Barely Hanging On

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Can't remember what it was like to be sober
What if I lost my lives
What if its taking over
What if I forget my lies
And I lose all my composure
Interaction makes this so much more fun for me. Half of the time I just want to know what you're thinking.. no pressure all the love

Niall Horan

  It was Tuesday evening.

We should've left hours ago but I've been contemplating all day whether we should stay or go.

Everyone had already stuffed what ever clothing they had out back into their luggage's, they were just waiting on me to tell them where we'd be heading to next.

    Of course I knew a place, it was just It'd been so long since I've stepped foot in my parents vacation home. I lost them and this was sort of the last thing I had left with resemblance to them.

    That wasn't the only reason I wanted to remain living here until we killed Louis. It was a logical move to stay. We'd already gotten use to being here, moving would feel like running, and we were in the closest city from L.A. so it was easy access for us if we chose to drive back.

   Which was exactly what we would have to do if I made it official that we could stay here. Currently it was around 5pm and we were all in the living room. I was standing in front of Zayn, Maylen, and Harry like a child if it were their first time on stage.

   Luckily Zayn and Harry made up, it took a whole day after they talked in the backyard for Harry to finally come to terms with everything. I also talked to Harry even though I had no idea who his sister was until Zayn told me. We needed to be on the same page if it meant staying alive together.

   "So are we leaving or?" Maylen said with gritted teeth. "How do you all feel about living here?" I coaxed back. They all glanced around at each other with uneasy expressions.

"What would we do if we were to stay?" She stated. "Well.." I started. "We could live normally while still taking caution of what we did around here. We'd also have to go back and steal guns from the warehouse if we truly wanted to achieve settling here for a while."

   I said quickly hoping they wouldn't freak out from my suggestion. "I'm not going back." She walked towards the fridge. "I guess you don't want to stay here then." I mumbled as I sat down on the singular chair in front of the large couch. "How exactly do you plan on stealing guns?" She snapped as she closed the fridge harshly with a bottle of water in her hand.

    "Stealing weapons isn't hard." I said calmly even though she was clearly frustrated. "You don't need to be scared, none of us would let you get hurt." Zayn coaxed gently. "I'm not scared." She lied as she crossed her arms while sitting on the stool.

   "You're fragile." Harry spoke with a smirk. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't defend my self." She sounded more than confident with her tone. "Show me then." Harry stood with a greedy smile, he walked to the empty space behind the couch. "I don't need to prove myself." She pointed out, "If you're not fragile, you wouldn't be afraid to show me." He laughed.

She rolled her eyes, grabbing a small kitchen knife.

Walking towards him slowly, now standing only a couple inches away from Harry.

   She handed him the knife with a smirk, "Try and stab me." She coaxed as she stood still with her arms to her sides. "You'll hurt yourself if you try and get this knife from me." He laughed out. "Shut up and do it." She demanded.

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