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'Cause we could stay at
home and watch the sunset
But I can't help
from asking, "Are you bored yet?"

Maylen Bridges

"Jesus why are there so many cars I thought it was just for graduates". I say in confusion trying my best to find somewhere to park. "Shit I forgot to mention it'd be lots of people here." Madrid confesses. "What th- what do you mean lots.. what's lots! Lots like our year class or all of Spring Hill?" Haden begins to worry. "Finally!"..I say with a huff out of relief when I see a free space to park. "Wait Madrid you didn't answer her question."

Madrid tilts her head down as if she knows we won't like the answer. "Madrid!" Haden yells. "Okay..okay! What if I said All of Spring-.. Spring Hill." Madrid stutters, looking straight at me like she knew what i was going to say back. "God no.. you know I don't want to be at a huge party I thought it was just a small get together for our school." I say, in total disbelief. "Did you not hear me when I said 'big party' earlier or..." Madrid jokes, but none of us are even at the slightest bit amused to the comment.

I can see her grinning yet trying to hide it with her hands. You know what...I'm just gonna forget about it and try and have fun.

Will I get super drunk? Yes. Do I know how we're all going to get home tonight? Nope.

Haden and I both huff while I try and process how nerve racking this will be. "Okay can we just go in and get this over with I'm already regretting taking that shot and let alone not being able to drive us home tonight... you owe me." I add, while stepping out of the car with Madrid and Haden. "You say that every time stop being a baby and come on." Madrid speaks out of annoyance.

Well Happy Graduates...

The second we walk in the door of whoever's house this is, Haden and Madrid notify me that they were going to the bathroom. That's translation for 'I'm about to go snort a line of what ever the first hot guy smoking a cigarette gives me.' I guess this is my que to go to the kitchen and grab the first bottle of liquor I see. I'm a bit nervous of what could happen tonight I don't plan on doing anything besides get drunk. I need it desperately given the week that I've had.. let alone the life I've had. I walk around trying to find the kitchen.. there are so many hallways and steps I have no idea how I'll find it. "Found it." I mumble to my self.

Entering the kitchen I'm blown away by how sleek everything is from chandeliers to marble island tables to having an all white grand piano in the left side corner. My house was a basement compared to this. "There's so many different brands of liquor on this table how the fu-." I whisper under my breath. While trying to scan for a bottle, I finally notice the only bottle I'm familiar with 'Grey Goose'.

My mom use to drink this all the time before she left Reese and I. I still don't understand why she did what she did but I'm over it.. it's been 3 years. I don't think Reese is yet though.. she's 15 how could she be at this age. Lord knows it took me a long time to understand that I can't force people to stay in my life. It's not my place to change Gods work.

If Liam were here he'd tell me not to drink anything because he wouldn't want me to act ' different' aka a 'mess'. If we're being honest I don't even know the first thing about liquor all I've noticed is that all of them make you drunk so in all reality I could care less.

Why are there so many cabinets in this kitchen? "No..No.. No..that's not it.. well where the he-...yes!" I whisper again. I finally find the cabinet filled with shot glasses that I'm sure I'm not suppose to touch but it's a party with a lot of people here so I don't think anyone will notice. I see a light blue and red glass with sunflowers splattered on it.


I was caught completely off guard by a tall figure as I turned around shutting the cabinet behind me. "Jesus! You can't stand behind me without saying something." I state, in shock. "You understand this is my house.. which you are currently in as a guest.. opening my kitchen cabinets for glasses when there are red cups that are for this party stacked all over my island table?" He says, with a smirk followed by a 'hmm'. Before I could even put the shot glass back in his cabinet he snatches it out of my hand to place it back in the cabinet.

"I could have did that I'm closer anyway." I clarify.
"My house sweetheart not yours remember that." He replies, but his tone was more monotoned than before. I give him a blank stare focusing on how intimidating he looked towered over me.

I zone out as I'm stuck staring at what I wanted to be a prick so I could get mad and yell back but turned out only to be a guy that looked years older than me .. could be 22 or 23 i couldn't tell. He had Emerald green eyes, light and dark brown hair that could glisten perfectly in the sunlight. I couldn't even explain his hairstyle but it was just.. wow..it wasn't curly nor straight it was the shiniest waves I've ever seen, even with dim kitchen lights. He had on a white t-shirt with black skinny ripped jeans and a black jean jacket. Pretty basic outfit but he looked astounding wearing it. "You alright?" He added to the silence i created. The only words I thought to say back were..

"Um..im..ahh-...I'm Maylen."

He stared back at me as if he were studying something I just couldn't figure out what it was. "Erm..how bout i get you a drink...you know the way you were supposed to before touching my shit." He says, with a small grin that out lined his left cheek.

Dimples... he has dimples ..

"No I should go find my friends but thank you anyway." I spit out, I was nervous not because he was a stranger but because he was really freaking handsome. "No..No I insist....might as well make a one night friend since we're all leaving soon." He states with a full smile this time. So he is my age.. okay? "I don't think friends creep up on each other out of no where without saying a word." I joke, I don't think he got it though.. that slight grin turned into a flat line smolder look. "Well I'm a different kind of friend." He sounded confident.. a little too confident. "How do you even know you'll see me later.. are you planning to do something, or will I like you enough to stand here and talk to with you all night." I continue, while trying to admire his eyes still with a nervous pit in my stomach. "Both."

My eyes go wide because even though he's really hot I wasn't planning on having sex or anything. "Don't worry I was only kidding." He grins while taking a sip of his drink.. he then passes me the red cup that was filled to the brim with the liquor I had originally picked out five minutes ago. "Wanna sit?" He suggests. "Um yeah sure." I say still nervous as too what I'm even doing with this guy.

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