You stood up, with the support of the kitchen countertop. Laying your mug on the table, you reached for the container of chocolate and milo powder mixed together, a hot chocolate formula Jin invented. You began laughing silently as you recalled the past.


"Oppa! I heard that hot chocolate are good for drinks during winter." you said, showing him the conversation between you and your bestfriend.

Jin laughed. "I told you before, but you didn't listen."

"You didn't, oppa, so stop saying that." you pouted.

"Arasso, my jagiya wins again." Jin chuckled, running his fingers through your hair. "Let's make one cup for you, shall we?"

"Of course." you beamed, taking his hand as you dragged him into the kitchen excitedly.

You was completely engrossed as Jin made a cup of hot chocolate in the couple mug. It was his first time making one for you, he was sure to made a perfect one without any mistakes. And you were just too absorbed in watching, just like a kid watching her favourite cartoon series.

*End of flashback*

You were laughing, but tears filled your reddened eyes. You took a spoonful of the formula, dumping it into the mug as you added the water. You stirred it well, wrapping your cold palms around the mug fully as you held it close to your face, feeling the warmth. Yes, it was warm, but it was not enough to replace the warmth Jin gave you. You too a short sip, stunned by the mysterious taste. It was too distance from Jin's hot chocolate. It tasted like nothing else. You dropped the mug onto the floor, eyes widened as you stared at the broken pieces.

You were not shocked by the blood, it was the broken pieces of the couole mug. You gasped and immediately bent down, picking uo the pieces as you were oblivious of the pain and cuts on your feet.

"Seok Jin... W-what did I do..." you gasped, too remorse to even move an inch.

"I'm sorry..." you bawled, burying your face in your knees.

"Jagiya, it's alright..." a soft morning voice echoed in your mind.

You fluttered your eyes in disbelief as you looked up, pulling away from the darkness. You froze in place as you stared at the familiar figure in front of you. He was indifferent, but only with his pale skin. You slowly stood up, eyes not living the soul which stood in front of you.

"Seok J-Jin?" you choked.

"Ne..." Jin replied with a soft smile.

How you wanted to run into his arms, hugging him tight as you release all your sadness and remorse. But you knew that would be a grave mistake. He would disappear if you touch him.

"I-I'm sorry... It was a-all my fault... I-I shouldn't have called you, I--"

"Look, it wasn't your fault. It never was your fault." Jin spoke with an assuring smile that plastered onto his plumb lips.

"Seok Jin..." you mumbked as tears could noo stop falling.

"Dry your tears, Minah, I hate to see you like this." Jin said.

"But I can't, Seok Jin, you know! You know that I can't live without you!" you cried with all your might, only to be heard as a soft whisper.

Jin let out a deep sigh. "I didn't want this to happen, Minah, I know you didn't want it too. But it's all fated, we can't rewind the time."

"S-Seok J-Jin... I c-can't take it anymore... I-I really want to leave and be with you...! I-it's so difficult to stay alive..." you sobbed as tears flooded your eyes.

"Jagiya...just live for me, arassi?" Jin begged, showing sincerity in his eyes.

You closed your eyes and shook your head. "Seok Jin... Jebal...just take me with you, you hate to see me like this, don't you!"

Jin stood there, motionless as he stared blankly at you. You sweared that his cold eyes alone could have killed you, it hurt to see his dead soul in front of you. It hurt that you could not touch him despite how much you wanted to.

"Arasso." Jin gave in, his head hanging lower.

Your eyes widened slightly.

"Follow me." Jin said, floating towards your room insyead of walking.

You were not afraid at all. You were going to be like him soon. You followed him, your heart hammering as you anticipated what was in for you.

"Fill the bathtub with water." Jin ordered.

You nodded and wasted no time as you turned the tap on, leaving it to fill the bathtub. You stood there, silent as Jin stood beside you. He glanced at you every second, happy that you were joining him, yet disappointed that you had to leave the world at such a young age, all because of him.

"Jagiya." Jin said as you turned off the tap once it had filled the entire bathtub to its brim.

You turned to face him, staring at him upclose. You did not realise that his lips looked so dry and frozen. It hurt you that he was becoming like that.

"Will you...regret?" Jin asked, eyes full of hope.

"Ani." you replied without hesitation. "As long as I can be with you."

You gave him a small smile as you gently stepped into the bathtub as some of the water overflowed. You glanced at him one last time as a living soul as you sank yourself completely under the water. You closed your eyes, enjoying as you drowned yourself willingly.

You began to suffocate, but you did not want to pull yourself out of the water, it would mean that you had failed. Your eyes bulged wide open as you stared at the motionless soul in front of you. You reached for the sides of the bathtub, clutching tightly onto the marble bathtub as you felt everything went black.

You opened your eyes, eyes widened as you saw the dead figure in front of your eyes. It looked so scary, hair all over the face and hands out of the water. You turned away, gasping as Jin stood in front of you.

"S-Seok Jin!" you exclaimed, a smile tugging your lips.

Tears left his eyes as he pulled you into a hug.

"Did it hurt?" Jin asked, stroking your hair as you felt his coldness.

He could no longer give you warmth, how could you have left out this point? But it was nothing, as long as he could be with you, that was all that matters.

You shook your head as you two broke apart. "Ani, it was...amazing."

Jin chuckle as he ruffled your hair. "Jinjja..."

"Ne... I said before, if you die, I'll die with you. If I die, you'll die with me. We'll be together, even with we die." you smiled.

Jin nodded, pressing his cold lips on your forehead. You knew that the love could never be erased.

Love hurts, yet it could bring you the best of happiness. It brought most of umhappiness to me. Yes, sometimes, I regret loving, but it was all worthwhile.

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