Back in Time

131 7 14

You can do no wrong
in my eyes, in my eyes
The drunken salesman, Your hearing damage
Your mind is restless
They say you're getting better
Badass chapter idk😳 but i like it a lot
For some reason my gifs don't work so I'll try and import as much as possible without it turning into an image😼 Hope you like

When you see **** SKIP 25 SECONDS into the song and start it✨✨ because I understand the beginning might be a tad uncomfortable for your ears🧚‍♂️.But if yur okay with that weird sound then start it when you see |||

Harry Styles

The tension in this room couldn't be thicker. After listening to Fresno yell at me for all the things I've missed in the past week I decided to zone out, I was hungry... I needed food I hadn't eaten since last night. I didn't have time to eat something this morning given this meeting couldn't wait.

    As I heard the door creek open from down the hall my eyes peeled left. "Good good you're all here." Louis relaxes as he comes to take a seat next to me. "You weren't suppose to come in today Louis what's up?" Louis handed him an orange envelope, Fres grew tense as he glanced at me, I don't think I did anything.

Did it?

I've done good here, yeah sure I slipped up a couple of times but I still got what was needed to be done. He flipped through the papers with a staggered expression, when I heard a pop noise I switched in my seat. He'd thrown the papers on the coffee table and huffed as he turned to me.


"Who took those!?" I yelled into the silence, Fresno was calmer than usual. I would've thought that he'd punch me by now. "Is this why you've been acting strange all week?" He coaxed back as he tapped his index and thumb together rapidly. "He was supposed to do a trade at 3 o'clock yesterday but instead he was at a girls house." he smirked as if it were funny.

   "So that was you following me yesterday I knew I wasn't going insane! Why would you-

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"So that was you following me yesterday I knew I wasn't going insane! Why would you-.." I was cut off by the sudden volume of Fresno's voice, "You mean to tell me some bitch is more important than my money! That's not how it works here.. I told you no fuck ups Harry!" I spoke to soon... usually Zayn would be the one to back me up here but he knew just as well as them that this was deeper than just some pitty one night stand.

"That's not fair I've done go-.." Fresno continued his rambles, "Life isn't fair kid, you work for me remember this I could ruin your life in a spilt second." My heart beat quickened and my hands grasped the arms of the singular couch .

"Stay away from this girl, I won't have you fucking up the system anymore." My monotoned facial expression sent Louis into a high pitched laugh, it pissed me off that I had no freedom but I was also mad at myself for even doing this in the first place. "We're done here you can leave." with his approval I rose to my feet to walk away. "A moment Styles."

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