Chapter 23

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Shout out to Opaljaydove654, follow her now!

Guys I have done another book called Lie To Spy so please check that out, there are a few famous faces in there so please read it!


Chapter 23

"Honeystar!" Nighthawk yowled bounding through the tunnel. Adderfang narrowed his eyes at her as she charged to her leaders den. Honeystar was grooming her leg, she slowly looked up at Nighthawk

"What is it?" She growled. Nighthawk started panting.

"Its the foxes! They are preparing for a battle" Nighthawk gasped. Honeystar raised her eye and stood up and shook her pelt.

"Don't be so mouse brained" Honeystar mewed. Nighthawks grey eyes widened, she dug her claws into the sand.

"I'm not lying!" Nighthawk protested, her voice shaking with anger.

"Leave my den" Honeystar said coolly. Nighthawk snarled.

"Not until-"

"Until what? Until you can prove it I'm doing nothing about it" Honeystar growled, lashing her tail.

"I'm your most loyal warrior!" The black she-cat said in disbelieve.

"Says the one that goes around talking to DarkClan warriors!" Honeystar shouted in anger. Nighthawk froze, Honeystar knew about Lightningfrost and her meetings.

"Fine but when the foxes attack it will be your fault" Nighthawk huffed storming out of Honeystars den. Lightningfrost was wrong, if her own leader wouldn't listen to her who would? She knew that cat that would. She ran through the camp.

"Nighthawk!" A little voice called. Nighthawk skidded in a stop and gritted her teeth and she slowly turned around. Frostkit slowly bounded up to her, "Volepaw taught me some herbs!" She squeaked.

"That's great Frostkit! I have to go, tell me more about it when I come back" Nighthawk rushed. Frostkit smiled.

"Be back soon!" She called as Nighthawk ran off.

Nighthawk sat there waiting in the normal place, she had to be careful to make sure that Frogleaps patrol didn't come by. Then she saw him, the light brown tabby tom. He trotted down to her, he green eyes bright.

"Hey" he said sitting down next to her. She breathed in his scent, his fur smelt of heather.

"I need to tell you something but you can't tell anyone" her voice dropped into a whisper. He flicked both ears.

"I'm all ears" he mewed. She took a deep breath, she didn't know how he would take this he might not believe her and think she was crazy.

"There are foxes in the forest, they are going to attack the clans" Nighthawk said so quietly Treewish had to move in closer to hear her. Treewishes eyes drained of that bright green spark. He froze, his whole body tensed. It was almost like he remembered something that happened moons ago. Nighthawk had no idea what that would have been though.

"We need to tell the clans" Treewish said stiffly. Nighthawk shook her head.

"Honeystar won't listen, there are always fights between MeadowClan and StreamClan, DarkClan seem to be quiet" Nighthawk sighed. Treewishes gaze turned to his paws, he shuffled his paws.

"DarkClan attacked us last night, Grasseyes went into their territory by accident on a patrol. Shadestar made a patrol attack our camp, we had know idea" Treewish muttered. Nighthawk licked his shoulder, he turned and looked at her.

"Treewish we must make the clans fight together" Nighthawk stated, Treewish looked hesitant.

"We could try but how? StreamClan are against us and Darkclan, DarkClan are against you and us, there is no way we can all work together" Treewish sighed. Nighthawk gave him a blank stare, she could not believe what she was hearing.

"Lightningfrost wouldn't want this, she's our friend and she will be broken when she comes back to see the clans gone because of a fox attack" Nighthawk protested. Treewish snapped his head around at her, his green eyes full of pain.

"Who said she is coming back? She's dead Nighthawk! Don't you understand?!" He growled. Nighthawk stood up and lashed her tail.

"She is not dead! She will be back and-"

"Wait? How do you know she has left?" He questioned, his eyes narrowed. Nighthawk sighed.

"She left to find The Mountain Of Secrets, StarClan wanted her to go, she will be back" Nighthawk muttered. Treewish seemed disappointed.

"Why didn't she trust me?" He sighed. Nighthawk knew its was only because Lightningfrost knew of Nighthawks power that she told her. But shall she tell Treewish that she split the territorys up? She decided not to. Treewish and Lightningfrost had been close friends since they were kits, at every gathering they would sit together, the pair almost seemed inseparable.

"Well you know now, but we must tell the clans about the foxes" Nighthawk said softly, he turned his head towards her.

"How do we break it to them?"


She glared at them. Their fire like fur stained in scarlett blood, patches of fur matted with mud. Their dark eyes full of anger and hatred as they stared at their leader. She looked down on them as if they were crow food. One of them gave her a worried look, he knew he had messed up. She flicked her orange ear as a fly buzzed around the fresh cut in her ear. Her bushy tail had been bitten, she could feel ants crawling over her matted tail fur.

"Are you cat brained?!" She barked. One of the youngest let out a squeak at her loud bark as it had made her jump.

"We are sorry" a vixen said quietly. The leader snarled curling up her lip, her teeth yellow and rotten.

"We kill cat not fox! You fight over mouse?!" She bellowed. Her new born cubs scampered up to her from their den. She bite her sons ear, he yelped and ran back. She turned her attention back to the foxes. Prey was rare in their small territory, her warriors had fought over a freshly caught mouse. She went to break up the fight but ended up apart of it.

"It won't happen again" the oldest male growled, the vixen raised an eye.

"If it does, cat will think foxes are weak! Fox are strong!" She shouted. More foxes emerged from the bracken and barked in agreement, she narrowed her eyes.

"Kill cat!"

"Kill their leaders!"

"We will make cat pay for what they did!"


Sorry for slow updates, so vote and comment, tell me what you think and who shall I do the next chapter on next?

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