Forget What I Said

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Honey, there's no easy part
No matter what you're told
But even when we're miles apart
I'll still hold you close

Maylen Bridges

"You seem very off tonight." Harry whispers from beside me on the living room couch. "I've never spent Christmas without my family, it's just odd to think of life as it is now." I explain out loud, I'm sure everyone had noticed how saddened I seemed.

I wasn't sad I was simply just home sick. The thought of not being in matching pjs in the living room with a huge Christmas tree stacked with presents underneath for Reece and I threw me for a loop.

Her huge smile lighting up the entire area when she sees the items she'd been asking for all year, Aunt Gemma's stained lips from sipping her red wine all morning while watching us open the many gifts she'd gotten us out of sympathy for our mother leaving the way she did. Even Nina I missed, she was very reserved but I liked that about her.

This was just all so different, although I fairly loved being around the guys, parts of me wishes I could visit my family just to open gifts. Reece, Aunt Gemma, Nina, and I had a quick phone call this morning wishing each other a Merry Christmas of course. Once again I'd always cry because I missed them so much.

The sun was gone and the fireplace had been lit, the crackling fire illuminating the entire living room just enough for all four of us to see each other. Harry reached under the large couch that Zayn and I had been sitting on all night, grabbing a small object. It was wrapped in blue, and pink Christmas paper.

"I'd been waiting all day to give you this." He lets out a closed smile, letting the crease in his dimple show more. He whips his arm out slowly handing me the gift, my eyes widen. More so in guilt than happiness. "Harry, I can't.. I didn't get you anything." I exclaim, handing him the item back, he declined and pushed it back towards me. "Just open it, for me." He coos.

"Where's our gifts you arse." Zayn spits, throwing his hands up with his mouth peeled open. "I'm sorry guys I don't-"

"Shh, it's fine May we helped, now open it." Zayn laughs.

I glance at each of them, Niall stays quiet, analyzing the entire situation as he always does. I was hesitant to unwrap what ever he'd gotten me, "Dammit Maylen! Open it." Harry aggressively quickens, his impatient manner standing out along with his uncontrolled anger. I halted at his words, "Harry." Zayn jumps into the awkward silence, he was very adamant with his words.


I quickly unravel the paper, throwing it against the oak tiles, I stop in sight of what he'd given me, what they've all given me. "You shouldn't have." My shaky voice echoing into the glistening fire. "You talk about them all the time, I thought it'd be nice to let you keep a piece of home with you for now on." Harry explains, cheesing very hard in the process.

It was a framed picture of my family and I, when I was 15. I smooth my thumb over the women's face that stood in between Reese and I. I hadn't seen her face in ages, I never bothered to look at any pictures or videos. "Is that her?" Harry catches on to my sudden change of demeanor. I nod in response. "How'd you find this picture Harry." I look up at him with weary eyes.

"Your phone, you had other photos of your family in it but I liked that one the best." He squats down, his palms cupping my knees that were covered by black leggings. "How did you- so you're stalking me now?" I chuckle. "Sorta." He plays along. "Thank you." I turn to Zayn and Niall who sat quietly watching Harry and I have our moment.

"It's nothing, really." Zayn smiles, threading his fingers through his thick hair.

"Don't, you looked like you needed it." Niall deadpans, swigging a beer.

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