Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"So we both have all clan blood?" Hawksoul questioned again. Lightningfrost nodded her head. They were at the end of the forest, she could hear the mountain calling her, her fur bristled.

"Yes, look we are getting close." She said looking around. There was an old dirt thunderpath in front of them, long hills lead up to two mountains.

"Look let's go this way!" Hawksoul said with enthusiasm, he used the tip of his tail to indicate the way he wanted to go. It looked like a sensible path to follow, it lead straight up into the highest mountain.

"Sure" Lightningfrost trotting up to him. The two cats trotted side by side up the small slope that lead to some boulders leading up the mountain.

"If we keep going at the speed we are going at we should be there in about two sunrises time" Hawksoul explained, Lightningfrost stopped to taste the air and caught a scent. Milk, her blue eyes widened and flash back of her dreams flooded into her head. A cat screeching as she gave birth, a raven screeching in a near by forest. "Are you okay?" Hawksoul asked walking up to her and resting his tail on her shoulder, his green eyes concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said quietly picking up speed as she pounced over rocks. Then something caught her eye, a red wooden den was located between two large boulders. The top of the den and the side had caved in making a small cave. The scent of milk was strong. Hawksoul twitched his whiskers.

"Shall we look inside? Maybe if its empty we could stay there for the night" Hawksoul suggested. Lightningfrost nodded her head and stalked towards the den with Hawksoul at her side. She narrowed her blue eyes into slits and unsheathed her claws. They got to the mouth of the den. The scent of milk was a lot stronger and fresh. Then a pebble fell of a rock. Lightningfrost widened her blue eyes, Hawksoul shot her an apologetic glance.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" A weak voice mewed.

"Who is in there?" Hawksoul called. Paw steps slowly padded up the den, soon they were face to face with a blue-gray she cat with white patches and ice blue eyes. She cast them a worried look.

"Please don't hurt me, I have kits" she pleaded. Lightningfrost narrowed her eyes slightly.

"What's your name?" She growled.

"River" she responded timidly. Rivers blue grey pelt looked mattered, her once white patches were now a dusky brown from lack of grooming. A mewling came from the den. Hawksoul peered in but River blocked his path.

"How many kits have you got?" Lightningfrost said coldly. River hesitated.

"Three, Feather, Crow and Jay" she said, River cast a small glance over her shoulder into the den.

"You look thin" Hawksoul said looking at her pelt, you could clearly see her ribs. River sighed and sat down, her nervous had gone but been replaced by despair.

"I don't have time to hunt, I'm afraid that if I leave them a fox will take them" River sighed. Lightningfrost twitched her long whiskers.

"Mind if we look at the kits?" She asked, but she didn't wait for a reply. She walked towards the den, River nodded and lead the two cats in. The smell of rotting prey wafted from the den, the milk scent was stale.

"Mama?" A tried voice mewed. The fur on Lightningfrost's neck stood on end.

"Feather don't wake up your brothers" River whispered, a small blue-grey kit stumbled towards them, her blue eyes sad. Lightningfrost froze, her heart ached for the tiny bundle of fur.

"Who are they?" She asked timidly, River was about to answer, but she didn't know the answer.

"I'm Hawksoul, this is Lightningfrost" Hawksoul whispered answering for her. Rivers blue eyes widened, she pulled Feather into her.

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