Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Nighthawk trotted up to Honeystar who was crouched on the high rock talking to Adderfang. Honeystar looked down at her, and flicked her ear. Adderfang stood up and dipped his head, he jumped down from the rock, wincing as he landed. He nodded to her and walked off. Nighthawk smiled then turned and rested her grey gaze in Honeystar.

"What can I help you with Nighthawk?" Honeystar sighed. Nighthawk swiftly leapt up onto the rock. She hesitated, apart of her wanted to tell her about her and Treewish but decided not to.

"Frostkit and Waterkit should be made apprentices soon" she said, Honeystar twitched her whiskers.

"I have more important things to think about, there is a battle coming up soon. I need to get the warriors ready" the StreamClan leader stood up. Nighthawk shook her head.

"Well maybe Shadestars warriors could train them, they could help in the battle" Nighthawk suggested with a shrug. Honeystar thought about it for a few heartbeats.

"That's not a bad idea, they could then teach then to us to use then against them!" Honeystar exclaimed. Nighthawk rolled her eyes.

"Not really what I was think-" she was cut off by a hiss. Both she cats snapped their heads around to the cat that hissed. Dirtpelts fur stood on one end, his tail ruffled and his teeth bared. Shadestar walked into their camp, Troutpool and Sunsky flanked him. The black warriors green eyes scanned the clearing. He looked to Troutpool and Sunsky and grinned. His smile rested on Honeystar.

"Look at this rat den" he sneered looking around, his warriors chuckled, their pupils had turned into slits.

"Really Shadestar?" Frogleap growled. Nighthawk couldn't help but flash a grin at the DarkClan leader, she hated this place as much as he did.

"Couldn't resist" he said casually. Honeystars ears burned with embarrassment at the insult to her camp.

"What do you want?" She growled.

"Flowerstar said that we can now go into her territory" he informed. She raised an eye.

"Why did you need to bring your warriors just to tell us that?" She asked plainly. Slowly, he lashed his tail.

"Is there a reason why I couldn't?" He asked. Nighthawk turned to Honeystar, her gaze curious. Honeystar gritted her teeth.

"Frogleap, gather up every cat. We are leaving" she hissed. She jumped down from the rock and marched past him and out of the tunnel, Adderfang wasn't far behind. Nighthawk grinned and jumped down from the rock and walked over to Shadestar who gave her a soft smile. Cats rushed past them.

"How is the camp set up?" She asked him but Sunsky answered. The ginger tabbys yellow eyes were narrowed.

"Just a few tail length away from MeadowClans camp, in the shelter of the trees" she said. Nighthawk flicked her ear. The four cats were now the last cats in the camp.

"Let's go" Troutpool said whipping around and pelting out of the camp. Nighthawk followed last behind Shadestar. Once out of the tunnel Nighthawk turned to Shadestar.

"I didn't know you could swim" she said walking into the water. The tom followed behind her, skillfully swimming like a StreamClan warrior.

"There is a lot of things you don't know" he mewed. The two DarkClan warriors ahead grinned.

The four cats arrived into MeadowClan territory. They trotted up the hill, the breeze felt refreshing on Nighthawks black pelt. She could see all of the clan cats working together, sorting out hunting patrols and practicing battle moves. She looked for Treewish, the thought of the tabby tom made her stomach flip. Then she saw him, he smiled and trotted up to her. He nuzzled her, purring loudly.

"I missed you" he said, his breath sent shock waves down her back.

"I have missed you to" she said chuckling.

"I have something to show you" he said, the two cats trotted off into the MeadowClan camp.


Unedited chapter, sorry once again for slow updates. I'm working on a different book so updates will continue to be slow.

~ Emily

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