Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Nighthawk watched stiffly as cats charged past her. Fear and adrenaline flooded the clearing. Her whole body had tensed up. She wasn't ready. None of the Warriors were ready. The foxes had come sooner then they thought. A body slammed into hers with such a force that her ears began to ring. She laid there for a slight moment. The dry grass Infront of her started to blur. The cat that charged into her, Lilyfoot, rised and stumbled slightly before she charged over to join the other cats. A sturdy shadow cast over her. She couldn't make out the cat, but the Warriors mouth moved but she couldn't make out the words.

"...Nighthawk...Nighthawk! We need to go!" The ringing was starting to fade. The cat nudged her to her paws. She looked, it was Treewish. The tom helped her to her paws.

"Thankyou, let's go!" She said. The two cats charged over to the field. Nighthawk thoughts drifted to Lightningfrost and what the DarkClan warrior would do in the current situation. Another pelt brushed against her, she looked to see Smokestorm. The large grey tom grinned at her and charged ahead, the toms muscles rippled through his pelt. Nighthawk grinned to herself. Adrenaline coursed through her veins. She felt invincible, like she could take on the foxes by herself.

Both her a Treewish skidded to a holt when they hit the top of the hill. The two cats peered down at the battle below. It was commencing between two large hills, in a small grassy ditch.

"Great StarClan" Treewish gasped. Blood stained the field. It was an orange blur, like fire poured between the cats. There were too many foxes for Nighthawk to count. Her heart quickened, no way were they going to win this battle.


Cats jumped on the foxes, their claws causing large gashes in their orange pelts. Warriors fought together to bring down the intruders. A fox grabbed a silver cat between its jaws and shook it ferociously in hits jaws and slung the warrior to one side. The pelt of the cat lifted and fell, but didn't lift again. She spotted Honeystar brawling with a small male fox. Her tail fluffed up as she hissed at him, showing her rotten teeth. The male snarled and snapped at her heels. The StreamClan leader lept for his throat and clung on as tight as she could. The male wailed out in pain and for help. Instead the only help which came was from Shadestar. The magnificent tom lunged at the foxes stomach and buried his claws in. His muscles tensed as he pulled back. Blood swelled around his black paws. The foxes eyes stilled and widened. As Shadestar continued to pull back, the foxes insides spilled out on the floor. The fox slowly flopped to one side. Shadestar lifted his head up and dived back into battle. Honeystar glared and joined back into the battle.

The tip of Treewish's tail touched hers. She gazed snapped from the battle and landed on him. The tom gave her a sweet smile.

"I love you" he purred. She blushed and smiled back.

"I love you to, stay safe" she said softly. Nighthawk then charged into the battle.

The bitter smell of blood hit her black nose, her eyes watered at the scent. Nighthawk looked to see if any warrior needed her help. She caught Treewish fighting along side Flamespark. Treewishes green eyes flashed with rage as he pounced at the vixen. The vixen yowled as the two toms pinned her down and clawed and bit her pelt to shreds. Flamespark lifted up his head, his eyes wild. Orange fur clung to his jaws, tinted with blood.

An orange glow then caught her eye. Nighthawk peered up to the hill opposite them. A large vixen stood at the top of the hill. Her copper eyes peered at the foxes and cats below. She's their leader. Nighthawk knew that the only way to defeat the foxes was to take out that vixen.

Her heart quickened. She knew that she couldn't take her on by herself. Her grey eyes scanned around for Shadestar but the black tom was battling a muscular male fox with Snowfeather and Dirtface. A screech distracted her. Beestings tail hung in a foxes jaws. The dark grey tabby tom stared at disbelief as his newly docked tail. Nighthawks eyes widened as the fox let out a slight grin at his victory. But he turned back to the fox and snarled, Nighthawk rushed to his side. The tom gave her a quick, thankful look before the tom lept that the fox. The fox snarled and yelled and Beesting clawed at its face. While the fox was distracted, Nighthawk launched herself into its back. She dug her curved claws into its rotting, russet  pelt which was covered is missing patches of fur. The fox jolted back as Beesting dug his claws into the foxes eyes. Nighthawk continued to cling on as she sunk her fangs into its flesh. Blood flooded into her mouth as she ripped out its flesh. The fox screamed in agony. It begun to shake its pelt, trying to get the two warriors off. But they wouldn't budge.  Nighthawk held on tight while Beesting reached down and bit its throat. Nighthawk started to claw at the foxes belly causing large, deep gashes. The fox was bleeding out, it started to become weak. Before the fox could collapse, both warriors jumped off and stepped back. Crimson blood trickled down the foxes neck and stomach. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his final breath. The fox let out one last breath before he went limp. Beesting turned to look at where his tail used to be. The toms green eyes ached with sadness and pain.

"You need to see Yarrowpelt, now" Nighthawk said loudly over the battling cats and foxes. Beesting flicked his ear and dipped his head.

"Thankyou" he muttered, turning to look at the dead fox. Beesting let out a low growl and bounded off staggering.

Nighthawk turned back to the battle to see who else needed help. Suddenly she saw a black shadow on the hill and a loud snarl. Nighthawk looked up, the vixen on the hill was snarling at a black cat. The warriors tail lashed from side to side. The warrior lunged at the vixen and they both tumbled down the hill together into the clearing. Nighthawk watched in shock and fear, then she realised who the cat was. It was Lightningfrost.


Question for you guys, if you could be any warrior in my series, who would you be and why?

Oh and my first book, the lightning and the night is almost at 20k, could you guys please make that happen?! It would mean the world to me!

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