Double Images

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We haven't spoke since you went away
Comfortable silence is so overrated
Why won't you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way

                     2 weeks later...
Maylen Bridges

     I left for L.A. two days ago. Two weeks flew by like a bird flying away from a approaching storm. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that I finally have my own privacy.

I miss Reese barging into my room asking me to take her to the store for new hair dye and even though Nina's breakdowns were annoying but it reminded me that I wasn't the only person hurting. I haven't been any where since I got here.

I start my job in a month, they said they'd give me a month to adjust to the new environment. I have a scheduled orientation dinner with my boss tonight at an Italian restaurant in Long Beach. I searched up the menu because I'm really bad at knowing what I want off the top of my head. People don't understand that's a very difficult question. 

    Liam would always get mad at me for not knowing what I wanted when he asked. We argued a lot about it, I understood why he would get angry with me. He just cared a lot, that's one of the many things I loved about him. He never once put himself before me.. anything I wanted or needed I got with no hesitation from him.

     Incoming call: Work

"Hello..may I speak to Maylen Bridges?"

    "This is she." I utter back, turning on my professional voice. I'm sure most people do this when they have business calls.. why wouldn't you? Growing up I always heard my mother doing the same thing when talking on the phone with people. I picked up on it and practiced in my room every night when Reese would sleep. When my mom left so did my ability to try. She was hard working and she always wanted the best for me, so I always gave her my best.

     "Okay great... my name is Jill Kate your supervisor, I'm here to remind you about our orientation dinner tonight. Your Colleagues couldn't make it, they got held up at the office with some more paper work so it'll just be you and I. Be there by 8:30pm I expect you to arrive 5 minutes early to pick our table. Have a good day now see you later." She spoke quickly, but it wasn't hard to understand, she hung up as soon as she finished her sentence leaving me quite nervous.

     Luckily I brung enough clothes to last me a month. The second I start working I can buy new things. I desperately need it already.

           4 hours later...

This car stinks.

     I left about 20 minutes ago for my orientation, I would have been there if I hadn't left so late. The traffic here is terrible, this Uber driver is creeping me out, and this car smells like straight cigarettes. Not a good way to start my night.

     Staring out my window trying to admire the lights of this new sky I've never seen before. Being across the country is totally different and really confusing but I'll get use to it.

The car comes to a complete stop which notifies me that I'm now where I need to be. I step out of the car immediately patting my dress down so I can get what ever mechanisms that were in that car off of me. I don't want to smell like I just came from a mechanic shop so I pull out my travel size perfume bottle from my crossbody purse and spray the mist above my head, on my wrist, across my sweater and on my dress. I smell myself while looking around to make sure no one watches me.

Fresh again...

     'L'Opera Italian Restaurant' Reads across the glowing sign above me.

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