Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Mouse-dung!" Lightningfrost spat through gritted teeth glaring at the twoleg nests. Hawksoul chuckled.

"We have to pass through them. Its not all that bad" he said giving her a nudge, she shrugged him off.

"There's not another way around?" She asked glancing at the tom.

"No, we have to go straight through" he said. She let out a sigh. They walked up to a twoleg fence. Hawksoul leapt it with ease, Lightningfrost followed. She landed squarely on top on the fence but lost her footing. She stumbled, she was falling closer to the edge. Hawksoul grabbed her scruff to steady her.

"Thanks" she mumbled. He gave her a nod.

"Put one paw in front of the other, slowly" he said. She narrowed her eyes but done what he said.

They continued to walk along the endless rows of fences. Beyond every fence was a bright green patch of grass and flowers.

"What are they? Why have grass at the back of a twoleg nest?" she asked stopping and flicking her tail to the patch of grass and flowers. Hawksoul stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"That is a garden, twolegs keep parts of the forest there" he asked. She nodded slowly. They then walked past the next garden, Lightningfrost looked to see a pure white rabbit hopping about.

"They even keep prey as pets? Twolegs are weird" she growled.

"Well this is the end of the fences" Hawksoul said jumping down. Lightningfrost jumped down next to him. They were now in a small alley way, large silver cans littered the floor. She wrinkled her nose at the smell. They slowly made their way past them.

Then a silver can toppled over and a tortoiseshell she-cat fell out. She looked at the two cats. Her green eyes wide. Her pink collar was covered in twoleg rubbish.

"Who are you?" She asked. Lightningfrost turned to Hawksoul.

"We are just passing through" Lightningfrost said dipping her head. The kittypet grinned.

"I'm Shelly" she chipped. Hawksoul smiled politely. Lightningfrost raised an eyes, she didn't trust this kittypet.

"I'm Hawksoul, this is Lightningfrost" Hawksoul said flicking his tail to Lightningfrost.

"What kind of names are they?!" Shelly laughed. Lightningfrost growled.

"What kind of name is Shelly?!" She retorted. Shelly flashed her a look.

"Where are you heading?" The kittypet asked Hawksoul changing the subject.

"That's none of your concern" Lightningfrost said dryly.

"To the ocean" Hawksoul said giving Lightningfrost a look. She curled her lip.

"That's not to far, a few sunrises of travel" Shelly said.

"Do you know what's the quickest way?" Hawksoul asked. Shelly narrowed her eyes, deep in thought.

"Head straight along the alleys, soon the twoleg dens will go and then you're almost there!" Shelly squeaked. Lightningfrost glanced at Hawksoul who smiled at Shelly.

"Thankyou" he said, the two warriors walked away.

"Its was nice to meet you!" Shelly shouted. Lightningfrost rolled her eyes.

"She seemed nice" Hawksoul said. Lightningfrost sighed.

"I don't trust her" she snarled. Hawksoul raised his bright green eyes.

The two cats continued to walk along the alleys, the twoleg rubbish stung Lightningfrost's eyes. How could twolegs live like this? The alleys started to thin out.

"See Shelly was right" Hawksoul said with a cheeky grin. Lightningfrost cuffed him around the ear. Then something pounced on Hawksoul and Lightningfrost. She looked to see a large white tom on Hawksoul, and a black she-cat was on Lightningfrost.

"Intruders!" The she-cat hissed. Lightningfrost went limp and flipped the cat off, Hawksoul did the same. He jumped on the white tom and bite his neck. Hawksoul came across as a bouncy, sweet tom but he was a ruthless fighter. Lightningfrost raked the black cats pelt, then a grey tom joined the fight. Lightningfrost pounced on him and bite his muzzle and battered his belly with her mind claws. Hawksoul was now fighting with a mattered brown tom and a white spotted she-cat.

"Enough!" A voice screeched. Lightningfrost let go of the tom and turned to look at the cat that called off the fight. Hawksoul stood over the white she-cat, his eyes burned with anger.

"They came into our alley Sage!" The black cat shouted. The silver tabby narrowed her amber eyes.

"Why are you here?" Sage snarled.

"A cat told us to pass through here, to get to the ocean" Hawksoul growled. Lightningfrost glared at the black cat.

"Well your not welcome, I will get some cats to escort you out of our alley, and I will go with you" Sage said. Lightningfrost flexed her claws. They pain shot through her left eyes, she opened it and curled her lip into a snarl and slowly turned her head towards the black she-cat. Blood dripped in her eye making it sting. The black cat had clawed her eye, causing a scar. Lightningfrost leapt at her, the two cat clawed at each others pelts.

"Mitzi! Get off her!" The white tom shouted in a deep voice. Mitzi broke away panting.

"Oscar! She almost killed me a few heart beats ago!" Mitzi protested, a white spotted she-cat narrowed her eyes.

"I just saw you scratch her eye!" She shouted. Mitzi hissed. Lightningfrost snarled.

"Anyway they must go, Woody, Oscar and Sugar come with me, Mitzi, Caspa and Blue will stay." Sage said. A grey tabby tom walked into the alley and nuzzled Sage and looked at the two warriors.

"What's going on?..." His gazed rested on Lightningfrost. It was Roscoe. Lightningfrost glared at him.

"You" she snarled. Roscoe smiled. Hawksoul glanced at Lightningfrost. Sage narrowed her eyes. Roscoe had lied to her, last time they met he said he wanted to be her mate.

"Come on then!" Sage hissed. Hawksoul and Lightningfrost followed her.

"Shelly tricked us, she knew these cats were here and were going to kill us" she hissed to Hawksoul. He flashed her a sly grin

"Let me guess you are going to get her back?" He said giving her a sideways glance.

"I am" she hissed flexing her claws.


Taylamalik u can only comment once on each chapter aha, and sorry for any mistakes!!!

Tell me who you fave cat is!!! 3 comments for the next chap!

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