And You're Not Here

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Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Niall Horan

"May wake up." I whisper, shaking her sleeping body.

She slowly opens her eyes, keeping them hooded as she glares at me with a weary expression. "Hey can you be ready in ten minutes tops?" I ask, backing up from her once she finally sat up from bed. She quickly nods as she cups her face and yawns.

"We'll be in the car, make sure to lock the house before you leave." I stand by the wooden door to the guest bedroom. "Okay." She quickly complies, walking into the bathroom, I close the door behind me and begin walking down stairs.

We still had one last duffle bag to fill with weaponry and I'm sure we wouldn't need all of them but it was incredibly smart to at least be cautious because; I'm sure none of us have encountered one of the brand names of this company before.

"You alright over there?" I eye Z with a clear solace grin who was still packing the combat knifes. "Yeah I just hope he's alright, I'm sure he's handling himself just fine but his episodes are probably all out of wack right now." Zayn sighs, zipping up the bag and sitting it on the counter. "Has he ever been in a nobble before?" I ask, looking up at him as I organize the guns into the tight spaces of the bag.

"Yeah a couple of times but he was on his medication then. I'm just worried about him now because he's easily tempered and there's no telling how many times Daniel has provoked him by now. There's only so many episodes he can go through in a day before his body shuts down from exhaustion." He explains, opening up the front door.

"Be optimistic about this. I know it probably sounds like shit coming from me but don't worry yourself for this entire drive to Denver, focus is everything right now okay." I advise him, standing up after zipping the duffle bags. We had a total of four now, just enough to kill whoever it was that was involved in this mess.

"I hear you." He grabs one of the bags from my hands once I reach the door, leaving me with two duffle bags against my grip.

"I'm only driving seven hours." I sarcastically smile at him, strutting to the vehicle. "Fuck you, no shit." Zayn laughs, reaching down to pull the lever that opens the trunk.

We walk around to the back of the car and throw the weapons on the inside. "Have everything you need? We'll be gone for a couple of days you know." I remind her, watching as she so suddenly hands her suitcase to Zayn.

"No need to worry about me. You all forgot your chargers." She laughs, handing all three of our chargers to Zayn.

I guess I should check after myself for now on too. "Good looking out. We should get going, the quicker we get there the better."

We shut the trunk and walk to our preferred car door, I watched as Zayn immediately hopped in the driver's seat. The asshole just didn't want to drive the last most dreaded hours.

"Hey Z." I call as I close the door beside me. He turns towards me with a raised eyebrow.  "Make sure to take a couple of back roads, we've been getting followed too much lately; let's not make that mistake again." I suggest.

He starts up the car and begins backing out of the high grass, the house was ducked off in the trees so he decided to take the back road on the side of the house where no cars ever crossed.

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