Take Me Away

97 5 2

Seeing double images
Outcomes I decide
Never time to settle in
Live and I'll let die
Hi so I'm going to be republishing all the chapters and putting tittles to them I think it makes it more interesting!!! ENJOY!! Keep voting💖

Harry Styles

I woke up with the worst migraine possible. I couldn't figure out why. Maybe the stress I encountered last night or the stress I've encountered through my entire life. Could've been an understatement, I wouldn't know.

Knowing that'd I'd eventually have to kill someone or people again, if that sprung a deep pit of fear in my stomach. Yes, I've done it before multiple times but it wasn't something I enjoyed, it was always something I've had to do, it was out of my control and to this day even with me knowing it'll all soon be over and I can move on in life, it still holds a chip on my shoulder.

I've never been in control of anything in life, not my body, my mind, or the people around me and that's okay but at the end of the day I'd like to find a median with something.

I sat up from the empty bed immediately going to cup my head to try and relieve some of the pain. Water would help but it wouldn't take away the headache I had in my life right now which was everything everyone and I were going through.

Going down stairs this morning remembering the image from last night made aggravation stir beneath the headache I had. I reached the kitchen, going straight for the refrigerator, not even taking a glimpse at Maylen and Zayn snuggled asleep on the couch. I grabbed a bottle of water and began drinking it, shuffling came from the couch as I closed the fridge.

"Hey." She spoke softly under her breath to me. I closed my eyes knowing I didn't want to look at her knowing I'd end up seeing him next to her. "Morning." I mumbled back without seeing her face. After finishing the bottle of water I headed back upstairs to the dim bedroom. It was quite early so everyone had been sleep except May and i now which meant i knew she'd come to the room soon.

And so I was right...

She walked in with her hands threaded through her hair and tired eyes, yawning as she closed the door to sit on the bed across from me. "You seem tense..." she spoke into the silence, "No." I declined, my eyes were awfully hooded due to the ache on my temple.

I felt the bed rise letting me know she'd gotten up, I could see her from the corner of my eye walking towards me. I could feel her eyes locked on me as I kept my head down. "What's up?" she whispered, I huffed as I turned my head up to look at her. I pointed to my head because I genuinely didn't want to talk. Not because I was mad at the world but because this headache wouldn't let me gain control of my thoughts.

"Headache?" she questioned, I nodded in response. She ran her fingers through my hair slowly. "No pills?" She asked. "I can't take that." I said under my breath. I didn't care if it were Advil, Ibuprofen or any other pain reliever. I wouldn't take the risk of an addiction even if I only took one. "Well you can't sit here with a headache all morning." She continued.

    I rolled my eyes and pushed my head back down. "It'll pass." I reassured her. "If there's a CVS near by we could get you tea or something, that always helps me." I nodded my head slowly as I stood from bed to look at her.

I went straight to Niall's room, slowly opening the door hoping not to wake him, now walking up to his night stand seeing the keys directly in front. I grabbed them slowly keeping my eyes locked on him to make sure he didn't wake up.

   After grabbing the keys I met Maylen in the car, luckily she knew I didn't want to drive so I sat in the passenger seat.

   "Just keep straight you'll see it." I directed as she immediately caught the large sign behind the thin trees. She pulled into the parking lot, we hopped out of the car to begin walking into the store, I followed her to the isle that carried coffee and tea.

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