't want Xavier seeing me and asking me to spent some time with him.

I got in my car and left. When I got home I took a short nap and there after did my homework.

At five I got a message from my mother saying that she was going out with her girls and that she would spent the night there.

So that meant I was home alone. Well good, I was planning on inviting Emily over so that we could watch some movies.

I heard a knock on the door and I presumed that it was Emma but when I opened the door I saw Xavier.

"There better be a good reason for you being here right now."

"Can I come inside?"

"No matter what I answer your still gonna do what you want anyway."

I wasn't gonna step aside. I wanted to test his limits.

"Come on Claire. I know you like playing games but I'm not in the mood."

"I'm not letting you in until you tell me why you're here."

He stepped closer and I gave two steps back. Shit Claire. He came inside and closed the door.

"Okay so you're going with me tonight."

"Umm when did we discuss this?"

"We didn't I'm only informing you now so that you can't argue with me about it."

"Where are we going exactly?"

"To one of my favourite clubs. There's an event going on so everything's half price."

"Look Xavier you might enjoy spending time with me but that doesn't mean I want to spend time with you."

"I'm not giving you a choice. Either you pick out and outfit or I'll pick something and if you don't have anything. Well I'm sure we can arrange something from one of my friends."

Everything inside me was screaming to say yes but I wasn't going to do this. Nada, no matter what happens I'm staying home and watching movies with Emma.

"As a matter of a fact I already have plans. So I guess you'll have to go on your own."

"What plans?"

"Emma is coming over to watch movies."

"And if she's coming over how late will she be here?"

"She's just finishing dinner then she's coming."

"I'm not stupid Claire. You haven't phoned her yet, you were going to but you never got around to it."

"How would you know?"

"You might not know this yet but I read people Claire. And well babe I've been reading you for a while."

I took a sharp in take of breath. How long has he been watching me before he started talking to me?

"There's a wild side to you. And it's waiting to burst out. You know you wanna do what everyone else does. You're tired of being this innocent goody toe shoes. You're tired of always having to make everyone proud. It's tough isn't it."

As he said that his hands were already on my body.

"Come. Let's get you dressed."


"Come or I'm picking you up."

I walked with him because I was so intoxicated I couldn't resist. He was right our bodies had chemistry when we got close to one another.

I hated that he was right but I couldn't deny it anymore. Being close to him feels good. I've been waiting for this for as long as I could remember.

"Aren't you and Veronica together?"

"Used to be, she cheated on me with Dax."

"Ouch that's cold."

"Wait do you even have party clothes. You know like clothes you wear to clubs?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yeah you can't go clubbing in jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers. You gotta actually dress up."

"I see."

He opened my cupboard and he looked dissapointed. Let me let you in on a secret  I do have clubbing clothes, my mother bought me some. But they were in a seperate cupboard. And no I wasn't gonna tell him that.

"There's nothing here for you to wear."

And that's when he saw it the closed cupboard. He turned around and looked at me before walking to the other cupboard. Oh Lord please don't have him open that cupboard.

Just as he was about to, his phone rang and he ran outside to answer it. Damn that was close. I got up off my bed,left my room and hoped that he would cancel the whole club idea.

But no my hopes were shattered when he came back and told me we were still going. Why universe? Why can't the universe be on my side just at least once?

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