Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Lightningfrost bounded through the barrier, she was a whiskers length away from Hawksouls back tipped tail. They then sped across the clearing towards a den made out of large rocks hollowed out from the sea. They slowly made there way inside. The den was cool and had the salty musk of the sea, Vineheart was curled up in a corner. Hawksoul walked towards her and prodded her with his paw. The old she-cat turned her head slowly, her only amber eye studied him.

"What you want?" She rasped slowly sitting up. Lightningfrost unsheathed her claws.

"Where is the Mountain Of Secrets?" She hissed. Vineheart laughed, she coughed after.

"So young, so strong, such beauty but so rude" Vineheart snarled, Lightningfrost narrows her eyes. Her long black fur bristled. Hawksoul rested his tail on Vinehearts grey streaked shoulder.

"Can you just tell us were to find it please?" Hawksoul asked polity tilting his head to one side, his bright green eyes soft.

"And why would you young'ins wanna go there?" She scowled, Lightningfrost was loosing her patience.

"StarClan told me to go" Lightningfrost said, her voice cracking as she tried to keep calm. Vineheart studied her.

"Humph, and if I's tell you what in it for me?" She said, Lightningfrost took in a deep breath.

"I won't rake your ears off" she challenged. Hawksoul smiled.

"That a good enough reason?" He asked the old she-cat. Vineheart let out a raspy laugh.

"She won't do nuttin!" Vineheart hissed, she grinned showing yellow rotting teeth. Lightningfrost unsheathed her claws.

"Try me crow food" Lightningfrost snarled. Vineheart froze and twitched her whiskers.

"Fine I will tell you were it is" Vineheart sighed. Lightningfrost lifted her chin and her blue eyes blazed in satisfactory.

"Right so how do we get there?" Hawksoul asked crouching down.

"Well you must first of all find the highest peak of the mountains that disappear into the clouds," Vineheart paused of affect. Lightningfrost dragged her claws down the rock making a loud screeching sound. Vineheart and Hawksoul looked up at her.

"Just tell us where it is, get to the point" Lightningfrost said dryly sitting down. Vineheart glared at her.

"You follow the silver birch trees until you come to a river, once you cross the river you look for the highest and largest mountain. Once you're near to the top of that mountain look for a cave, only you DarkClan, can go in there" Vineheart said, Lightningfrost narrowed her eyes.

"Why only me?"

"Cause you need to hear what it has to say" Vineheart said. Lightningfrost smiled and shook her head.

"I think you have eaten a rotten mouse, mountains can't talk" she said, the black warrior rose to her paws. She had heard enough.

"But this one can" Vineheart whispered. The DarkClan warrior froze. She narrowed her eyes and looked over her shoulder.

"We will see" Lightningfrost said. She found a warm rock to lay on next to Grassblade.

"Oh hi Lightningfrost!" The small tom said. She nodded to him.

"Did you go on the dawn patrol?" Lightningfrost asked him licking her white paws and dragging it over her muzzle.

"Yeah, some foxes have past through but they didn't stay long." The tom said, he licked his ginger tail.

"How is Shellpaw's training?" Lightningfrost mewed. The small toms brown eyes blazed excitedly.

"Tomorrow will be his and Sharppaws assessments, they have trained so hard and well I so proud of both of them" Grassblade said happily. Shellpaw and Sharppaw were found shivering outside OceanClan at 5 moons old, Grassblade had told her the story. Saltstar let them join the clan, with persuading from Sandfur.

"I hope they do well" Lightningfrost said dipping her head.

"So do I, I better go and tell Sandfur and Saltstar!" He said briskly, he scampered off towards her den. Lightningfrost smiled to herself, she had gotten along with the ginger tom. They would go on patrols and she would give Shellpaw training tips. Cherrypaw and Grassblade were going to be the main cats she will miss.


Her eyes flicked open and a paw prodded her awake. Cherrypaw stood over her, her green eyes blazing. Her bright green eyes glowing in the moon light. She must have fell asleep on the rock.

"What?" Lightningfrost growled in a irritable voice.

"I have my medicine cat name now!" Cherrypaw squeaked. Lightningfrost sat up and stretched her front limbs.

"What is it?" She yawned.

"Well I'm now Cherrytree!" She said, her voice bursting with pride. Lightningfrost smiled and nudged her with her nose.

"Congratulations Cherrytree" she purred.

"Thanks, and sorry to wake you up" Cherrytree said bounding off. Lightingfrost watched at her ginger tail disappeared into the medicine cat den. Lightningfrost sat there for a few heartbeats. She needed to get to the mountains and soon. Slowly she let out a long sigh as she looked into the dark blue sky to see the highest peaks of the mountain hidden.

"I'm sorry Hawksoul" she whispered, she turned around and slowly left the clearing. This was the last time she would see OceanClan.


Guys tell me who is your favourite cat from EACH clan! Tell me and I will give you a shout out and ur books a shout out 2!!!!!!

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