Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

"Come in Lightningfrost" Shadestar sat at the back of his den patiently, waiting for the warrior to enter. His den was cool, a light breeze washed through under a small crack at the back of the den. The refreshing air felt soothing of the scratches across his flank. Lightningfrost frost entered the den, the beautiful she-cat bowed her head slightly before sitting down. Shadestar lifted his chin slightly, watching her. He noticed that she had a scratch running down her left eye, the wound had crusted over, it was not fresh from the battle. Her long black fur looked immaculate, a shone from the beams of light that has seeped through the den, making her crystal blue eyes glow. He flicked the tip of his tail slowly from side to side.

"Welcome home" he said bowing his head. She flashed a small smile and bowed back to him, her whiskers twitched.

"It's nice to be back" she said softly. Shadestar narrowed his deep green eyes slightly.

"Why did you wish to see me? I'm guessing you're not here for a welcome home speech" the large tome said, he stood up and slowly walked over to some freshly soaked moss that Troutpool had left for him. Lightningfrost pursed her lips together and looked back over her shoulder slightly before turning back to her leader who was slowly lapping up the droplets of water on the moss.

"You knew StarClan wished to see me, I made it to the mountain of secrets" she informed him, listing her head slightly. Shadestar stopped drinking the water and turned to look at her.

"The Mountain of secrets..." his voice trailed off. His head turned forward, he stared straight ahead, his ears went back. Lightningfrost slightly tilted her head to one side.

"They informed me of what I had to do" she told him, she flicked her tail. Shadestar still seemed distant but he stood up, his back to her, he stood still for a heart beat. He then turned around and faced her.

"And what is it that you must do?" He asked slowly, his claws slowly unsheathed. She took a deep breath in, and slowly exhaled.

"StarClan want me to lead the next clan, with warriors from each clan in the forest" she informed him. His claws sheathed, he gave small half smile. She gave him a questioning look to his reaction.

"I always knew this day would come when a fourth clan would enter the forest" he began, "ever since I was a kit I would feel like the forest was missing something, I truly noticed it as an apprentice at my first gathering" Lightningfrost remembered there four large oak trees within the cave.

"It was only when Soulstar died was I told that there would be a fourth clan, many leaders feared who that may be" he froze, his gaze seemed distant before he turned back to Lightningfrost. His normal, stoned face softened, "I'm glad that that cat to lead the next clan, is you" he said with pride. Lightningfrost smiled at her leader and bowed her head to him.

The tom stood up and walked to the entrance of the den, his tail rested gently on her shoulder.

"Come, we must inform the clan" the two cats left the den.


"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the high log for a clan meeting!" Shadestar bellowed. Lightningfrost sat next to him, watching the cats emerge from their dens. Redfoot sat outside of the medicine cat den with Smokestorm and Flamesparks head poking through. Shadowmoon, Thistlehawk, Hawksoul, Cherrytree, Grassblade, River and the kits all sat at the back. The other warriors sat close to the front, their eyes wide.

"As you can all see, Lightningfrost has returned!" He informed loudly.

"Lightningfrost! Lightningfrost! Lightningfrost!" Cats cheered loudly, Snowfeather the loudest. The pretty white she-cats brown eyes shone with pride as she looked up to her beloved friend. Lightningfrost smiled and dipped her head in response to her clan mates.

"Lightningfrost never abandoned us, she was sent on a mission from StarClan" Shadestar begun. Cats started to murmur to eachother, some cast glances to the OceanClan cats.

"As many of you cats are fully aware, a clan is missing from our forest" he stopped for a second, his whiskers twitched, "StarClan have asked Lightningfrost to start the four-" he was cut of from erupted gasps from the cats.

"SILENCE!" He growled. Immediately cats stopped talking, Lightningfrost noticed crow hide into his mother. Lightningfrost rested her tail on Shadestars shoulder and she stepped forward. She could feel her clan mates heavy gazes on her.

"Starclan have asked to create the fourth clan, this is the truth. To create this clan I have been instructed to gather warriors from each clan in the forest" she informed her old clan mates. Cats cast glances to eachother but said nothing.

"If you wish to join Lightningfrost, please step forward now, this will be your only chance" Shadestar instructed. Greydawn jumped to his paws, his fur bristling.

"How can you stand for this?! Allowing her to take our warriors?!" Greydawn hissed to his leader. Shadestar answered calmly

"It is the will of StarClan, we cannot fight it" Greydawn looked unsatisfied with his answer. Sunsky rested her tail on the toms shoulder, and she shook her head, with that the tom slowly calmed down. Shadowmoon and Thistlehawk walked towards her.

"We will join you Lightningfrost" Thistlehawk said, looking up proudly at his daughter. Lightningfrost looked down and smiled at him.

"I'd like to thank you Shadestar, for everything" Thistlehawk said turning to his old leader. Shadestar smiled and dipped his head to the ageing tom.

"It was my pleasure old friend, may StarClan light your path" Shadestar said to him. Snowfeather stood up, and took one step forward.

"I'd love to join you old friend, but my heart lies with DarkClan" she said with a soft smile. Riverlight and Sunsky walked next to her and nodded in agreement. Lightningfrost nodded and smiled at her beloved friends. She jumped down from the high log and nuzzled the three cats. Cats moved out of the way as a warriors pushed past. Troutpool, and her two sons stood in front of her.

"I wish you all the best, you'll make a fine leader" Troutpool purred, nuzzling her shoulder.

"Take care Troutpool" Lightningfrost licked the deputy's shoulder. Smokestorm stepped forward.

"Well goodbye beautiful, I guess I'll see you around" he said with a mew of laughter. Lightningfrost laughed and nuzzled the handsome tom in goodbye. Flamespark stepped forward, the ginger tom was clearly in pain.

"I'd like to thankyou for not giving up on me" he said quietly, looking at his paws. Lightningfrost lifted his head with her tail, his amber eyes wide.

"You've made a fine warrior, you've made me proud" she said, the two cats nuzzled before he pulled away. Lightningfrost looked to the rest of the cats who would be traveling with her. As Hawksoul walked past he smiled down at her, and bowed to Shadestar who bowed back. Before Lightningfrost left for the entrance Shadestar jumped down from the high log.

"You will always have our alliance, you're welcome any time" she nodded her thanks and the two cats touched heads. She walked for the entrance a final time, before she left and turned to Greydawn who watched her with dark expression.

"Take care Greydawn" his face softened, shocked at her kind words. And with that she left DarkClan for a final time, and they headed to StreamClan.

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