Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The three leaders sat there, each flanked by their deputy and senior warriors. Nighthawk awkwardly shuffled her paws, her gaze rested on the floor. Frogleap sat next to her, he gave her a reassuring lick on her shoulder which she replied to with a soft smile. Then, she diverted her gaze back to the soft ground. The MeadowClan cats sat opposite her, DarkClan to the left of MeadowClan.

"So how are we going to do this?" Mudpelt asked, his eyes narrowed. His firm gaze was on Shadestar, the DarkClan leader twitched his long whiskers. He looked to Flowerstar and Honeystar, the leaders eyes were full of worry.

"Last time they attacked during the day" Frogleap muttered. Nighthawks head snapped up, her eyes were wide. Confusion flooded over her, what did he mean last time? The other cats murmured in agreement.

"What do you mean last time?" Nighthawk asked. Frogleap looked at her then to Honeystar, the StreamClan leader said nothing. Flowerstar spoke in a raspy voice,

"Many moons ago, foxes attacked our clans, many lives were lost. It seems they won't give up" the old cat croaked. Grasseyes gave a quick glance to Mudpelt, he also looked irritated by Flowerstar. Nighthawk looked to the other cats, none of the others saw the glance between the deputy and senior warrior. She looked back at Grasseyes, the large tom was staring at her, his green eyes narrowed into slits. Mudpelt also had his gaze on her, the two cats knew she saw. Nighthawk cleared her throat.

"They might attack at night this time" she said. Thistlehawk snorted.

"Don't be so mouse-brained, foxes are sly. They know that's what we will be thinking" the muscular tom said. Nighthawks ears burned. Frogleap bristled, his claws unsheathed as his gaze burned into the DarkClan cats. Thistlehawk seem unamused by Frogleap, as he kept his gaze on Nighthawk.

"She has a point Thistlehawk, they might try a different tactic this time" Frogleap tried to keep his voice under control, trying not to snarl at the grey and white tom. Thistlehawk rolled his milky green eyes, Nighthawk was staring to get worried about a fight breaking out. The last thing they needed was more bloodshed.

"Maybe we could reason with them?" She added quickly trying to get the attention of both toms. She glanced from Frogleap to Thistlehawk. Thistlehawk let out a roar of laughter.

"How mouse-brained are you?! Can you speak fox? Even if you did they wouldn't listen! They never do! StreamClan cats are so fish-brained" he growled, Nighthawk was taken back by his insulting comment. Even though what he said was true, it was a stupid thing to say. Nighthawk knew the main reason behind his comment was all the anger and hurt built up about losing his daughter, she would never truly understand his pain even thought she knew she wasn't lost, she was just on a mission from StarClan. Frogleap jumped to his paws startling Nighthawk, her father hissed at the tom.

"Don't talk to her like that" he hissed through gritted teeth. Nighthawks heart started to quicken. She looked to the other cats, they say there calmly observing the two warriors. Shadestar lightly flicked his tail in curiosity on what his warrior would do next.

"Don't start a fight you know you would lose" Thistlehawk yawned, Nighthawk now knew that Lightningfrost took after her father; proud, feisty and wouldn't back down from a fight. Grasseyes and Mudpelt grinned at the two toms. Frogleap was about the pounce on Thistlehawk but Flowerstar slowly got to her paws.

"Enough!" She rasped, the two cats looked at her, "this is still my camp, I don't want any fights here. Please control your warriors" the old car sighed. Nighthawk felt sorry for the old she-cat. It was clear she could just about walk, her bones were starting to show through her grey pelt. Shadestar dipped his head slowly.

"I'm sorry Flowerstar for my warriors attitude" Shadestar said casting a quick glance at Thistlehawk. The grey and white tom twitched his whiskers.

"Sorry Flowerstar" Frogleap muttered. Flowerstar let out a small huff and stiffly crouched back down.

"Nighthawk, tell us what you would do" Troutpool said, her soft voice helping to break the tension between the cats. Nighthawk looked to Thistlehawk to see if the tom would make comment but his green gaze was fixed on Flowerstar.

"We should set up regular patrols around MeadowClan territory, see where the foxes go the most" She suggested. The cats began to discuss with one another before Shadestar raised his tail for silence.

"You said there were fox cubs?" Shadestar questioned. Before Nighthawk could answer Mudpelt cut in.

"We should kill them, make the flea pelts pay for trespassing on our territories" he growled. Grasseyes nodded in agreement with the brown tabby tom. Nighthawk shook her head.

"If we do that they will attack straight away, we won't have time to prepare. And they wouldn't leave the Cubs unguarded, do you want to risk warriors lives?" She challenged, Mudpelt narrowed his brown eyes.

"So what should we do?!" He spat, the fur on his neck started to bristle.

"Leave the young" she said. Shadestar shook his head.

"We did that last time, now look what's happened" Shadestar growled. Nighthawk looked to the other cats who were sharing glances to each other.

"But they're innocent!" she exclaimed. Flowerstar coughed and took in a deep breath.

"They would grow up wanting revenge on us for killing their kin, if they killed Frogleap and Sandyshore wouldn't you want revenge?" The old cat questioned. Flowerstar had a point. Nighthawk hated to admit it but they were right.

"We will kill the Cubs once the battle is over" Troutpool said softly. The cats nodded.

"So the plan on attacking the foxes?" Honeystar asked impatiently. Adderfang for the first time spoke, the old tom looked at the cats.

"We should surround the foxes, get the fastest MeadowClan cats the lead them into an open part of the territory then the rest of us can surround them, the cats that lead the foxes there can run back to the camp to protect the kits" Adderfang suggested.

"That's a great idea, turns out StreamClan cats don't have bees in their brains" Thistlehawk chuckled with a grin on his face. The other cats let our purrs of laughter, Honeystar just scowled. Nighthawk felt happy that the clans were finally getting along.

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