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Lisa's POV

"Jennie." I called as I was trying to open my eyes.

"Honey." That voice. My second home. I felt the bed sunk signaling someone sat beside me. "Are you ok now?" She ask. As my eyes adjusted to the light, my mom showed up with worry on her face.

"Where's Jennie?" I ask the first person that comes into my mind.

"Honey, Jennie went back to Korea." Mom said while caressing my arm. Right. Its for the best. Its funny how I wanted her away but as the same time how I wanted to be with her all the time. Oh how irony is mocking me.

"Take a rest honey. You need that. I'll just prepare for your dinner." As soon as my mom leave the room, I push the duvet that is covering me and walk beside the window glass panel that is over looking the whole city.

"Wow Lisa! Your place is so amazing! I can live here."

Her voice linger in my mind. Her sweet voice that i love to hear every second of the day. I still can saw her image moving and lurking around the house. I miss her already. But I have to do this.

I pull the duvet that is covering my body and making my way down to the kitchen where my mom is. When she recognizes the presence of me, she immediately pulled me for a hug and look directly at me.

"How are you? You should rest more sweetheart." She said before moving her way back in front of the kitchen counter preparing for something that looks like a carbonara. My favorite.

"I am fine now mom, you don't need to worry." She served me with some carbonara and milk before sitting in front of me across the table. I started eating, and showed some interest in eating it but deep inside I don't have the appetite to eat. I mouthed thanks to her and she just smiled. Silence envelops us for a good minute, before she speaks.

"Sweetheart you don't have to do this." The last thing I wanted to do was forget what happened yesterday. At least forget anything about her for the mean time. I put down the utensils and look at my food.

"Mom, we have talked about this. You know what my answer is." I replied. Uninterested in the topic obviously showed in my voice.

"I know sweetheart. Please look for the brighter side." She said.

"Mom, there is no brighter side. There will never be. Okay? So please." I stand abruptly on my chair and walk out of the kitchen. I grab the coat and also my car keys and camera that are hanging and push the elevator open, leaving my house that reminds me of her.

I honestly don't know where to go. All I wanted to do is run away from everything, from her.

But how?

Every corner of New Zealand reminds me of her. Every street that we used to walk at night, the places that my friends and her used to hang out. She's all there.

She's away from me but still haunting me. How can you do this to me Jennie?

I am focusing on my driving, one hand on the steering wheel while the other is supporting my head, elbow leaning on the window of the driver's seat.

"Lisa! Two hands on the steering wheel please! Jisoos!"

I flinch hearing her voice inside the car. My head turned on the passenger seat only to see Jennie yelling at me with worry on her face the exact emotion when she first rode with me in my car. She looks so attractive even when worrying and I can't help but smile.

But she is not here. I reminded myself.

Because you wanted her not to be with you.

I want her but i cannot be with her. Hell I love her. I love her so much and I am a foolish person that can't help but do nothing.

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