Hate To Admit it

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I feel you
But nobody else
Though you're someone I can't see
Yet you say nothing
Of the stoic suffering
TW: relapsing, if you're easily triggered by relapses of any kind I suggest skipping this chapter!! All my love, xx

Maylen Bridges

Harry genuinely knocked the wind out of me.

I'd been sleep for half of the day because of last night. Yes I was going to force my self not to have flashbacks at his dirty talks or the way he kissed my inner thighs before he went down on me, or the way he took so much control then begged for me to make him cum...

Stop Maylen you've already failed...

Besides the amazing sex, I was truly grateful for the unexpected gift he gave me. Although it'd be had having my mother so close to me again I really did appreciate the thought of him doing this, but how the hell did he get my phone?

I don't ever remember leaving my phone anywhere near him, hell I always have it on me in case anyone ever calls me.

By anyone I do mean Liam..

It was genuinely strange not hearing from him for so long, yes it was peaceful not having to argue over when we'd get back together which was never but it just felt like something wasn't right. This isn't like him. Lord knows he checks up on me every other week and it's almost been a month and i haven't gotten a single text or call.

I planned on talking to Harry about it given he's an expert on trying to find out what happened an any situation. Truly the only source I had right now, Zayn and Niall wouldn't understand.

Of course I could call Madrid and Haden to see if maybe they'd met up with Liam after they suddenly just ran off. That was also odd.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't holding a grudge towards them both, it was very immature of them not to tell anyone they'd be leaving or why they'd be leaving so abruptly.

Everything and everyone had just seemed so unsettled lately. It was a clear suspicion that I had for life right now, obviously I've had this uneasy feeling for weeks now but waking up in a cold bedroom alone without Harry some mornings really set the tone for how I was feeling.

I could just be in my head but fuck was it starting to bother me...

This afternoon, Harry was gone again. I'd woken up just about thirty minutes ago but I'd been sitting in bed scrolling through my phone like a sixteen year old on a friendless Saturday night. It was around 2 pm which meant I stop acting like I'm a weak sack of shit and get out of bed.

I jolt up until my feet hit the cold floor, both hands to the side of my hips on the bed, my loosely curled hair falling to my chin. I hadn't flat ironed it in a while, of course I hated the way it looked, just flowing everywhere like a wild lion but I was too lazy to complete the act and honestly Harry liked it and I had no problem keeping my hair like this if it resulted in less arguments with him until we were able to set up his medication process.

I put on my all black slip on vans that sat next to the bed, shuffling them until they were against the bottom of my ankles.

Lord knows that if Harry wasn't in bed with me by the time I was awake it meant he was down stairs arguing with Zayn or out back into the woods getting air just as he'd been doing for a week now, only the last two days he'd stay outside a lot longer.

Finally making the door fly open, I make my way down stairs in a purple knitted sweater I 'borrowed' from Madrid years before I met Harry and standard black leggings. My hair hung to the sides of my shoulders and the ends almost at my back dimples that I hated so much. I had bangs last year so of course the front of my hair is fairly shorter than the rest.

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