CHAPTER 36: Visit

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Jisoo's POV

The day when Rosé and I decided to showed up and tell everything to my sister, I didn't expect that everything will turn out good. Jennie accepts, and as always, understands. I thought she will felt bad, especially to my father. I thought she will think that our father is being unfair to her, which, is what it really looks like. But instead, she accepts and understands. She is more than happy that we are legal and I can't define what I should feel. I am happy that we are ok, but at the same time, I can't understand what I feel about her. She also deserve the happiness that I am feeling. Happiness not because of us, but with the person she truly desire and want.

The one she truly loves.

There are times that I feel mad towards Lisa. At least, or somehow she should fight about her feelings, right? I mean if you really love that person, you are going to fight for it. Right? To be honest, Ro and I tried contacting Lisa, but she is unreachable like how she vanished before. But Rosé let me understand that people have their own reasons, or maybe Lisa has a reason, or maybe a plan. But I do hope she has a plan, I want my sister to be happy. I kinda miss the old her.

This years' college day will probably the best that we had, not because we are enjoying because it is our last year, but because I saw my sister really enjoying the event. For the past years, this is the first time my sister attended the said event. She will always stock herself at the house, reading inside her own library, or probably staying outdoors, of course buying a book or in most cases, in a café reading book. She never really into socializing, not that she hates crowd, but she loves her alone time. That is her best time.

She seldom attended the event whenever her attendance is needed, like her club will perform or someone needed her help. But mostly she will stay in their quarters, practicing and doing whatever help she can offer.

But this year is different, I can see she slowly let her guard down to crowd and to be honest really enjoyed that time. But of course, the reason that would not escape my detective skills. She let her guard down, because of Lisa. In an instant she became comfortable being with her even before we knew that we are child hood friends. She don't have to say it, but we can all notice it. After all, we are the only one she's close to, and who knows her very well especially Rosé and I.

It will also not escape from my eyes, on our last college day, during fireworks display, how Lisa look at my sister. It's like how my father look at my mom, how I look at Ro. It's the look full of admiration, of emotions that only she can explain. She care and hold Jennie like she is holding the most fragile thing on earth.

There were also times that I can see Lisa stealing pictures of my sister. Oh well, most of the times actually.

That Jacob thingy? Rosé and I didn't buy it. We can sense that it is only a play, my sister is just dense to see how Lisa look at her. They are afraid to tell each other how they felt, because they are afraid that maybe, or somehow, they won't receive the same affection they are feeling with each other. Im actually laughing at them, but who am I to jeopardize their hide and seek feelings.

Last graduation ball, that night that destroyed my sister's heart, I know there is something wrong. That night, when she ran off after her and Lisas' confrontation, when every one thought that I was following my sister which is not, I saw Lisa crying. Hurt visible on her face, but mostly, regret. I don't understand why. But I saw her crying on Jacobs' chests, almost sobbing, while the latter is tapping her back. Something is wrong I know, but I tried to push it aside because my sister needs me.

And the photo gallery happened. Selena called us, not telling us where to go, she said we need to bring my sister. I lied that Rosé and I wanted to eat outside. At first I don't want to, because who the hell wanted to be with the person slash persons who hurt my beloved sister? But when the mention of Lisa's name brought my girlfriend and I into curiosity. So eventually we had to make an alibi, which of course turned down by my sulking sister for almost two weeks now. But Selena and Jacob got their plan B and they drag my sister to the place.

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