Only Way I'll Know You

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Wrapped up in so much
Life is just the way you hold me You pick you miscellaneously
Wrapped up in all the choices
you're not giving to me

Maylen Bridges

"What are you gonna wear tonight?" Harry taps me on my shoulder playful as we sit on the staircase. "Where are you guys going?" Madrid asks while throwing colorful gummy bears into her mouth like a child at the fair.

"No where?" I lie with a smile hoping she'd just leave it be. "Oh. It's a date I see?" She winks at me as if I knew any of her sense. "It's not a date." I defend. "It's really not." Harry jumps in. I rub his thigh in comfort after hearing how toned his voice became.

I knew his temper was more than short due to his disorder but it only mattered if we knew how to control it so he wouldn't lash out on anyone. "It's not a date." He says again a bit more gentle almost sounding apologetic for the rage in his voice.

"For the record I'm wearing simple clothes." I turn my head and whisper against his ear. "We'll be right back." Harry stands and smiles at Madrid on the couch before exiting by pulling me upstairs quickly with a lose grip. "Wear the dress. Just once please." He suggests while closing the bedroom door behind him. "Harry it's winter, plus at night it'll be below 40 degrees in Nevada, I'm from Florida this won't mix well."

"I promise I won't ask again just wear it for me and then you can wear what ever you please for the rest of your life." He tilts his head with that same cogent smirk that he always did when he wanted me to give in to his proposals. "Fine." I capitulate, scratching my head in disbelief that I'm actually about to do this for him.

If I'm going to be going out I'll need my hair straight, I refuse to stay with these loose locks. "My hair needs to be straightened." I huff running my fingers through the waves of my hair, knowing it'll probably take forever to find a flat iron. "Why?" He asks with a grimace expression, "This." I hold up a strand of my hair in display. "Won't stay." I cease.

"Now help me find the straightener." I stroke my palm across the nape of his neck.

"I like your hair though." He pouts, "I don't, please look with me." I hold his cheek with a closed smile. "Wear your hair curly tomorrow, then I'll help you look." He tries persuading, "Nice try but no." I flatten my lips and turn around to start searching.

"Hear me out, please." He just wouldn't give up. "Harry! I'm not going to fight with you on what I do to myself." I flip my hair back to look at him with my hand raised with the other holding onto the dresser drawer given I was beginning to open it.

At the end of the day it's my hair and it's not his decision with what I do with it. Every time i tell him that his hair looks good in a bun he always sizes me and tells me he doesn't like it so why aren't I allowed to do the same.

It's hypocritical.

"Know what." He says sternly as he opens a drawer and pulls out the a wand shaped object, it was the fucking straightener I'd been searching for.

"Harry I've been looking for it for almost a month!" I slap my hands against my hips in frustration. "I just enjoyed your natural hair more." He breathes heavily as he looks around the room. "Give it to me." I order.

He places it in my hands with force. "Here have fun." He scowls with a low voice, walking out of the room quickly without even a glance back.

"Great now he's pissed." I whisper to my self, shaking my head. I pace into the bathroom and plug up the straightener, ignoring his remarks and flat ironing my waves.

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