Moving Faster

203 11 9

Started with a little bit
Now I don't know how to quit
Always feel inadequate
The same way that my daddy did

Harry Styles

Outgoing call: Zayn Malik

"Hello?" He mumbles sounding barely awake. "Zayn yea..erm the computers are fucked up like badly I nee-.." I spoke rapidly out of frustration until cut off by more mumbles. "Mate slow down what's happening?"

"The computers ..they're all just .. i don't know it's all messed up and I can't fix it I don't know what to do they're gonna kill me!" My voice now sounding loud enough to create echos through out my house. "Harry what do you mean it's ruined what the hell happened over there!?" I can tell he's now fully awake yelling at the phone. " Look it's a long story just get over here please." I worry, Zayn doesn't even let out another word just a heavy sigh before hanging up leaving me on edge.

The people I work for don't care about respect they just want what they want and if they don't get it they get even. This isn't my first time fucking something up and having to pay for it but it felt different this time because I wasn't the one to actually mess this up and I know I can't persuade them to believe me. These files were really important I don't know what's on them they never tell me I just do what I'm told.

The money is always good; it's illegal but it's good so I don't necessarily think I should care. I have a big house, money and so much shit that I don't even need but have just because I can afford it now. None of that means anything if I can't even enjoy the process of getting it.. it always comes with a price whether it's hurting people or not.

I pace around my kitchen trying to figure out what the hell im going to tell them when they get here at 10:00am. It's around 8 o'clock now so I don't have time to even figure this out but I can try. I even got up early to get ready because I knew today was pay day but right now I'm not sure what it's going to be.

I hear faded knocks on my front door from across the hall. I walk towards the door hoping it's Zayn. I take a deep breath before twisting the knob and when I finally opened it...

"Please explain to me what the fuck happened. I wasn't planning on waking up to come here for the meeting until 9:30." He speaks, my heart grows calmly as I'm brought face to face with Zayn.

"Just look."

"Har- Oh no .. shit...Harry please tell me you backed up the files on a hard drive or something..." He coaxes but when he catches my reaction to his sentence he knew I didn't have a back up file. "Harry you snob you can't keep fucking up like this. God erm.. are you gonna call him and tell him that you don't have it prepared yet or just take this because the punishment you get from this won't be good I can feel it." He asks sounding sympathetic yet bewildered by the fact that I fucked up yet again.

    "Zayn I'm not gonna stop you from earning your cut I can do that it's my shit I have to deal with it I guess."

"How'd you do this anyway?" He asks

    "I said it was a long story just don't tell them okay I'll handle it." I say, followed by a mumbled 'fuck' under my breath

Incoming call: John Williams

     "We have shit to do at 10 so we're heading to your place now.. be ready." The muffled tone spoke hanging up right away.

    "Harry who was that?" He spoke while walking towards my couch. "John ... he's um.. he's on his way." I stuttered. "Fuck why so early and sudden?" He questioned. "It doesn't matter... Zayn what am I gonna do? I can't keep taking punishments like this." I really can't keep doing this.. they always offer to take my shit and not just any shit.. it's my favorite things, things that mean a lot to me and that can't be replaced. "Stop fucking up then." He mumbled with a slight smirk.

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