Night Changes

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Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up

Maylen Bridges

Could tonight get any worse.

   I go out to ease my mind from all the chaos but here I am again feeling guilty for keeping this a secret from Madrid.

Trust is the key to everything and if you don't have that you have nothing. She stared me down in the Uber and until we got in my apartment.

     Fuck I was a bad friend and a bad girlfriend even if me and Liam were done he had the right to know. I shouldn't have led him on while we were dancing, I was tipsy and I lost my self in the music.

    There was an abundance of tension around the room  as we all stood in my empty living room in a spread out circle. I had my head tilted down with my arms crossed over my chest, Madrid and Liam stared at me with little huffs leaving their nose each time the silence grew thicker. I cared more about Madrid in this situation because she trusted me to stay away from Harry.

    For fucks sake I told her I would. It's not like I intentionally wanted to betray her like this. I just got wrapped up in this somehow.

    "I'm waiting May." She coaxed, she moved the lose strand of hair behind her ear before she proceeded to remove her heels. "I'm sorry okay it wasn't on pur-." I tried to continue but she cut me off. "Maylen you don't get it do you? I told you he wasn't good news. I was trying to help you so you wouldn't get lost in his eyes like i did!" She yelled out, I crotched to my knees as my heels still kept me stable from falling to the ground.

"You guys literally hooked up one time! I've known him for weeks now and It's not like that with him, we're just friends I promise!" I yell back hoping she would at least understand a little bit.

   "Sure as hell didn't seem like it." Liam mumbled under his breath, he didn't realize I'd heard him until I turned my head to him with an annoyed expression. "You don't get to comment Liam." I scolded. "Are you sleeping with him? Is that why you've been so tense around me lately." I stood to my feet and ran my fingers through my hair.

    "No I'm not! Why would you even say that, and If I was it isn't any of your business we're broken up, you're not even suppose to be here right now you should be back in New York!" I was now screaming.

I felt like I was getting attacked it hurt to see that I'd fucked up this bad, Liam and I were fine we'd agreed to  friends when we broke up but now I can't even look at him without seeing regret.

"Maylen why is he here? Why is he in L.A. with you? You talk to the guy once at a party and all of a sudden he's your best friend." Madrid speaks out sounding calmer than usual.

She was mad I could tell, I couldn't keep apologizing because it wouldn't have fixed anything it never does. "I can't tell you everything okay. Things happened to him and that's why he moved out here. I promise he didn't follow me and I didn't tell him to come with me. It was just an unexpected coincidence, I can't tell you I'm sorry because what's done is done but I never meant to break your trust like that I know you just wanted to look out for me, but being out here alone was hard enough on me." I said as I walked towards the empty wall and sat with my knees in my chest.

My dress was long enough to cover my butt so I wasn't worried about how I sat.

"Please just don't get to close with him please. I don't want to see you get hurt again." She said with another huff.

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