CHAPTER 25: Crazy over You

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WARNING: Contains matured content. Read af your own risk. If you are not comfortable please feel free to skip the chapter. Thank you.

Jennies POV

All of us formed a circle. Jisoo started letting us pick the sticks, and i picked number 7.

"Ok get ready bitches, because I am the King! HAHAHAHA" Momo stand up making a fake evil laugh.

"So, I want number 4 to lick number 6 left foot." Jisoos what kind of dare is that? Good thing I am number 7. Rosé whine because she is number 4 and she have to lick Irene's foot hahaha. This is fun. Jisoo cheered for her girlfriend now. All of us were screaming and shouting. I can't help but felt cringe on the sight but it's kinda fun actually. At the end Rosé lick Irene's foot. Nobody wants us to drink that horrible liquor. The 2nd one was Lisa and Jisoo, Lisa was asked to pluck 10 hair strands on Jisoo and roll the hair on a stick and pretend thAt she is a witch haha that was hilarious. The third one was Sana and Wendy, Sana was asked to take off Wendys bra in front of us.

The night is filled with laughter and silliness, the dares are absolutely crazy but so funny. One time I was asked to put an underwear on my head. That is so gross but i still did coz I don't want to drink. Better look stupid than having a bad stomach. The last King was Jisoo, we all decided to have our last King coz its midnight already. She is on her third and last order.

"Ok, so I want number 2 to kiss number 3 torridly for 60 seconds." Jisoos what the hell is my sister thinking. She's totally crazy. "So whose number 2?" She asked. I look at my stick and my eyes almost bail out of its socket when I saw what my number is.

"No way." I mouthed. Rosé looked at my number and laugh hard.

"Jennie's number 3! HHAHAHAH" fuck this is so fuck!

"So who is number 2?" Our eyes look around the circle, and landed on a certain person that is still looking on her stick.

"Lisa is number 2! Whoaa!" Seulgi who is beside Lisa raised Lisa's stick showing her number. This can't be happening. No fucking way! Jisoo and Rosé look at my way, giving me this knowing and teasing look. Jisoos my heart is beating abruptly and any moment it will jump out and run to the sea. I think i can't do it in front of my friends.

It's just a dare Jennie. Whats the harm?

Right it's just a dare. Just a dare Jennie, you can do this.

"Kiss kiss kiss kiss!" My friends cheered.

"I don't want Jennie to feel uncomfortable guys. Im just gonna drink the alcohol." Lisa was about to get the alcohol when i stop her and spoke.

"I'll do it." Everyone went silent, I saw Jisoo smirked at me so I wink at her. "I'll do it Lisa. It's okay." She stare at me for a few second before she spoke.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded at her.

"That's my sister! Alright kiss, for 60seconds torridly." Jisoo pull us together to stand up and face each other. Lisa look at me she's like having second thoughts so I smiled at her.

"Are you really sure?" She asked again.

"Positive. How about you, will Jacob get mad?" She smiled at me also.

"I hope he won't." And we both giggled.

"Whenever you guys are ready. Remember, torrid kiss" Jisoo said.

Lisa leaned her face closer to mine. Just as close as the other night. She tried to look at my eyes again, searching for certainty, so I close my eyes leaning my head also. I was gripping her shirt, and she is holding my hand. I can feel her lips brushing through mine, and I prayed that this time, nothing will stop this. So I have what I have to do. I place my lips on hers, finally able to feel what these plump lips feel like. This plump lips that I've been dying to taste since then. I heard my friends started counting, but as soon as i felt Lisa's lips move, I heard nothing, just the beating of my heart and Lisa's whose beating as hard as I am. I responded to her kiss, tasting every corner of it. She dominated the kiss and I can't help but just gave in to the sensation. She kissed is so gad damn good I feel like im getting drunk to it. That i am addicted to it. I grip for her shirt more and my other hand run on her nape up to the back of her head, trying to deepen the kiss. My fingers lock on her blonde long hair. I felt her hands move to my waist, pulling me closer to her. Our heads tilting on each side. This is my first kiss. My first kiss to the one I love.

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