Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"So, you're back again for good?" Nighthawk said trotting up beside her. Lightningfrost turned to look at her friend, the young black she-cat smiled at her. Lightningfrost touched her friends shoulder with the tip of her tail.

"I am, definitely for good this time. I hope" she let her voice trail off as she looked over at all the cats who had chosen to follow her. They looked exhausted. River and her kits had been traveling for weeks, her kits had grown so much since Lightningfrost had first met them, they were the perfect age to become apprentices.

"I'm guessing we are at MeadowClan" Hawksoul said turning to face her. The large tabby narrowed his green eyes as he turned back to face moor. Lightningfrost stood next to him and looked over the moor. The flowers swayed in the light breeze, carrying a sweet scent mixed with MeadowClan warriors,

"Hawksoul, Nighthawk and Thistlehawk come with me. We don't want to make this look like an ambush" Lightningfrost instructed. The cats all nodded their heads. Shadowmoon walked up to her with concern in her milky green eyes.

"Flowerstar is dead, Grasseyes is now leader, he won't let you take his warriors so easily" Shadowmoon informed. Lightningfrost gave her a soft smile.

"I know someone who will join, no matter what Grasseyes says" she said, turning to look at Nighthawk. The slender black-cats grey eyes glistened with excitement at the thought of her mate joining the clan.

The small group of cats headed towards the MeadowClan camp. Thistlehawk stopped to taste the air to see if there was an approaching patrol.

"Nothing, they must not have sent out the afternoon patrols" He informed turning back to look at them.

"We'll have to still stay alert, they might be expecting an attack, especially after Flowerstars death" she told the group of cats. Concern stared to flood over her, she knew how unpredictable Grasseyes could be. Nighthawk sensed her friends worry and slowed down to be next to her.

"Hopefully Grasseyes will understand, I wouldn't have thought he would go against the wishes of StarClan" Nighthawk said to her quietly. The wind carried the strong scent of MeadowClan cats.

"Looks like we'll now find out" she muttered. Thistlehawk came to a halt outside of the entrance to the camp. Beesting and Lilyfoot stood guard.

"We are here to speak to Grasseyes" Thistlehawk announced. Beesting slowly carried his amber gaze along each of the warriors.

"Never seen him before" His eyes rested on Hawksoul, who narrowed his eyes at the MeadowClan warrior.

"And what are two StreamClan cats doing with you?" Lilyfoot chipped in, peering around the warriors. Thistlehawk turned his face to Lightningfrost who stepped forward.

"I'm here to speak with your leader" she said calmly. The two MeadowClan cats exchanged glances, before Beesting finally spoke.

"You can come, but he can wait here" He pointed his nose towards Hawksoul. The fur on his neck began to bristle, Lightningfrost rested her tail on his shoulder to calm him down.

"As you wish" the cats followed to the warriors into the camp. As they entered, cats emerged from their dens, exchanging whispers and glances between each other. Lightningfrost ignored them and continued to follow Lilyfoot and Beesting through the camp. Before either of the MeadowClan warriors had time to announce the arrival of other cats, Grasseyes walked out of the leader's den.

"Ah Lightningfrost, how many I help you?" He asked looking down at her, his green eyes burned into her.

"Grasseyes I – "

"Its Greatstar now" he said cutting her off. The large grey tabby puffed out his chest. Thistlehawk and Nighthawk exchanged glances, both looked worried.

"I see you wasted no time" Lightningfrost exclaimed, quite shocked. It had not been long since Flowerstars passing and her faithful deputy of many moons had clearly taken no time to morn.

"I see no point in waiting, it was obvious that Flowerstar was soon going to be joining StarClan" he answered smoothly. Mudpelt stood beside him and twitched his whiskers, it was clear he felt uncomfortable with the leaders quick decisions. Lightningfrost dipped her head in response, it was best she probably kept her opinions to herself considering what she was about to ask.

"May I speak – "she began, but once again she was cut off.

"I know why you are here" He said looking down at her with narrowed green eyes. Lightningfrost bit back a growl at the newly appointed leaders rude interruption. Cloudsky looked up at her mate then back to Lightningfrost, concern stained her blue eyes. The pretty white warrior was not keen on unnecessary conflicted. Lightningfrost waited a few heart beats before answering, just in case she was cut off once more.

"Then there is no need to waste any time is there?" she said coolly. Greatstar looked to Mudpelt and dipped his head.

"What's he doing?" Thistlehawk whispered to himself. Lightningfrost narrowed her blue eyes, something was right. Mudpelt looked hesitant but rose to his paws and walked into his leaders den. The MeadowClan warriors hung their heads and shuffled their paws uncomfortably.

"Somethings not right here" Nighthawk whispered in fear. Lightningfrost tried to calm her with the tip of her tail on her paw but it was no use, Nighthawks heart was pounding her in her chest. Mudpelt then emerged, dragging something limp with him. He pushed the body of the cat over the ledge, right in front of Lightningfrost. The cat was badly injured, his pelt was mattered in cuts and blood. Lightningfrosts heart almost stopped when she noticed who it was, Treewish. The long-limbed tabby tom seemed to not be breathing. Nighthawk let out a cry and ran to check on her mate. Lightningfrost growled at looked up at Greatstar who was now joined by Beesting and Silverwing. The three cats looked down on her with grins in their faces.

"Lightningfrost, he is alive" Thistlehawk said crouched down next to him, his milky green eyes glowed with anger.

"He's all yours Lightningfrost, get him out of my sight" Greatstar growled. She rose to her paws, her fur bristling. She tried with all her might I stop herself from attacking the tom, she looked over to her injured friend.

"Why?" she hissed looking back up at him. Greatstar smiled at looked to Nighthawk.

"He betrayed our clan by becoming mates with the enemy" he answered simply. Nighthawk let out a low growl, tears streaked down her face.

"Think- "Beesting began but was cut off by Greatstar

"Think of this as a warning," the leader said, he then turned to the rest of the camp "MeadowClan are no longer weak! Any cat who betrays this clan will receive the same fate as Treewish! Or worse, they will join StarClan" he spat. He looked back down to Lightningfrost with burning hatred on his face.

"Now leave and take him with you" he snarled. Lightningfrost said nothing in return. She bounded over to his injured friend and helped him to his paws.

"He needs to be seen straight away by Cherrytree, Nighthawk, go ahead and warn her" Thistlehawk instructed. The black warrior nodded and ran out of the camp.

"oh, and Lightningfrost," Greatstar said, she turned around to face him. His stood right in front of her, his green eyes burned into her blue ones, he leaned in "I haven't forgotten about what you done to my son, Rabbitjump" he whispered. She held his stare for a moment longer before bother cats parted ways.

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