Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lightningfrost awoke to a warm new-leaf morning. It has been two moons since Firesoul had left the clans and things seemed peaceful in the forest. Lightingfrost laid in her nest for a little while longer, letting the sun warm her pelt and watching the raising a falling of her clans mates pelts. She breathed in deeply, the air was cool and felt refreshing. Slowly, being careful not to wake any of her clans mates up, she crawled out of her nest. She walked out of the bracken den into the warm clearing. The wind rustled a few of the pine and oak trees. Birds were chattering away and feeding their new born's. Troutpool sat on the high log watching the forest. Lightningfrost trotted up to the high log a swiftly leapt onto it.

"Things seem peaceful" Lightningfrost commented

"They do, but the probably won't be for long" Troutpool stated. Lightningfrost gave her a questioning look.

"Meadowclan still blame us for making Firesoul leave the clans, his litter mate Beesting wants to rake our pelts off but, Sliverwing is more understanding" Troutpool exclaimed. Lightningfrost narrowed her eyes.

"Its not our fault Firesoul isn't loyal" she said sarcastically. Troutpool gave her a sly grin.

"Flowerstar is growing old, MeadowClan won't bother with a fight. Its StreamClan we have to worry about" Troutpool snarled.

"Streamclan is not a threat in my eyes" Lightningfrost said dryly licking a paw and drawing it over her black ear.

"They will with MeadownClan. Honeystar is itching for a fight and if Meadowclan let Honeystar side with them it won't be good. Honeystar would take over MeadowClan, I don't want to imagine Honeystar ruling two clans at once " the deputy said. Lightningfrost thought for a moment, if that happened DarkClans would have to join Honeystar or leave the forest. The thought made her blood boil.

"That won't happen, StarClan won't let it happen" Lightningfrost growled. Troutpool shrugged her shoulders.

"StarClan can't stop everything"she said. Troutpool got up a stretched her legs and walked off. Lightningfrost now sat on her own, watching the forest. For a while now she knew she has to leave the clans and find the mountain of secrets but StarClan has gave her no signs on the path that lies ahead. When will you give me a sign?


Sorry for any mistakes guys!

Warrior cats: Mountain Of Secrets (Book 2) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now