Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Right so how do we plan on doing this?" Honeystar asked sourly. The three leaders were perched on the rock in the cave where the gatherings are held. Flowerstar looked to the dark blue sky, they stars glistened, the moon was bright.

"StarClan have left us" she rasped, she staggered to her old paws. Her frail bones protruded through her grey stained pelt. Shadestar narrowed his green eyes.

"Not even StarClan can defend us from foxes Flowerstar" Shadestar growled, his voice deep and stern. Flowerstar lashed her boney tail, her lifeless amber eyes narrowed.

"They could have warned us" she spat, her rotting teeth were shown as she drew her lips back into a snarl.

"I don't know about you two but I want to find a way to kill these mouse hearted foxes not argue about StarClan!" Honeystar said raising her voice, the ageing leader rose to her paws, her light brown fur bristling.

"Sit down and we can talk" Shadestar ordered. The two female leaders cast a glance to one another and reluctantly sat down.

"Right so what do we do?" Honeystar said. Flowerstar twitched her whiskers and turned to Shadestar.

"Well I think we should see how many foxes we are dealing with then-"

"Then what?" Honeystar interrupted. Shadestar cast her annoyed glance, she shrunk into her pelt,

"Then our clans form together and chase the flea bags out" Shadestar snarled. Flowerstar coughed.

"That's a good idea but, when our clans form together won't the foxes be suspicious?" She questioned. Foxes were very sly, the old, wise leader had a point.

"We shall stay in MeadowClan territory, it makes more sense as we could easily see if the foxes were sneaking in to listen to our plan" Honeystar suggested.

"That's fine, as long as your clans do your part around the camp" Flowerstar said. Shadestar twitched his ear and nodded.

"But who will lead? If our clans are joining together who will we follow into battle?" Honeystar asked quickly.

"My clan will follow Shadestar" Flowerstar said without a second thought, she rested her tail on his shoulder. Shadestar dipped his head.

"So will my clan" Honeystar said through gritted teeth. Shadestar dipped his head. The large tom stood to his paws.

"Right, next sunrise we shall all go into MeadowClan. We can discuss battle tactics" Shadestar said jumping down from the rock. He looked over at Flowerstar to make sure the old female landed safely, which she did. Grasseyes walked towards them. He went up to his leader and escorted her out of the clearing, Honeystar followed close behind. Shadestar sat there for a few moments thinking.

"Turns out we need you more than we realise Lightningfrost, oh StarClan make sure she's safe" Shadestar sighed to himself.

The DarkClan walked through the thorn tunnel to hear some cats giggling. He narrowed his eyes and angled his ears towards the sound what came from behind a rock. Slowly he crept forward and looked behind it to see Snowfeather and Smokestorm. Both of them were sniggering and talking. Shadestar rolled his eyes and made his way to his den. He leaped skillfully from each boulder to another. The leader nosed his way through the vines and the entrance to his den. Troutpool was curled up in the nest next to his, quietly he settled down beside her.

"How did it go?" The deputy asked him sleepily, he eyes still closed.

"Fine, I will announce it all in a meeting at sunrise" he said softly to his mate.

"Honeystar behave herself?" She asked in amusement. Shadestar chuckled.

"Surprisingly she did, but Honeystar seems to be getting older everytime I see her. I don't know how much longer Flowerstar has left though" Shadestar sighed. Troutpool lifted her head up and looked at her mate.

"Flowerstar looks like she is suffering, I hope she goes peacefully, and I noticed that about Honeystar too" Troupool said, her amber eyes slightly narrowed. Shadestar licked Troutpools ear.

"I seem to be the only leader not ageing" he purred, Troutpool smiled.

"Your not that much younger than Honeystar, she's just ageing a bit faster"

"Just a bit" he leader smiled, Troutpool tilted her head to one side.

"What's wrong?" She asked, Shadestar hesitated.

"I have just been thinking about Lightningfrost that's all, she should be back now" he said worryingly. Troutpool gave him a soft smile.

"She will be back soon, don't worry. Let's get some sleep" she told him. Both cats put there heads down. Soon Troutpool was fast asleep but Shadestar laid there watching her pelt rise and fall. His eyes soon closed, a few heart beats later he was fast asleep.


He woke up to find himself in a moon-lit forest, the sky was a deep blue and the moon shone. The moon lit up the dew on the grass making it look like fallen stars on the ground. Large silver willow trees scattered the clearing, their hunched, long branches and leaves scrapping the damp floor. The soft trickling of water from a near by stream was the only sound, apart from the frogs and crickets calling for mates. Shadestar breathed in the scents. He narrowed his eyes as a muscular figured walked towards him.

"Shadestar, its nice to see you once again" the cat said, Shadestar walked closer to him. He held back a purr when he saw who it was, Soulstar his old mentor.

"You're looking well Soulstar" Shadestar said dipping his head to his former mentor and leader.

"You're not to bad yourself Shadestar" Soulstar smiled.

"Why am I here?" Shadestar asked getting to the point. Soulstar sat down.

"You have been wondering about Lightningfrost for a long time now, why?" Soulstar said not facing his former apprentice.

"She's important to the clans and is like a daughter to me" he answered sternly. The white leader nodded his head slowly.

"She is important, you know more about her future than she does so why wonder about her? I mean you know she will be fine" Soulstar pressed. Shadestar sat down and stared into the forest before him. He paused.

"She hasn't returned, I'm worried" he finally answered.

"No need to be," Soulstar stood up "she has found the other cat like her and their journey is nearly complete"

"How much longer will she be? Shadowmoon is worried and won't eat hardly anything, she will soon grow sick" Shadestar said.

"She will return once her mission is complete" Soulstar answered. The tom started to fade.

"No wait! I don't know what to do about the foxes!" Shadestar called, but it was too late, Soulstar was gone.


Sorry I haven't updated, I have been really busy with school work but I will try and update a lot faster, don't give up on me yet!

Warrior cats: Mountain Of Secrets (Book 2) - CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon