CHAPTER 45: It's Always You

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CHAPTER 45 It's Always You

"Congratulations on closing the deal Miss Kim!" My staff greeted me as soon as I got out of the conference hall. I face them giving my sincere thanks.

"Thank you team, I would've not done this with you. So I want you guys to relax, dinners on me, and go home early." I said. I am always thankful to my staffs, not just because I know them personally, since I started below, but because they also trusted me handling and being their new CEO after my Father. The people scream and happiness and thanked me non stop. After the early dinner Nayeon approached me and walk me back to my office.

"What's up Nayeon? I already told you guys to leave early thats fine." She smiled at me.

"I know Miss Kim, I'm just, I am not used to leaving early while you are still in the office. It became a habit Miss Kim." What more can I ask from my secretary? I thought. I sat on my couch and watch the city of Seoul turn into pool of lights as the sky gets dark.

"Nayeon I am fine, I am just gonna rest for a while and then I'll leave. You should go home now. Thank you by the way." I smiled at her. She only nodded and smiled back at me.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you give you this Miss." She handed me a brown envelop.

"Whats this?" I asked her before getting the envelop.

"Its a medical records I think Miss Kim." Slowly opening the brown thing, it sure is a medical files.

"Who sent this?" I scan the papers inside but didn't understand any single thing. Maybe I should ask my sister.

"Its anonymous Miss. It was delivered to my desk this morning. And it is addressed to you." I didn't ask for any more question and made her go home.

Why would anyone sent a me a medical record?

I was outside the gate of the house when I heard giggles and laughters. When I entered, I saw Louis playing with Jacob and Selena. Yes they stayed. They are here for almost two weeks now. They always visit us, play with my son. Tell him stories about his Dada. Some part of me felt guilt for begging them to stay. I know they have their own lives back in US but here I am holding them back. But most of the time I am happy, them being around with us. Selena would always tell me that it is ok every time I apologies to them. She would assure me that they never regretted staying, because they got to spend more time with son. The only living memory that Lisa left to us.

My son became the center of happiness in the house. He is my world, and I will make sure that he will stay with me as long as I can.

"Hey guys, whats up?" I walk towards their direction. My son run towards me an engulf me with a hug.

"Mom! Uncle Jacob thought me how to do photography. He said that he and Dada are photography buddies." I smiled at him and patted his head remembering how Lisa love to take pictures.

"I'm guessing you did not trigger his curiosity for everything." I sat beside them placing the brown envelop on the table.

"Oh you have no idea J. Look at your son. He is always hungry for learnings, just like Lisa." Selena said while looking at Louis adoringly.

"And he learns how to took pictures in minutes. He is a smart kid. Look at him." And before I knew, Louis already took a picture of me.

"Wow, my Mom is so beautiful even without smiling." He said while looking at the camera. I heard Jacob whispered saying 'Totally like Lisa'. I watch my son roam around the garden taking all his time with the camera.

"Yeah. Totally Like Lisa. I remember her always stealing pictures of me." I smiled sadly. A few minutes of chatting, Jacob and Selena decided to leave early.

I Found a GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora