Empty At The News

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I go crazy 'cause here
isn't where I
wanna be and satisfaction feels like
a distant memory

Maylen Bridges

Sent: Hello, My name is Alice, Fresno's assistant, As we all know targets Harry and Zayn have been the main focus for a month now, I will need all of you to meet with me to discuss further actions at the Kemal Ross Diner. I have it reserved so that we will be the only ones in the building at the time. 9:30pm tonight, do not be late.

I sent to the group of men using my personal number, it was risky knowing men like them could track my number and find out my real identity. We all knew the possibilities but this was sadly the only choice.

Received: We'll need to confirm this with Louis if we are to come.

"Harry what do I say." I stress showing him the message. "Tell them It's not a good idea to ask." He leans over taking a glimpse at the screen.

Sent: If you know what's best for you men, you wouldn't dare ask him, especially after he's confirmed that I should be the only one answering these questions.

Received: Fine, we'll be there.

Sent: Be on time or Louis won't be happy.

Received: We're all aware.

"Everything's good. I think." I smirk nervously.

"How do you plan on getting into the diner?" I question turning slightly to the left to face him. "I know how to pick a lock, it gets easier when you've been doing it for years." Zayn smirks.

"And if the alarm goes off." I furrow my brow. "We've got it, no need to worry May." Harry reassures me. "Well you guys need to be gone within the next 3 hours." I stand up and walk into the kitchen.

"Thank you." Niall smiles sarcastically.

"It's best to have everything ready now then to wait last minute." Harry stands and walks towards the duffle bags hidden under the kitchen sink. He pulled out 2 black bags, both filled to the rim with guns of all sorts.

I instinctively walked away, I wasn't a fan of what they were doing and if it was going to happen I didn't want to see any of it first hand.

Madrid and Haden were told that they had to trade the guns off for their job. We wouldn't dare tell them the real reason they were armed like the secret service.

Madrid's father is a cop so she didn't think to much of it, she knows how to protect her self if anything happens, Haden on the other hand was shaken up more than anything, it took both Madrid and I to calm her down at the site of the weapons.

Hours went by and it was now time for the boys to leave to go back to L.A. for a bit. I kissed Harry goodbye and wished them all safety as they walked out of the door carrying the jet black bags.

Madrid and Haden had been sitting next to me since they've left, at first it was awkwardly quiet but that was obviously what I needed for some peace at mind.

Then they began talking....

"So, I think it's time we discuss you and Harry." She blurts out. "I'm good on that subject." I huff, "I've had my fair share of thoughts and I see the way you two look at each other. Is it the sex or something else?" She smiles, "Something else?" I question in pure curiosity as to what she meant.

"You know, do you love him?"

"Of course I love him." I throw my hands in the air, it was pretty obvious that I loved him, he's a good person and I've known him a bit too long for me not to have love for him like I do everyone else.

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